

Research on the Network Operating Mechanism of Peer Production Which Based on Social Network Theory

【作者】 孔令柱

【导师】 孟韬;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网的不断普及和市场竞争的加剧,用户创新日益成为众多企业获取竞争优势、降低研发成本的有效手段之一。在众多用户创新的范式中,知识产品领域中出现的大众生产模式无疑是最具有代表性的一个。大众生产的主体由成千上万、分散于世界各地素未谋面的参与者组成,他们一般没有经济报酬,仅通过互联网沟通,可以随时不受任何限制的加入或退出。如此松散的组织何以能高效率的产出高质量的操作系统和百科全书等公共知识产品?显然,大众生产提出了一个企业之谜——成百上千的志愿者在没有正式组织结构、经济激励与合同约束的情况下,如何组织在一起并完成工作目标。本文写作的出发点和根本目的是基于社会网络理论对大众生产网络的结构特征、关系特征、认知特征如何作用于大众生产组织进行实证研究,进而揭示大众生产网络的运行机制之谜。本文在对国内外学者的研究成果进行梳理的基础上构建了大众生产网络运行机制的理论模型,以结构嵌入、关系嵌入、认知嵌入三个维度为自变量,以协调、维护、激励三个组织行为为中间变量,以大众生产的组织绩效为因变量,检验三个自变量如何通过中间变量影响大众生产的组织绩效。本文的章节安排如下:第一章为绪论部分,具体阐述了本文的写作背景和意义、研究方法、逻辑框架以及创新之处;第二章为文献综述部分,具体对国内外大众生产及其网络机制的研究现状进行了综述和评论;第三章为理论模型构建与研究设计部分,在对各变量及其关系进行分析的基础上构建了大众生产网络的运行机制理论模型:第四章为数据分析部分,采用分析软件对相关变量进行了描述性分析、相关分析、方差分析以及SEM分析;第五章为结论建议部分,概括了本文的主要研究结论和研究局限性,提出了有针对性的管理建议,同时指明了未来的研究方向。本文的研究结论如下:(1)大众生产网络维度与参与行为之间的关系方面,关系强度、共同愿景、社区身份等显著正向影响专长配置行为和激励行为,网络规模、网络中心度、共同愿景和社区身份显著正向影响参与者间的行政协调水平,大众生产参与者间的关系强度、关系稳定性以及共同愿景和社区身份显著正向影响网络的维护(2)大众生产参与行为与持续参与意愿之间的关系方面,行政协调、维护和激励都对大众生产参与者的持续参与意愿有显著正向影响,技术配置水平的高低对持续参与意愿没有显著正向影响。(3)大众生产维度与持续参与意愿之间的关系方面,关系强度、共同愿景、社区身份等显著正向影响参与者的持续参与意愿,网络规模、网络的稳定性、关系的稳定性对参与者的持续参与意愿没有显著的正向影响。基于以上结论,本文对大众生产社区管理者和相关企业就如何加强社区管理、提高运作效率提出了有针对性的建议,以期为大众生产社区的未来发展奠定良好的理论与实践基础。

【Abstract】 With the growing popularity of the Internet and increasing competition in the market, lots of enterprises are using user innovation as a effective method to gain competitive advantage and reduce R&D cost. Among the user innovation paradigms, Peer production model which appeared in knowledge product field is undoubtedly the most representative one. The main body of Peer production is composed of thousands of participants. They are scattered all over the world and never meet each other. They generally do not have financial rewards, only communicate with others through the internet. They can join in or exit the project without any restrictions.How can such a loose organization give birth to high efficiency, high-quality operating system, encyclopedias, other public knowledge and products? Obviously, Peer production makes a mystery of the business-how can hundreds of volunteers organize together and achieve their objectives in the absence of formal organizational structure, economic incentives and constraints of the contract situation. The starting point and fundamental purpose of this article is to analyze how the structure characteristics, relationship characteristics, cognitive characteristics of the Peer production act on the Peer production organization, which based on social network theory. Therefore, this article reveals the running mechanism mystery of the Peer production network. In this aiticle, after sortting out the domestic and foreign scholar’s research results, the author builds on the theoretical model of the operational mechanism of the Peer production network. It uses structure embeddedness, relationship embeddedness and cognitive embeddedness as independent variables, uses coordinate behavior, maintain behavior and motivate behavior as intermediate variables, uses organizational performance as the dependent variable. In other words, the fundamental purpose of this article is to analyze how the three independent variables act on the dependent variable through three intermediate variables.The chapters of this Paper are arranged as follows:Chapter First is the introduction, which states the background and significance, the research methods, the logical frame and innovation of this paper. The second chapter is the literature review, which specificly reviews, comments on Peer production in domestic and at abroad and its current research situation of network system. The third chapter is the section to build theoretical model and research design, the theoretical model of operating system of Peer production network bases on the analysis of the variables and the relationship of each variable. The fourth chapter is data analysis, which uses analysis software to do the descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis and SEM analysis for the related variables. The fifth chapter is the conclusions and recommendations, which outlines the main findings and study limitations of this paper, makes targeted management recommendations, while points out the future research directions.Conclusions of this Paper are as follows:(1) The relationship between Peer production network dimension and behaviors of participation, the relationship strength, the relationship between shared vision of cognitive, the community identity and others significant positively influence on expertise configuration behavior and incentive behavior. The scale of the network, network center degrees, common vision and community identity significant positively impact on the administrative coordination level among participants. Peer production participants’strength, stability, the relationship between Shared vision and community identity cognitive significant positively influerce the network maintenance behavior. (2) The relationship of Peer production behaviors of participats and continued willingness for participation, the administrative coordination behavior, the community maintenance behavior and the incentive behavior significantly positive impact on the continued willingness to participation behavior of peer production participants. Technical configuration level has no significantly positive influence on the continued willingness to participate.(3) The relationship between Peer production network dimension and behaviors of participation, the relationship strength, the relationship between shared vision of cognitive, the community identityand others significant positively influence on the continued willingness of the participants to participate. The network scale, the stability of network and the relationship stability of participations have no significantly positive correlation. Based on the conclusions above, this paper brings forward some corresponding suggestions which are for how to strengthen community management and improve the operation efficiency for the Peer Production managers and related enterprise in order to lay a good theory and practice foundation for the future development of Peer production community.

  • 【分类号】TP393.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】260

