

Study on the Media Management in China’s Government Crisis Public Relations

【作者】 何涤非

【导师】 郭劲光;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化网络化的不断推进促成了社会大变革的发生,但同时随之而来的还有层出不穷的矛盾冲突。人与人、人与自然、人与社会等各类社会关系日益复杂。简言之,全球已经逐渐步入危机事件频繁发生的时代。因此各国政府面临着巨大的挑战。如何成功应对危机己然是政府公共管理事务的重要组成部分。事实上,政府公共危机事件的处理水准已经成为衡量政府公共事务管理成熟与否的一个重要指标。值得注意的是,社会媒体是社会公众获取信息的主要管道,肩负着政府同社会之间信息传递沟通这一重要使命。社会媒体作为重要的社会管理参与者,其在政府危机管理,尤其是在政府危机公共关系方面有着独特的作用。因此,要想建构良好的危机公共关系,政府对于社会媒体的管理显得尤为重要。通过对国内外研究文献和成果的回顾,本文认为社会媒体在政府危机状况下扮演着重要角色,同时也发现我国目前在这方面的研究和实践还存在着不少的问题。因此,为了更好地了解政府危机公关运行规律,本文以政府危机公关状况下的信息流通为切入点,尝试梳理政府、媒体、公民三者之间的相互关系,最终提出了“政府—媒体—公民”模型,清晰了危机公关处理中信息传播路径,进一步揭示了社会媒体在整个危机应对过程中的重要性和必要性,并为之后的研究提供理论基础。与此同时,如何结合我国政府危机公关实情是本文研究的重中之重。在明确了社会媒体在我国政府危机公关中的重要性之后,为了更好地促进政府危机公关应对水平的提高,本文采用典型案例分析法研究我国政府在危机公关应对中的媒体管理状况,通过运用之前所提出的“政府—媒体—公民”模型对进行分析,切实探讨我国政府危机的社会媒体管理方面的不足,并进一步分析政府危机公关中社会媒体的发展轨迹以及变化根源,为之后社会媒体管理效益具体优化措施的提出指明了方向。最后,通过整合社会媒体在政府危机公关中的运行规律以及我国现今的具体实情,本文认为政府危机公关中优化媒体管理效益的提高主要依赖于意识、制度、物质、人员以及技术这五个方面的实施和配备。具体看来,本文认为通过全面增强危机公关意识,完善媒体处理相关制度,保障媒体管理所需物资,提升媒体管理人员素质和升级媒体管理相关技术措施这五个大方向入手,我国政府危机中的社会媒体管理效益将会得到很大程度的提高,从而促进政府危机公关应对方面综合能力的增强。综合看来,文章着重于理论与实践相结合,深入并且客观地了解中国实情,在此基础上所提出的政策建议具有较强的针对性和可操作性,对于提升政府危机公关中的媒体管理效益有着一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Continuously advancing of the information society and network society contributed to the occurrence of social change, meanwhile there comes an endless stream of conflicts. Social relations become increasingly complex. In short, the world has gradually entered the era of frequent occurrence of crisis. Therefore, Governments are faced with enormous challenges. How to successful response to the crisis has already been an important part of public managing affairs scope. In fact, the government’s effectiveness on handling of public crisis has also become an indicator to measure whether the government management on public affairs is mature or not. It is noteworthy that social media is the main public access to get information about crisis, and the government shoulders the mission of information communication between government and the civil society. Meanwhile, as an important participant in crisis management, the social media plays a unique role, especially in the government crisis public relations. Therefore, to build good crisis public relations, the government media management is very important.Through reviewing home and abroad researches and results of this paper that social media in situations of crisis, we can find that the government plays an important role. Meanwhile we also find there are still many problems in our current research and practice in this area, Therefore, in order to better understand the operating rules of the government crisis public relations, public relations crisis this situation the government under the flow of information as the starting point, try to sort out the government, media, inter-relationship among citizens, and ultimately made a "Government-Media-Citizen " Interaction Model, a clear public relations crisis information dissemination process in the path, and further reveals the social media in the crisis response process of the importance and necessity, and after the study provide a theoretical basis. At the same time, how to combine public relations crisis, the truth is our government’s top priority this study. In a clear social media in public relations in our country the importance of government crisis after the government crisis in order to better promote the public relations response to a higher level, this analysis of a typical case study of our government in response to the media, public relations crisis management situation, through the use of previous "Government-Media-Citizen" Interaction Model for analysis, show the crisis of our government’s lack of social media management clearly, and further analysis of the government crisis in social media public relations as well as changes in root development path for the following social media specific measures to enhance the management efficiency of direction. Finally, by integrating social media in public relations in government crisis and China’s current laws governing the operation of the specific facts in this paper that the government public relations crisis management efficiency to optimize improvement of the media depends on the awareness, institutional, material, personnel and technical aspects of these five implementation and deployment. Specific view, the paper argues that the crisis through a comprehensive public relations to enhance awareness, improve media processing related systems, materials needed to protect media management, media management to enhance and upgrade the quality of technical measures related to media management to start the five general direction, our government crisis Social media management efficiency will be largely improved, so as to promote comprehensive government crisis public relations aspects of the empowerment deal.Comprehensive view, the article focuses on the theory and practice, in-depth and objective understanding of China facts, on the basis of policy recommendations made by a highly targeted and operability, public relations crisis for the government in enhancing the media management effectiveness of a certain practical significance.

  • 【分类号】D630;G206;C912.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】510

