

The Improvement and Prospects on China’s Current Community Corrections System

【作者】 潘骏

【导师】 吴允锋;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 社区矫正制度在我国是近几年才施行的新兴制度。通过近年来的试行,社区矫正工作发展迅速,矫正试行范围不断扩大,矫正人数不断增长。从其定位来看,社区矫正制度是与监禁刑罚相对应的刑罚执行制度,是以非监禁的形式代替原有的监禁刑,执行刑罚措施。但在试行过程中,立法与实践中还是存在不少争议。本文从笔者工作实践出发,对现下社区矫正制度进行分析、研究,并对有关制度的完善提出自己的建议。本文共分为三章,具体内容为:第一章主要是社区矫正制度的概述。第一节首先简要介绍了社区矫正制度的基本概念,即何谓社区矫正。笔者首先以社区的概念入手,对社区概念进行一定介绍。由于世界各国对于社区矫正制度的认识和发展程度不尽相同,因此对社区矫正制度概念的解释和阐述也各不相同。从主要学说来看,社区矫正的概念可分为广义说和狭义说,我国目前采用的是狭义说社区矫正概念,即规定社区矫正是与监禁矫正相对的行刑方式,是指将符合社区矫正条件的罪犯置于社区内,由专门的国家机关在相关社会团体和民间组织以及社会志愿者的协助下,在判决、裁定或决定确定的期限内,矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习,并促进其顺利回归社会的非监禁刑罚执行活动。第二节对社区矫正制度在世界主要国家的历史、发展进行介绍。第三节则对社区矫正的基本理念和价值定位作阐述,由此,我们可以发现正是基于其惩教结合,尊重人权、体现刑法谦抑精神的基本理念和价值取向,社区矫正制度能在世界各国法制历史进程中始终据有一席之地,一直发展和创新,也正因此,在我国转变刑事司法理念、践行宽严相济刑事司法政策的今天,社区矫正制度显得尤为引人注目,受到越来越多人关注和讨论。但是从我国目前社区矫正的试行情况来看,仍存在不少问题,值得我们引起注意,加以改进。因此第二章开始,笔者结合自身的工作实际就我国现行的社区矫正制度中存在问题进行分析,并尝试提出一定解决办法。从我国现行社区矫正制度上看,主要存在以下几大部分的问题:第一,法律依据的缺位,体现在实际执行中,缺乏明确、详细的操作细则;第二,执行主体的定位不明,法律、法规对于社区矫正执行主体的规定不尽相同;第三,矫正范围规制不合理;第四,社区矫正制度发展中存在的问题:首先,各地的社区矫正规范不一,发展不平衡;其次,社区矫正从业人员执法水平参差不齐,社区矫正队伍亟待规范和提高执法水平;再次,虽然社区矫正已经试行几年,但受传统刑事法律思想影响,民众与司法机关对社区矫正的认识还存在偏差;最后,矫正内容过于简单化,重监管轻教育。随后,笔者就前文所提出的存在问题提出一些解决对策。笔者认为可以从以下几个方面入手探索、解决之法:1、明确司法机关为社区矫正执行主体;2、增加程序性规定,保障社区矫正执行有法可依;3、建议以矫正对象户籍地为矫正地进行社区矫正;4、增设社区服务刑;5、设置刑罚易科制度;6、健全专业社区矫正队伍建设。第三章主要是对今后我国社区矫正制度的完善和发展进行展望和建议。结合社区矫正制度对劳动教养制度的改革进行分析。笔者认为劳动教养制度虽然在我国历史发展进程中发挥了巨大的作用,但随着时代的发展正受到前所未有的质疑和批评,因此有必要对其进行改革。结合实际工作,笔者认为应当将劳动教养分解化,一部分归入刑事法律调整,一部分由治安管理处罚法调整,另一部分科制定专门的法律调整,同时对调整后的监管人员及场所使用情况作一定分析。其次,结合社区矫正制度对一些特殊犯罪案件,如两怀妇女、未成年人犯罪,疑似艾滋病人犯罪行为的打击处理提出自己的观点。最后对社区矫正制度的立法模式提出自己的观点。

