

The Reseach of Transferring the Stock Right of Hidden Shareholders

【作者】 徐淑华

【导师】 陈岱松;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济活动中,隐名投资现象广泛存在,《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定(三)》针对这种现象作了较为详细的规定。在隐名投资情形下,公司相关文件中记名的人与实际出资人相分离。这种“名实分离”的存在,极易引起纠纷,在涉及到第三人时尤其如此。由于隐名股东或显名股东擅自转让股权予第三人而引起的纠纷,集中体现了隐名投资的复杂性。这类纠纷,不仅牵涉到公司法关于股权转让的规定,更重要的是涉及到隐名股东股东资格的确认,这个无论在司法实践还是学界讨论中都是令人困惑的难题。这类纠纷由于关涉到公司外的第三人,又带出保护真正权利人的利益与保护善意第三人的利益这对矛盾。本文分三部分论述,第一部分概括了隐名股东的基本理论和法律规定;第二部分主要是对隐名股东与相关利益主体之间的法律关系的论述;第三部分将隐名投资情形下的股权转让纠纷分为显名股东向第三人转让股权引起纠纷和隐名股东向第三人转让股权引起纠纷两种类型进行论述。本文在阐述观点时采用了比较分析的方法,从比较分析中理解学界目前对同一问题的不同解决方法,对不同学说之间进行介绍和对比。通过比较分析的方法,在隐名股东股权转让这一问题的研究中,笔者在分析“协议型隐名股东与显名股东之间的法律关系”时,认为“显名股东与隐名股东之间为一种类似于信托的法律关系”,较之前学界存在的消费借贷合同、委托合同等观点,无疑更具合理性。在讨论隐名股东基本理论和隐名股东与其他主体法律关系的基础上,联系最新出台的司法解释,遵循保持各方主体的利益平衡、维护公司组织法律关系的稳定性、优先保护善意第三人的利益、体现商法的公示主义和外观主义及制裁法律规避行为等原则的基础上,结合笔者亲身经办的案例,对如何处理此类纠纷提出了自己的看法。此外,由于笔者水平有限,对于论文不足的地方,有待于在今后的实践中继续加以研究,以期得到更为完整而有意义的成果。

【Abstract】 In the reality life, anonymous investment is a quite common phenomenon on which there are detailed regulations in The Corporations Law of the People’s Republic of China (C) by the Supreme Court. In the case of anonymous investment, an anonymous investor is separated from the actual one, which can lead to disputes easily when it comes to the third person in particular. The disputes, which are caused by the anonymous or apparent shareholders’transferring their ownership to a third party without authorization, embody the complexity of anonymous investment. Such disputes, as confusing problems either in the judicial practice or in the academic field, involve not only the provisions on share transfer of Corporations Act, but also the conformation of eligible anonymous shareholders. Meanwhile, such disputes bring about a contradiction between the protection of the real interests of right holders and the protection of the interests of bona fide third due to a third person outside the company.This article is divided into three parts. The first part summarized basic theories of anonymous shareholders and legal regulations. The second mainly stated the relationships between anonymous shareholders and relative interests’objects. The third part analyzed two types of disputes caused by the apparent or anonymous shareholders’transferring their ownership to a third party. This article has employed the comparative analysis through which the author has comprehended the different solutions to the same problem, introduced various theories and made a contrast. Finally, the author holds that it is more reasonable to describe the relationship between apparent shareholders and anonymous shareholders as a similar legal relationship such as trust than previous loan contract for consumption and commission contract.On the basis of the discussion on anonymous shareholders’basic theories and legal relationships between anonymous shareholders and other objects, the author has put forward personal view on how to deal with such disputes by relating to the latest judicial interpretation and combining with the case handled the author personally.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】419

