

The Relationship between Experiential Marketing Strategy and Customers’ Impulse Purchase Behavior

【作者】 刘新伟

【导师】 王伟娅;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 市场营销, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着体验经济的到来,企业越发重视实施体验营销对吸引消费者关注度的重要性。市场竞争日益激烈,消费者的需求也逐渐趋向于个性化,传统的营销模式难以满足顾客全新的消费观念。体验营销适时的到来,带领企业进入全新的市场营销模式。冲动性购买行为是消费者日常生活中经常发生的一种购物行为,作为一种复杂的、特殊的消费者行为,长期以来备受众多学者和商家的关注。体验经济中,冲动性购买行为的地位尤为突出。消费者日常购买行为中,部分商品是根据实际的需求而做出购买决定。而多数商品的购买,是由于商品本身以及消费者所处的购物环境触及消费者的心理,临时做出购买决定。在体验经济背景下,如何能迎合消费者的购物心理,激发消费者短时间内做出非计划的购买决定,对于企业的长期稳定发展意义重大。激烈的家居建材市场竞争中,品牌化经营这一战略手段收效显著。随着体验经济在各行各业的兴起,家居建材商店也适时的推出各种家居体验营销,并且效果明显。瑞典家居建材企业宜家家居进驻中国市场后,更是掀起家居建材体验营销的热浪。商家纷纷推陈出新,应用各种体验营销让消费者享乐其中,体验营销的成败对于家居建材商店的长期经营发展来说意义非凡。本文采用问卷调查的方式,以家居建材商店为研究背景,收集体验营销对消费者冲动性购买行为影响的信息。应用SPSS16.0统计分析软件,通过回归分析、中介作用分析等功能,分析体验营销各个策略对消费者冲动性购买行为的影响程度及差异。进而为家居建材商店提出合理的营销建议。研究结论包括:(1)家居建材商店背景下,显著影响顾客获取消费体验价值的体验营销有四个,按照影响程度由高到低依次是:关联体验营销、感官体验营销、行动体验营销、思考体验营销。(2)家居建材商店背景下,显著影响消费者冲动性购买行为的体验营销有四个,按照影响程度由高到低依次是:感官体验营销、关联体验营销、情感体验营销、思考体验营销。实证研究结果显示,思考体验营销的回归系数为负,与预期的结果符号完全相反,即思考体验营销与消费者冲动性购买行为呈现负相关的趋势。(3)消费体验价值在体验营销影响消费者冲动性购买行为过程中,起到了中介调节作用。(4)家居建材商店背景下,情境因素依然对消费者冲动性购买行为产生显著的影响。本次研究的创新之处主要体现在以下几个方面。首先,调研对象的创新。如果选择零售业整体作为研究样本,不足以说明单一领域中体验营销对消费者行为的影响。本文选取家居建材商店这一零售业态进行数据调研,研究该零售业态下消费者的购买行为,具有较强的针对性。其次,量表设计的创新。阅读、分析相关文献后发现,难以找到适合本文理论模型的成形量表,因此本文结合家居建材商店的特点和优势,充分考虑消费者的心理特征,对量表进行创新,使本文的调研结论更具适用性。最后,数据分析的创新。数据分析时不仅仅应用信度分析、因子分析检验问卷的信度和效度,应用回归分析验证体验营销对消费者冲动性购买行为的影响,同时以消费体验价值作为中介变量,分析消费体验价值在自变量对因变量影响过程中的中介作用。本次实证研究依旧存在不足、亟需改善的地方。总结如下几点:(1)数据样本质量不高。本文为尽可能获取准确的分析数据,全部的调研数据均源自家居建材商店的消费者。但是调研地点只局限于大连地区,并不能代表其他地区消费者的购买行为。另外,样本的数量不足,导致研究结论不能完全代表消费者的购买习惯。(2)量表设计缺乏权威性。本文确定研究方向后,经过相关文献的分析总结,很难找到适合本文研究的成熟量表,通过自己对相关文献的理解,结合家居建材商店的特点,在成熟量表的基础上做出修改,设计出本文的量表。因此,量表的设计缺乏权威性对本文研究结论是否可行产生一定影响。(3)数据分析软件单一。本文应用社会经济研究中常用的统计分析软件SPSS16.0进行调研数据的整理分析,应用效度分析、因子分析、回归分析等功能得出数据结论。除此之外,还有技术更为成熟、针对性更强的LISREL、AMOS等统计分析软件,在日后的研究中应全面考虑各个统计分析软件的特点,得出更为准确的数据来支持研究结论。(4)冲动性购买行为影响因素研究不足。本文主体研究了体验营销对消费者冲动性购买行为的影响。除体验营销之外,仅考虑了情境因素对冲动性购买行为的影响,日后应扩展影响因素的范围,并考虑各个因素之间的相互影响作用。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of Experience Economy. More and more companies focus on the importance of conducting Experiential Marketing Strategies which can attract the consumers effectively. The competitions in modern market become fierce gradually as well as the demand of consumer tend to be personalized. Traditional marketing model is hard to satisfy the new conception of customer. Experiential Marketing has arrived and brought the company into a total new marketing model in time.Impulse Purchase is a common shopping behavior in customers’ daily life. It attracts so much attention from scholars and retailers for a long time as a kind of complex and special customer behavior. It plays a crucial role in Experience Economy. Sometimes customers make decisions base on their urgent demand.Whereas the purchase of the most commodities due to the shopping environment and the mentality temporarily. Under the background of Experience Economy, how to cater to the shopping mentality of customers and excite their shopping desire within a short time is crucial. This means a lot for the long-term and stable development of each company.The strategy of Brand Management makes a remarkable progress in the competitive Home Center market. With the spring up of Experience Economy in different industries, Home Center conducts a series of Experiential Marketing Strategy successfully. It has become more popular after IKEA entered China’s Home Center market. Retailers innovate and conduct kinds of creative Experiential Marketing Strategy to entertain