

Research on Judicial Determination and Penalty Measurement of the Crime of Intentional Injury

【作者】 王琦

【导师】 沈亮;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 故意伤害罪作为一种传统的侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪类型,一直都倍受刑法学界的关注,其相关规定已有四千多年的历史积淀,在1979年刑法和1997年刑法中都有明确规定。时至今日有关故意伤害罪的相关法律规定已较为完善和详细,相应的刑事司法制度也渐渐建立。不过,随着社会的发展,故意伤害罪呈现的犯罪手段和形式也变得越来越复杂,也正是由于其的复杂性使许多法律适用问题在理论上和司法实践中存有争议,还有许多疑难问题亟待在理论上和司法适用上解决。笔者经过对有关网络和相关书籍中有关故意伤害罪的一些学术文章的研读后发现,虽然在刑法理论学界对故意伤害进行了长期的研究和探讨,几乎对每一个问题,学者们都有过不同的观点,但是不同时期学者们的关注度却不同。在新中国成立的最初时期学者们就故意伤害罪的四个犯罪构成、罪与非罪的界限、与其他相近罪名之间的界限等问题进行了详细的研究,而近些年学者们又对故意伤害罪的犯罪形态、精神伤害、伤害后果及故意伤害罪的量刑等方面进行了探讨。经过对相关文章的研读和梳理后笔者认为学者们对故意伤害罪的未遂犯罪形态、精神伤害方面的研究虽较多,但仍旧存在较大的争议。对故意伤害罪与故伤害杀人罪的区别、故意伤害罪与寻衅滋事罪的区别方面虽一直都在研究,但还不够深入。对故意伤害罪是一种结果犯方面虽有所研究,但有关伤情鉴定效力、期限、时间等问题还没有详细的研究。对“宽严相济”刑事政策下的故意伤害罪的量刑部分、致人多处伤害致多人伤害的故意伤害罪的量刑部分、非法拘禁等犯罪转化为故意伤害罪的量刑部分都缺少探讨。因此,笔者将立足现有研究成果的基础上,借鉴相关国家的立法规定,结合自身工作实践中积累的一些数据和案例,分析我国有关故意伤害罪方面立法的不完善之处,分析在刑法学界出现的争议问题,在论述故意伤害罪的立法沿革、概念、犯罪构成的基础上,重点对故意伤害罪的司法认定及量刑中的上述疑难问题进行探讨,目的是为在今后的司法实践中提供一些指导作用以及为完善立法上的一些缺陷提供一些帮助。

【Abstract】 The crime of intentional injury, as a traditional criminal type of trespassing on the people’s personal rights, has always been attracting much attention from the academic circle of criminal law. Its relevant stipulations have developed for four thousand years and were clearly written in the criminal law of both 1979 and 1997 version. Nowadays, the relevant stipulations have become relatively perfect and detailed. The corresponding criminal judicial system has been gradually established. However, with the development of the society, the means and forms of committing this crime have become more and more complicated. Because of this complexity, many problems involving legal application are controversial both in theory and judicial practice. Many difficult problems await solution both in theory and judicial practice.The author finds out, after reading and researching some academic articles about this crime, that the academic circle of criminal law theory has performed a long-term research and discussion on this crime and scholars have almost had different opinions on every problem, but the scholars in different times have different concerns. At the early time after the establishment of new China, the scholars carried out a detailed research on the four constitutive elements of this crime, the division between crime and non-crime and the division between this crime and other similar crimes. Recently the scholars have probed into its criminal patterns, mental injury, consequences of injury and penalty measurement.By studying and organizing the relative articles, the author forms the opinion that, although the scholars have done a lot of research on the patterns of attempt to commit this crime and mental injury, there is still much disagreement. The research on the difference between this crime and voluntary manslaughter and on the difference between this crime and the crime of provocation is still not deep enough. Although some research has been done on the consequential offense of this crime, there is no detailed research on the validity, time limit and time of injury identification. There is also a lack of examination on the penalty measurement of this crime under the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, in the case of inflicting several injuries to a person or inflicting harm to several persons, or in the case of being resulted from false imprisonment. Therefore, in the hope of perfecting the lawmaking and providing useful reference and help for handling this crime in the practice, the author will analyze the relevant faults in the lawmaking of this crime and controversial problems within the academic circle of criminal law, based on current achievements in the research, referring to lawmaking stipulation in relevant countries, in combination with some data and cases gathered from personal work and practice, and will mainly explore the above difficult problems in the judicial determination and penalty measurement of this crime on the basis of elaborating the lawmaking evolution, concept and constitutive elements of this crime.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【下载频次】248

