

Military Management Power and Cadets’ Rights Conflict and Its Countermeasures

【作者】 李芳

【导师】 王月明;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从刘某诉北大博士学位案开学生状告母校之先例后,在校生之间就处分决定或学位授予方面的纠纷诉讼就层出不穷。这说明在我国在法治建设上已经取得了长足的进步,象牙塔内的“骄子们”开始摆脱了传统消极法治观念的束缚而树立起权利观念,并勇于“为权利而斗争”地采取维权行动。尽管就目前而言,因为军队院校现阶段军事化行政管理的色彩浓厚,尚无学员状告学校事件的发生。但我们也应看到,军校并非独立于世的,必然要受到社会上各种好的或者不良风气的影响。在国民素质大幅提高,法治程度不断提升,而高等教育法治化又被纳入大众视线引起广泛关注的大背景下,军队院校必须加强对相关领域的理论和对策研究,提高依法治军、依法治校的水平。本文就现行的院校管理工作提出几点思考,旨在解决军队院校管理权和学员权利之间的突出矛盾。本文介绍了我国军队院校的简要情况及其管理体制,对军校管理权与学员权利的各自方面进行了探讨:在明确军校管理权概念的基础上分析了其主要内容和特点,探讨了军校管理权的法律依据,通过对军校法律地位的分析,明确了军校管理权的“权力”性质;对学员的外延加以界定,分析了学员权利的特殊性,明确了学员权利的法律依据及其基本内容,并阐释了依法对学员权利进行的限制。本文重点研究了军校管理权与学员权利之间的冲突问题和解决之道。通过对两者法律关系定位出发,就军校管理权和学员权利之间的关系进行了探讨,明确了军校管理侵权的类型,从历史的、法律的、制度的、军校内部管理和学员自身五个角度分析了军校管理权与学员权利冲突的原因。本文从分析权利与权力的关系入手,提出了一些有利于解决军校管理权与学员权利冲突的对策,通过对军校管理权的规范和约束以及完善救济保障机制来保护学员权利。首先军校管理者应当树立法治观念、严格依法办事,其次从法律层面要完善现行教育法律体系,最重要的是对院校管理体制的改革。而学员则要加强自身的权利意识,在现有的权利保障和救济机制下依法维权。本文寄望于从管理学、教育学和法学交融的新视角为军队院校实现依法治军、依法治校提供些许的帮助。

【Abstract】 Since miss Liu, a student of Peking University, court the Peking University for doctor’s degree, a sires of cases appear that students sued their school. This fully reflects that in a“rule of law”society, more and more concentration has been paid on "right”rather than on“power”. That is to say, people’s awareness of their rights have been generally improved. More and more people, including students, take a serious attitude toward rights and struggle for it. Although for now, there is no occurrence of military academies because of their strict administration, what is certain is that military school is not in a vacuum, it will be subject to social impact. With the development of social life, the concept of the rule of law is being accepted by more and more people, and the legal system of higher education received extensive attention. The military academies also need to strengthen the research of relevant theory and strategies to improve the“rule by law”administration. This thesis,make a few think on the existing management of institutions, tries to turn a light on solving the contradictions between management power of military academies and rights of students. This article briefly describes military academy of China and its management system, discusses the management power of military academy and rights of students. Analys the main contents and characteristics of the military academy management power on the basis of its concept. Investigate the legal basis of general law and military law on this subject. By analysing the legal status of military academy, confirm military academy management“power”in nature. Define the extension of cadets, discuss the special nature of rights of cadets, legal basis and basic contents of cadets’rights. Interpret restrictions on student rights according to law. This thesis focuses on the conflict of military academy management power and student rights. Starting from the positioning of the two’s legal relationship, discuss the relationship between military management power and rights of students, make clear the type of infringement of military management, analyse the causes of the conflict from the aspect of historical, legal, institutional, military internal management and students. By analysis of the relationship between rights and power, this thesis also put forward some countermeasure helpful to resolve the conflict, use norms and constraints of military academy management rights and complete relief protection mechanisms to protect cadets’rights. First, managers should establish a military rule of law. Secondly, improve the existing legal system of education from a legal perspective. The most important is the reform of management system for institutions. The cadets should strengthen their awareness of rights, assert their rights according to existing protection and relief mechanism. With a view to adopting this research,it could make a modest contribution to explore the laws of military management, regulate management practice, protect cadets’rights and eventually improve the quality of the military education.


