

Research on the Conclusion System of Collective Contract

【作者】 卫祎

【导师】 何全民;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经历了体制改革、结构调整等历史性变革转型时期,随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,市场化的劳动关系已经基本形成,并且正在逐步占据主导的地位。相应的,我国的社会主义劳动法律体系也随之发展和建立。然而,随着我国经济体制改革的不断深化,劳动者的自身权益保障问题也开始凸现,劳资关系不均衡是现阶段劳动关系领域中的基本特征。为了应对这一点,我国在劳动法律相关规定中,效仿国外的先进经验,设立了集体合同制度,近二十多年来,我国一直在坚定地推动集体合同制度,使集体合同制度,这一市场经济条件下协调劳资关系的重要机制能够发挥出更大的作用,并且能够促进劳资双方和平协作,互利共赢,通过意思自治和国家的有力指导,实现劳资关系协调一致,促进社会和谐和稳定。而能够更好地发展和谐的劳动关系、更好地保护劳动者的合法权益,集体合同订立制度的建立和完善是其中必不可少的一个重要内容。改革开放的前二十年,人们关注的大多是个体的劳动关系,理论界也更加关注个体劳动者与雇主的关系问题,而对于保护范围较大,涉及面较广的集体劳动关系的研究少之又少。随着我国提出要“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”、“形成有中国特色社会主义法律体系”这一基本国家政策之后,近十年来,我国理论界对于集体合同法律制度,尤其是集体合同订立制度的研究呈现出全面、深化的特点。由于集体合同理论的探索和研究时间不是很长,导致在实践中,能够完全适应市场化劳资关系的集体合同订立制度还很不完善,形成不了一整套的集体合同订立制度的运行机制,并且,建立体系完备、条理清晰的集体合同订立制度是完善我国社会主义市场经济体制的必然要求。所以,加强集体合同订立制度的理论研究,对于集体合同的实际运行是有着极其重要的作用。集体合同订立制度是在市场经济体制下劳动关系的矛盾运动中发展产生的,其既是一种维护机制,即维护劳动者自身的合法劳动权益;又是一种企业制度,即其本身的建立有利于稳定企业的劳动关系,促进全社会的经济发展和运行,集体合同订立制度作为集体合同制度的重要的开端程序具有十分重要的实用价值。从合同的广义角度来看,任何一个合同,都有订立、变更、履行、解除和终止的程序,本文通过集体合同订立这一角度来加以研究。第一章是集体合同订立制度的理论概述部分,主要阐述了集体合同的概念和种类,对比了集体合同与劳动合同的区别。特别是通过比较分析的方法,创造性地提出了集体合同订立制度的概念,并且通过法理学的相关内容论证了集体合同订立制度概念的主要法律特征和价值。第二章是集体合同订立主体的研究,首先通过对比的方法提出了集体合同订立主体的概念和性质,并且创造性地对于集体合同订立主体概念和性质进行了法律分析。对于集体合同订立主体的定位问题,提出了现阶段的三个学术界的学说,并对此进行了深入的评析,并认为,“工会主体说”是适合我国集体合同订立制度的学说。其次,对于近几年提出的“集体合同三方协调机制”制度,进行了分析,并提出了完善的策略。第三章是集体合同条款的研究,从理论上说,集体合同条款也是集体合同订立制度的组成部分,对此,笔者通过国外发达国家的发展以及我国的历史发展,进行研究借鉴,提出了适合我国集体合同条款划分的内容,并且提出了完善我国集体合同条款与劳动合同条款的协调关系的对策。第四章是集体合同汀立程序的研究,笔者通过国外发达国家集体合同订立程序的研究,提出了我国集体合同订立程序的借鉴之处,创造性地提出了我国集体合同订立程序的建议以及健全我国集体合同订立程序机制的对策、

【Abstract】 Since reforming and opening, our country experienced reform, structural adjustment and other historic reform transition period, along with the constant development of the socialist market economy, the market-based labor relation has been formed basically, and is gradually occupy a dominant position. Accordingly, socialist labor legal system of our country also will develop and build. However, as China’s economic system reform continued to deepen, the security of the rights and interests of workers also begins protruding to show, labor-capital relations disequilibrium is the stage of labor relations in the field of basic characteristics. In response to this, our country,in the labor law, follow the advanced experience of foreign countries, the establishment of a collective contract system, nearly twenty coming for years, our country has been firmly promoted the collective contract system, the collective contract system under the condition of market economy, the coordination of labor relations is the important mechanism can play a more big effect, and can promote the labor both sides of peaceful cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win, the autonomy and national strong guidance, realize labor relations coordination, the promotion of social harmony and stability.And to better the development of harmonious labor relations, to better protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers, collective contract system establishment and the consummation is one of the indispensable important content. The reform and opening up twenty years ago, people pay close attention to the individual labor relations, academic groups also pay more attention to individual worker and employer relationship problems, and to protect the range is wide, involve wide collective labor relations research are few and far between. Along with our country puts forward to "ruling the country by law, building a socialist country ruled by law", "the formation of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics" as a basic national policy, coming nearly ten years, the theory circle of our country for the collective contract systems, especially the collective contract systems, deepen the research showing the full features. As a result of the collective contract theory exploration and research are not a very long time, resulting in practicing, to fully adapt to the market of labor relations in the collective contract system is not perfect, cannot form a complete set of collective contract system operational mechanism, and establish the system of comprehensive, clearly, the collective contract system is to improve my in the socialist market economy. Therefore, to strengthen the collective contract system theory research, the practical operation for the collective contract is a very important role.Collective contract system is in the market economy labor relations contradiction in development, it is a kind of maintenance mechanism, namely the maintenance workers’legitimate rights and interests of labor; it is a kind of enterprise system, i.e., its establishment is conducive to the stability of the enterprise labor relations, to promote the social and economic development and operation, collective contract system as a collective contract system is important in the beginning process has very important practical value.The generalized from the contract perspective, any contract, has concluded, alteration, discharge, lifting and the termination of the procedure, this article through the collective contract this one angle to study. The first chapter is the collective contract system overview of the theoretical part, mainly elaborated collective contract concept and type, contrast the collective contract and labor contract difference. Especially through the methods of comparative analysis, creatively put forward the concept of collective contract system and value, through the jurisprudence related content demonstrated the concept of collective contract system the main legal basis. The second chapter is the main body of collective contract, firstly by comparing the methods put forward to the concept of the subject of collective contract, and creatively to the concept of the subject of collective contract makes a legal analysis. The collective contract subjecting to the nature of the problem, put forward to showing levels to three academic theories, and has carried on the thorough analysis, I think, "the union theory" is suitable for our collective contract system theory. Secondly, in recent years, the" collective contract to three party coordination mechanism" system are analyzed and puts forward the improving strategies. The third chapter is the collective contract in terms of research, from theoretic saying, the collective contract and collective contract system components, therefore, the author through the foreign developed countries and our countries historical development, studying reference, proposed suits our country collective contract terms divided the contents, and put forward to perfect our country collective contract and labor contract coordination countermeasures. The fourth chapter is the conclusion of the collective contract procedures of foreign developed country, the collective contract program research, put forward our country collective contract procedures of lessons, creativity ground put forward our country collective contract procedure is proposed and the sound of our collective contract procedure mechanism countermeasure.

  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【下载频次】159

