

Research on Restraints of Network Media Supervision on the Administrative Power of China

【作者】 翟紫萱

【导师】 张军涛;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,由于权力机关利益的内在联系,仅仅像过去主要依靠权力机关内部的自我约束是不足以防止权力滥用的。许多官员的贪污腐败行为往往都是由群众而不是权力机关最先察觉、最先进行监督和指正。20世纪90年代末,互联网进入了中国,经过十几年的飞速发展,中国的网民达到了4.85亿,一跃成为世界上网民最多的国家。网络的进步一日千里,各种观点、各种思想在这里融合、沟通和交流,逐渐形成了一种新的媒体。互联网的普及改变着人们的生活方式,也包括政治生活方式。公众通过互联网了解国家事务,广泛充分地交流和发表建议,对国家政治、经济、法律、文化、教育、行政等活动进行褒贬与评价。这是现代社会民主化发展进程的必然选择,更是宪法赋予我国公民的基本权利。当前,基于互联网发展起来的网络媒体监督活动已经逐渐成为群众监督重要的组成部分。网络媒体监督由于具有互联网开放、自由的性质,所以具有其他媒体监督不可比拟的优势,如发表言论的自由性、获取信息的随时性、隐私的保密性等。这些特性推动了网络媒体监督力量的不断壮大,也促使各个政府部门根据公众需要改进工作方式方法。因此,涌现了很多新型的网络媒体监督模式和行政权力制约方式。第一章介绍了本文选题的背景,在当前国际国内互联网活动越来越活跃,网络在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色的背景下,论文以网络媒体监督对行政权力的制约作用为主题,通过资料搜集分析、文献研究法、案例分析、比较分析等方法对网络媒体监督的功能效用进行了研究,并结合实际对强化网络媒体监督行政权力提出了深化发展策略。第二章通过阐述网络媒体相关概念和行政权力制约机制的理论框架,论证了网络媒体监督是行政权力制约的重要组成部分,总结了网络媒体制约行政权力的方式和途径,为论述网络媒体监督对于制约行政权力的重要性奠定了基础。第三章与第四章深入分析了网络媒体监督的优越性与功能效用。特别是运用了“温州动车追尾事故”典型案例,分析了网络媒体监督的重要作用以及为政府管理带来的新方式和新意义,并且为今后网络媒体监督的发展开辟了新的道路。第五章对于当前我国网络媒体监督的主要问题进行了论述。由于网络充分开放等特性给网络媒体监督带来了很多弊端。论文的第五章结合网络公信力不高、监督主体的权利得不到保障等问题对网络媒体监督的局限性进行了讨论,对网络媒体监督有了更全面、正确的认识和评价。最后,从互联网与行政管理事业的发展趋势出发,对网络媒体监督行政权力的深入发展提出了建议,其中包括借鉴国外政府对网络媒体的管制制度来完善我国的制度,创新网络监督新形式等。笔者希望通过研究和探讨,促进我国网络媒体监督之路走上法制化、正规化轨道,使网络媒体监督成为实现我国行政权力制约的最佳手段。

【Abstract】 For a long time, on the inherent relationship among the profits of the administrative power, it has been rarely enough that we mainly depended on the self-restraints within the competent authorities to prevent the stretch of power as in the past. Frequently, many government officials’corrupt practices are perceived, supervised and corrected by the masses in the first time, not by the competent authorities. Since the internet entered china at the end of 1990’s,after more than ten years of rapid development, the number of chinese internet users achieves 485 million which catapulted china into the top position which has the most internet users in the world. The internet developed at a tremendous pace and took form a new kind of media with the exchange, communication and fusion of opinions and ideas. Along with widespread use of internet, it’s changing the way of life, also include the political life. The public learn about the public service, fully communicate suggestions, and make reviews and judgment on the politic, economic, law, culture, education and administration of our country through the internet. It’s the inevitable choice of development of the progress of politic democracy and a basic right stipulated in the constitution of our country. At present, network media supervision, being based on the internet, has been increasingly the most essential part of the supervision of the masses. Network media supervision, which has the nature of open and free has unparalleled advantages compared with other forms of media supervision, such as publish speeches freely, get information momentarily and treat privacy in strict confidence and so on. All of these push forward network media supervision expanding and advancing strongly. Meanwhile, it caused that each government sectors improve work method according to the needs of the masses. Therefore, many new modes of network media supervision mode and restraints on the administrative power have sprung up. In the first part of this paper, the article introduces the background. With the background of the internet activity has become increasingly active and it’s playing an increasingly important role in people’s life, this thesis takes "Restraints of network media supervision on the administrative power" as the topic, elaborated on the function effectiveness of network media supervision and it gives development strategies of deepening on strengthening it according to experiences by the method of searching material, research literatures, analyzing cases and making comparative analysis, etc.The second part demonstrates the view that network media supervision is the most important part by describing the theoretical framework of using the relative concept of network media and intensifying mechanism of power restriction. These discussions are laying the groundwork for demonstrating the importance of restraints of network media supervision on the administrative power.The third chapter and the forth part with a deep analysis of advantages and functions of network media supervision, especially though" the using of the case that rear-end accidents of motorcars happened in Wenzhou", discuss the new way and meaning of the importance of network media supervision and government regulations meanwhile these discussion take a new way for the further development of network media supervision.The fifth part discusses the major item of network media supervision, as the fully open features of internet make lots of inadequacies on it. The thesis discusses the limits of network media supervision in accordance with low network credibility and the rights of the supervision subject are not guaranteed in this part. the thesis understands and values network media supervision more fully and correctly.Finally, the thesis paper gives some suggestions on the development of network media supervision in depth on the developing trends of the internet and administrative management business, including perfecting our country’s system through learning from regulation system of foreign governments to the internet media and innovating new ways of network media supervision. The author hopes that the research would encourage our network media supervision to walk the legal and regular track and promote it as the best tool to realize the restraints on the administrative power of china.

【关键词】 网络媒体监督行政权力制约
【Key words】 network mediasupervisionadministrative powerrestriction
  • 【分类号】D630;G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】519