customers. It is critical for the company to be succeeded or not.This study applies the method of Questionnaire Investigation. Bases on the background of Home Center. Collects information about the influence of Experiential Marketing on consumer’s Impulse Purchase Behavior. Uses statistic analysis software SPSS 16.0 to operate Regression Analysis and Mediating Effect Analysis etc. Expecting to find out the extent and difference of influence which Experiential Marketing Strategy’s impact on consumers’ Impulse Purchase Behavior. Furthermore, Recommending reasonable Experiential Marketing Strategy for Home Center retailers.Study Conclusions:1. Under the background of Home Center, There are four Experiential Marketing Strategies affect the Consumption Value remarkably. Ranked by extent is Relate Marketing Strategy, Sense Marketing Strategy, Act Marketing Strategy and Think Marketing Strategy.2. Under the background of Home Center, There are four Experiential Marketing Strategy affect the customer’s Impulse Purchase Behavior remarkably. Ranked by extent is Sense Marketing Strategy, Relate Marketing Strategy, Emotion Marketing Strategy and Think Marketing Strategy. However the regression coefficient of Think Marketing Strategy is totally different with expectation. So the influence trend of Think Marketing Strategy on Impulse Purchase is negative correlation.3. Consumption value plays a mediating effect in the process of Experiential Marketing Strategy affect the customers’ Impulse Purchase Behavior.4. Situation Factors influence the customers’ Impulse Purchase Behavior remarkably. This conclusion is same with other scholars’ study.The innovations of thesis include. First, Innovative research target. It’s hard to describe specific field if choosing the whole retailing format as the study sample. In this thesis we select Home Center and analyze Consumers Purchase Behavior. Second, The innovative design of scale. After reading relevant article.It’s hard to find a proper scale. So this thesis innovates scale based on the traits and strengths of Home Center as well as considering the psychological characteristics of consumers’ behavior. Third, The innovative data analysis. The process of data analyzing not only includes Reliability Analysis, Validity Analysis but also Regression Analysis to show the influence of experiential marketing on consumers’ impulse purchase behavior. Meanwhile applying Mediating Effect Analysis as well.The article also exists many shortages and weakness, For instance.1. The quality of research data is limited. In order to get accurate data as possible as I can. All of the data come from customers at Home Center. However I just conduct the research in Dalian instead of nationwide.So the data barely represent the consumers behavior in other place. Furthermore the quantity of samples isn’t sufficient.2. The design of scale lacks of authority. The scale is modified base on the mature theory because I can not find suitable scale for the study. It will affect the authority of thesis.3. The sole analysis software is not enough. SPSS 16.0 is applied in modern social and economic study commonly. How ever there are many other useful and practicable analysis software such as LISREL and AMOS etc.4. The influence factors on Impulse Purchase Behavior should be increased. In this thesis mainly analyses the influence of experiential marketing on consumers’ impulse purchase behavior. In the future I would increase the factors as well as considering the influence discrepancy between them.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】961

