

The Development and Introspection of Chinese Legal History during 1980s

【作者】 陈艳

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 中国法制史学是研究中国法制史的一门学科,探索中国历史上的法律制度如何传承,实际运行的效果如何,其在维护社会秩序等方面究竟扮演怎样的角色等等问题。在中国古代,法制史学是传统史学的一个重要部分。清代则出现了专门有意识从事法制史研究的学者,如薛允升、沈家本。他们对历代法制的考证研究,使得传统法制史学向现代法制史学的转变迈进了一步。20世纪上半叶,五四新文化运动传播了西方资产阶级史学理论,在此背景下诞生了一大批有着开阔视野和多元化研究方法的中国法制史学者。新中国成立以后,国家按照前苏联的法制发展模式,建立了社会主义法律体系。之后因为受到法律虚无主义思潮的影响,加上此起彼伏的政治运动,彻底推翻了刚刚建立起来的法律体系。尤其是文革的十年,对法制的摧残更是到了无以加复的地步,致使法制史学也处于停滞阶段。文革结束后,1979年在长春召开了中国法律史学会成立大会,会上集中讨论了学科重建问题,使得法制史学在停滞了数十年之后,得以接续学术传统,开始恢复和发展。本文通过梳理这一时期中国法制史学科发展的过程,分析具有代表性学者的研究成果,探究学科发展的社会环境和制度条件,总结学科发展中的经验和教训,以期揭示中国法制史学发展的规律。全文分为四部分,第一部分导言介绍中国法制史学的相关背景和概念,并作简单的学术回顾。第一章从社会环境、中国法制史学的学科建设及其他学科对其影响、国内外学术会议与交流等若干方面描述中国法制史学的外部发展环境,彰显本学科与社会环境、时代背景之间的相互关系。第二章通过考察学者们于此时期在研究对象、研究视角、研究方法、研究成果等方面所取得的进步与不足,探索中国法制史学内在发展理路。第三章通过与同时期台湾地区法制史学发展状况的横向比较以及与建国后至80年代、90年代的纵向比较,阐明80年代中国法制史学的发展特点,并就方法论问题、物与词的矛盾以及传统法的借鉴问题提出几点反思。事实上,历史研究都有其先验性和主观性,毕竟过去的一切已经死了,不再有纯粹的客观可言,问题的关键在于如何解读历史,如何用现代人的心智去碰撞和激活埋葬在尘土下的记忆,而本文正是从收集这些“碰撞”出的火花开始……

【Abstract】 The legal history of China is a subject of studying Chinese legal history, which explores the inheritance and implementation of legal systems in Chinese history. In ancient China, legal history is an important part in traditional history. In Qing Dynasty, there appeared some scholars who specialized in legal history research, which promoted traditional legal history to transform into modern legal history. In 20th century, New Culture Movement introduced western Capitalism history theory, and then quite a lot of scholars with broad views and rich knowledge researched on Chinese legal history. After People’s Republic of China was established, we founded socialism legal systems in term of Soviet Union’s. Later, continuous political movements broke the legal system, especially during the time of Culture Revolution.The period of 1980s is a special historical sign to the Chinese legal history academic circle: A great conference was held in Changchun in 1979 after the Cultural Revolution, where the Chinese Legal History Society was set up. Meanwhile, the reconstruction of the subject including recovery and development was discussed so as to continue the academic tradition.This thesis is expected to disclose the regular pattern of the development of Chinese legal history throughout analyzing the results of some representative scholars, exploring the condition and social environment for the subject’s growth and summarizing the experience and lesson.It is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the relevant background of Chinese legal history and makes a simple academic review.The second part describes the external interaction between the subject and social environment from the perspective of other subjects, international conferences.The third part aims at the inner developmental way by investigating the progress and shortcomings our scholars have made from the study perspective, methods, results and other aspects.The last part clarifies the characteristics of the 1980s Chinese legal history’s study through the comparison with the 1970s and 1990s. In addition, the comparison with Taiwan will be tried. And introspection such as methodological problems, the contradiction between words and things and the references to the traditional law should be noticed.In fact, history study is transcendental and subjective, as all the past is gone and no pure objective fact exists. Accordingly, the key point is how to interpret the history and how to activate the memory buried under the earth in today’s modern society.


