

The Study on International Competitiveness of Labor-intensive Agricultural Products in Shandong Province

【作者】 于学芳

【导师】 李勤昌;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO,农产品市场的开放程度不断增加,农产品市场的竞争也从国内市场转入国际市场,我国农业已经融入了经济全球化和农业全球化的进程当中,与世界其他国家一样农业国际化也已经成为经济全球化条件下我国农业发展的必然趋势和必然选择。2010年山东省农产品的出口总额为127.09亿美元,首次突破100亿美元,成为全国农产品出口额率先突破百亿大关的第一省,出口额连续11年位居全国首位,为中国农产品出口做出了突出的贡献。山东省地理位置优越,平原地区占全省总面积的55%,土地耕种面积较大,气候温和,水系发达,光照充足适合一年二作的农作物生产。优越的自然环境为山东省农产品的生产和出口打下了坚实的基础。山东人口众多,2009年从事农业生产的人口数量为2297.4万,占就业人员总数的36.50%,如此大比例的劳动力供给使得山东省在劳动密集型农产品的生产上具有廉价劳动力成本的竞争优势。从这一背景出发,研究山东省劳动密集型农产品的国际竞争力,提高山东省劳动密集农产品的国际竞争力对于山东经济发展乃至我国的经济发展都具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文首先分析山东省劳动密集型农产品的国际竞争力现状并对影响山东省劳动密集型农产品国际竞争力的价格和质量安全因素进行分析,最后利用“波特钻石模型”对影响山东省劳动密集型农产品的环境因素进行剖析从而有针对性的提出提高山东省劳动密集型农产品国际竞争力的策略。本文分为五个部分:第一章绪论,主要分析和归纳本文研究的国内外背景、国内外研究综述,简述本文的研究方法、创新点及不足之处。第二章为国际竞争力相关理论,通过对比较优势理论、国际贸易新理论的概括,对竞争优势理论的产生背景进行了的描述,并将质量和安全因素加入比较优势的关键因素,为论文后续分析打下理论基础。第三章主要通过对蔬菜、水果、水产品和肉类产品的市场占有率、贸易竞争指数、显性比较优势指数的分析,概括出了山东省劳动密集型农产品的国际竞争力现状。第四章对影响山东省劳动密集型农产品国际竞争力的价格、质量安全因素、环境因素进行分析,为提高山东省劳动密集型农产品的国际竞争力策略的提出提供了依据。第五章主要针对前文的分析提出提高山东省劳动密集型农产品国际竞争力的策略。本文的基本观点是:山东省出口的劳动密集型农产品中蔬菜和水果产品具有较强的比较优势,水产品和肉类产品的竞争优势不明显。通过对影响其国际竞争力的和价格和非价格因素以及环境因素的分析来看,建议提高山东省农产品国际竞争力主要注意从以下几个方面:加快农业结构调整,提高资源的有效配置;推行农业生产和管理标准化,提高质量安全水平;完善政府对农业的支持政策,促进劳动密集型农产品贸易发展;加快优良品种的培育、引进和推广。

【Abstract】 China has opened its Agricultural market to the world step by step after joining in WTO since early twenty first century. That means Competition in agriculture is not only from domestic market but also from the international market. China’s agriculture has been integrated into the economic globalization and the agriculture globalization. Under the situation of economic globalization, it is essential for the internationalization of China’s agriculture like other countries.The total exports of agricultural products in Shandong province has been ranked first in China for 11 years, and in 2010, those are 12 billion. It is the first time that the total exports of agricultural products in Shandong province have exceeded 10 billion. Shandong province has done great contribution to China agricultural products export.Shandong province located to the west of the Pacific Ocean, about 55% of the areas are plains which are suitable for planting crops. The climate, sunshine and developed water here can meet the need of plants. The favorable natural environment here does well to the development of agriculture. The population of Shandong province is very large but almost 36.50% of workers are farmers. Such a large proportion of farmers makes Shandong province competitive in the development of labor-intensive agricultural products. Under this situation, doing some studies on international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province is of important meaning both on theory and practice for economic development in Shandong especially in China.The thesis gives an in-depth analysis of the international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province and the factors which affect the international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province. Based upon this, essential problems existing in the Shandong labor-intensive agriculture are discussed and countermeasures concerning improving the competitive power of our labor-intensive agricultural products in the world market are identifiedThis thesis consists of 5 chapters:Chapter One, General Introduction.As the opening badge, the first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of selecting the topic, the research contents and methods, and the frame of the thesis and the new points of it.Chapter two mainly introduces the theoretical foundation and economic structure of the thesis. Firstly, the thesis gives the concept of labor-intensive agricultural product and in order to introduce the background of competitive theories, it summarizes the theory of competitive advantage and new theories of international trade. Secondly, ensure the thesis analyzes the international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province by IMS, TC and RCA. And make sure that in the following chapter we will analyze the factors which affect the international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province by researching into the direct factors such as cost, quality and so on, and the indirect factors mainly with the porter’s "diamond model".Chapter three mainly analyzes the present state of the international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province by MS, TC and RCA of vegetables, fruits, aquatic products and meat.Chapter four mainly analyzes the factors which affect the international competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products of Shandong province by researching into the direct factors such as cost, quality and so on, and the indirect factors mainly with the porter’s "diamond model".According to such analysis in the first four part, chapter five gives the countermeasures concerning improving the competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural products in the world market.The essential viewpoint of the thesis lies that Shandong province has strong competition in vegetables and fruits but poor competition in aquatic products and meat. The thesis suggests that the countermeasures to improve this situation should pay attention to the following aspects: 1. The government should accelerate structural readjustment in agriculture and better use the resources effectively.2. The farmers, producer, exporters of agricultural products should make the produce and administration of agriculture standardized and implement those standards well.3. The government should consummate the policies to support agriculture development especially the development of labor-intensive agricultural products.4. The farmers, the government and the exporters should import, develop and cultivate new variety to accelerate the development of seed industry in Shandong province.

  • 【分类号】F752.6;F323.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】261