【Abstract】 Community corrections system in China is only to implement the new system in recent years. Through years of trial, the rapid development of community corrections work, try expanding the scope of correction, correction of the number is growing. From positioning point of view, the community correction system is corresponding with the imprisonment penalty system based on the form instead of the original non-custodial prison sentences, the implementation of punitive measures. But in the trial process, legislation and practice still exists much controversy. This paper and practical work from the author, holds many lessons for community correction system for analysis, research, and improve the system of its own proposals.There are three chapters as follows:Chapter One gives an overview of the community correction system. Firstly, a brief introduction of the basic concepts about the community corrections. I first start with the concept of community, the concept of community must be introduced. As the world community correction system for understanding and level of development is different, the concept of community corrections system to explain and elaborate vary. From the main theory point of view, the concept of community corrections that can be divided into broad and narrow sense, China is currently used in a narrow sense, the concept of community corrections, which provides that Community Corrections is correct relative to the execution-style prison, is to meet the conditions of community corrections offenders placed in the community, by the special social groups in the relevant state organs and civil society organizations and volunteers with the assistance of the decision, determination or decision within the time limit established, correct the criminal mind and behavior habits, and to promote their successful return to society of non-custodial sentences implementation activities. Secondly, an introduction of the community correction system in the history and the development of the world’s major countries. At last, the basic concept of community corrections and value for the set, thus, we can see that it is based on its combination of Correctional Services, respect for human rights, embodied the spirit of Criminal Law of the basic concepts and values, community corrections system in the world national legal systems, according to the historical process always have a place, has been the development and innovation, and also, therefore, changes in our criminal justice philosophy, practice the policy of combining punishment with leniency in criminal justice today, the community correction system is particularly striking, being more and more human attention and discussion.However in China’s current community correction system, there are still many problems.we must pay more attention on it and improv it. In the second chapter, I analyze on China’s current problems in the community correction system with my own work and try to propose some solutions. China’s current system of community corrections from the point of view, primarily in the following most of the problems: first, the absence of legal basis, reflected in the actual implementation, the lack of a clear, detailed rules for the operation; second, implementation of the main location is unknown, laws and regulations for the implementation of the main provisions of community corrections are not the same; the third, the scope of regulation is unreasonable correction; fourth, the development of community corrections system problems: first, because of China’s various regions to carry out the second community corrections system, community corrections uneven level of law enforcement professionals, community corrections team needs to standardize and improve the level of law enforcement; again, although the community corrections have tried a few years, but under the ideological influence of the traditional criminal law, public and judicial understanding of community corrections, there are deviations; final , correction is too simplistic, heavy regulatory expense of education. Subsequently, the writer’s earlier problems raised by some countermeasures. I think we can explore the following aspects, solution to the problems:firstly,clear the main judicial organ for the implementation of community corrections;secendly,increased procedural requirements to protect the legal basis for the implementation of community corrections;thirdly,it is recommended to correct the object domicile community corrections for the correct manne;fourthly,additional community service sentence;fively,set the penalty eke system;at last,community corrections and improve professional ranks.Chapter Three is mainly on the future prospection of our community corrections system.Firstly,We can reform the education through labor system With the community correction system. I believe that education through labor system has played a huge role in China’s historical development, but with the unprecedented development of the times it being questioned and criticized, it is necessary to reform. With my own work, I believe that we should decompose the education through labor system, some should be joined in criminal law, some should be joined in the Public Security Administration Law, the others should be developed a special legal regulation, while the revised regulation for the use of personnel and premises must analysis. Secondly,we can solve some specific crimes in the use of the community corrections system,such as the crime of the pregnant women and the women with her son under one year old , juvenile delinquency, and the criminal behavior of people suspected of anti-AIDS. Finally, I give my own view on the legislative system of community corrections model.

【关键词】 社区矫正非监禁刑完善展望
【Key words】 community correctionNon-custodial sentencePerfectprospect
  • 【分类号】D926.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】284

