

Research of Standardization of Theft Sentencing

【作者】 常文静

【导师】 路军;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 盗窃犯罪作为刑法实践中较为常见和多发的一类犯罪,因其行为的复杂性不断攀升,以致对于盗窃罪的量刑已不再局限于原有的标准。特别是《刑法修正案(八)》中对于盗窃罪相关内容的更改,现行的《量刑指导意见》在量刑规定方面已出现明显缺陷。本文以一起多次入户盗窃案件中二被告人的量刑为依托,根据已颁行的《量刑指导意见》的相关规定,阐述现有法律规范及实践操作中存在的不足。同时依据《量刑指导意见》对于盗窃罪量刑的具体规定,并参照个别省份的《量刑实施细则》,在已有的理论和实践研究成果的基础之上,结合本案的量刑引发的思考和启示,尝试根据盗窃罪的固有属性及犯罪特征,对其量刑过程进行更为科学的理论完善和实践规范。本文分为三个部分:第一部分主要对所引述的案例进行简要介绍。通过对该案量刑过程的分析,归纳本案的争议焦点及对引发的问题进行限定说明。本案中对于两位被告人的量刑所反映的问题主要集中为:量刑起点的确定标准脱离实际及刑罚刑种确定的标准不一;基准刑的调节调节的标准固化及基准刑的调节尺度缺乏层次性;拟宣告刑的量刑情节的适用缺乏顺序性及量刑情节适用尺度的任意性。第二部分对已提出的问题进行详细分析。此部分在现行法律规范的基础上,对盗窃罪量刑的各步骤逐一进行分析。笔者认为,现行的法律规范对于量刑起点的规定以数额作为绝对标准,以致于影响到基准刑的调节标准,最后将其他量刑情节退而求其次的规定和实践已明显违背立法本意。因此笔者在此部分占用很大篇幅对于盗窃罪量刑起点的选定及基准刑的调节理论规范中存在的不足及实践缺陷进行阐述,并对拟宣告刑的情节选定、适用顺序以及比例调试等问题逐一进行分析,试图在现有理论背景下对已存在的实践问题进一步进行明确和规范。第三部分主要从理论方面对盗窃罪的规范化量刑提出建议。笔者通过对本案的量刑进行重新简析,明确盗窃罪量刑的具体步骤。并提出对于盗窃罪量刑从量刑起点的确定到基准刑的调节最后直至拟宣告刑的确立各个环节中存在问题提出针对性的见解及改进方案。笔者认为,针对现有法律对于盗窃罪应明确量刑起点的标准,统一量刑起点的刑种,并对基准刑的调节要与量刑起点的标准一致,且做到调节尺度层次分明,最后在拟宣告刑的确立方面要做到情节选择科学化、选择尺度全局把握,才能最终实现规范化量刑。

【Abstract】 Practice as a criminal offense of theft is more common and a class of crime-prone, because the complexity of the rising acts, resulting in the sentencing for the theft is no longer limited to the original standard. Especially the "Criminal Law Amendment (h)" in the theft-related changes in the content, the existing "sentencing guidance" on sentencing provisions have significant defects. In this paper, along with several burglaries in the two cases rely on the defendant’s sentencing, under the enactment of the "sentencing guidance," the relevant provisions of existing laws and regulations and explain the flaws in practical operation. At the same time based on "sentencing guidance" for the theft of specific sentencing provisions, and with reference to the individual provinces, "the implementation details of sentencing" in existing theory and practice based on research results, combined with the case of sentencing Reflections and inspiration, try based on the inherent attributes of theft and criminal sentencing process more of its characteristics of scientific theory and practice of improving standards. This paper is divided into three parts:The first part of the main cases cited briefly. Sentencing process through the analysis of the case, summarized the focus of the case and the controversy caused by the problem of limited description. This case the defendant’s sentencing for two issues mainly reflected as follows: starting point to determine the actual and penalties from the criminal standard criteria established by different kinds; benchmark sentence of regulation and adjustment of the standard cure the lack of base-level sentence adjustment scale sex; to be declared criminal lack of application of the sentencing order and sentencing of any of the applicable scale.The second part of the problem have been put forward for detailed analysis. This part of the current legal framework, based on the sentencing of theft of the steps one by one analysis. The author believes that the existing legal norms for the sentencing provisions of the amount as a starting point of an absolute standard, which affect the baseline sentence in the regulation of standards, and finally the next best thing to the other sentencing provisions and practice have clearly contrary to legislative intent. So I take up much space in this part of the starting point for the theft and the benchmark sentence of selected theories and principles in the regulation of the shortcomings and defects described the practice, and to be declared criminal plot selected for the proportion of the order, and debugging analysis of problems one by one, trying to existing theories in the context of the existing clear and practical issues for further specification.The third part of the main theoretical aspects of the theft from the standardization of sentencing recommendations. By the author of Analysis of the case re-sentencing, sentencing of specific steps to clearly theft. And proposed penalty for theft from a starting point to determine the baseline until the last sentence of the regulation be declared the establishment of criminal issues that exist in all aspects of insight and targeted improvement program. I believe that existing laws against the theft should be clear starting point for a standard, unified starting point of sentence types, and the regulation of the benchmark sentence with the starting point of the standards, and adjust the scale so structured, the last to be declared in The establishment of criminal choice in the circumstances to achieve scientific and choose a global scale to grasp in order to ultimately achieve the standardization of sentencing

【关键词】 盗窃罪量刑规范化
【Key words】 TheftSentencingStandardized
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】205

