

A Study on Government Responsibility of the Rural Land Requisition

【作者】 南迪

【导师】 赵秋成;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “土地是一切生产和一切存在的源泉,是人类进行一切生产和生活的空间和场所”。近年来,随着经济的发展和城市化进程不断加快,土地需求量也逐年上升。由于城市中的土地资源有限,一些大中型城市的市内土地规划基本达到饱和状态,不能满足政府对城市经济发展的要求,由此政府把目光转向了城市周边的近郊或农村,大搞城市建设,兴建住宅、办公大楼以及经济开发区、工业园区等。虽然征用农民土地对我国经济建设和社会发展具有重要推动作用,但在政府征用农村土地时出现了诸如征地权滥用、通过征地谋利、损害农民利益等一系列问题,被征地农民的权益和生活得不到有效保障,由此引发了众多社会矛盾和冲突,在农民利益受到侵犯的同时,也损害了政府形象,影响了社会和谐。因此,在农村土地征用中明确作为土地征用主体的政府责任,促使政府依法行政,就显得格外重要。本文首先从我国土地征用现状入手,阐述了我国目前存在耕地大量减小、土地资源浪费严重、失地农民数量不断增加的现象。接着,以“康巴什新区建设”为例对征地过程进行了回顾,指出了征地过程中存在的滥用征地权、征地程序不合法、农民利益受损、暴力事件频发等问题。这些问题不仅仅是“康巴什新区建设”案例中反映出的个性问题,也是我国政府在征用土地过程中存在的共性问题。进而,论文分析了问题存在的原因:(1)我国土地征用制度存在缺陷;(2)征地过程中政府失灵;(3)征地监督管理部门缺失;(4)被征地农民处于弱势。通过原因分析,可以看出政府在农村土地征用中扮演着举足轻重的作用。政府在土地征用中的责任不仅表现在相关法律规定上,而且在维护社会公共利益方面也有所体现。虽然近些年政府在责任落实方面采取了一些积极措施,取得了一些成绩,但是由于政府“官本位”思想和农民奴性意识根深蒂固,加之政府机制上的缺陷,使得政府在解决征地过程中出现的问题时治标不治本。因此,政府在征地过程中,除了要摆正思想、明确自身角色,并对现有土地征用制度进行合理有效的改革外,更重要的是建立征地全过程监督体系,完善政府的问责机制、信息公开机制等,更好的履行政府在征用农村土地中的责任,以确保征地工作顺利进行,从而促进社会的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 "Land is the source of all production and existence, it is the place for human beings to produce and live. " In recent years, with the economic growth and urban evolution, the demand for land is growing rapidly. Because of the land resources is limited, some middle to big sized cities’ land planning have achieved their saturation. Local governments have changed their direction to round suburbs. Constructions such as infrastructures, residential buildings, commercial buildings, economic development zones, and industrial parks have been built. Though expropriate land from farmers play an important role in China’s economic and social developing process, some issues araise due to the expropriation. Serial problems like abuse the power of land expropriation, use land expropriation to make profits, and harm the rights of farmers happen all the time. Farmers’ interests and life have not been protected through land expropriation, therefore, further social conflicts have been occurred. Further more, local governments’ images are violated at the same time and the social harmony has been harmed. In conclusion, local governments’ responsibility through suburbs land expropriation process should be emphasized. Promoting local governments to use their powers legally is important.This thesis is studying the local governments’ responsibility during land expropriation. Firstly, it studies China’s current situation of land expropriation. Use statistics to elaborate the facts that China’s arable land proportion is deceasing rapidly, waste of land resources is critical, the number of landless farmers is increasing. Secondly, the article studies the case of Kangbashi newly-developed area and reviews its land expropriation process. Then, it discovers the problems such as abusing expropriation rights, illegal land expropriation, violation of farmers’ interests, and violences involved through the process. However, above problems are not only occurring in the Kangbashi case, but happening in most of governments’ land expatiation cases in China. Therefore, the author summarizes and analyzes the reasons are:(1)China’s land expropriation system has flaws. (2)Local governments do not work effectively through the process. (3) Land expropriation divisions are lack of supervision. (4) farmers are in the inferior position. After analyzing the reasons, it’s clear that local governments plays an important role in the process of land expropriation. Their responsibility are not only expressing on formulating regulations, but also on maintaining social interests. Though governments’ performances are improving, new regulations has applied and better achievements are occurred, the performances are still unsatisfactory due to their deep-rooted believe of "official standard", sense of servility and governments’ system flaws. In summary, the author proposes suggestions regard to strengthen the responsibility of land expropriation for governments. Governments have to not only straight their thinking, define the roles in the expropriation process, and give reasonable and effective advices to current land expropriation system, but also establish the whole process of land acquisition and monitoring system,improve government accountability mechanism, etc,In order to perform their responsibilities, solve the problem occurred through land expropriation, ensure land expropriation go smoother, and promote the whole society harmonious developing.

  • 【分类号】D630;F301
  • 【下载频次】193

