

The Co-movement Effect Test between the Financial Sectors and the Real Estate Sectors on China’s Stock Market

【作者】 陈娜

【导师】 陈放;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 数量经济学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 一直以来,金融业和房地产业都是推动我国经济发展的两大重要行业,而这两者又是相互影响的。作为资本密集型产业的房地产市场,它高度依赖着金融市场。尤其是最近几年,随着我国房地产业的飞速发展以及我国金融市场的发展变化和房地产市场供求关系的变化,金融市场和房地产价格的关系结构也渐渐发生了变化。因此研究这两者之间的关系对于我国宏观经济的发展、经济政策的制定以及中国特色社会主义的建设都有重要的意义。随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,各个金融市场之间甚至是同一市场的不同板块之间,其股票价格的相互影响、相互依赖与日俱增,而且还在某种程度上表现出相同的波动趋势,即存在联动效应。所谓股票市场板块之间的联动效应是指在某一时期或者某一特定时间段内,属于同一股票市场的不同板块内的股票价格或股票指数所出现的同涨同跌的现象。掌握板块之间联动效应的操作技巧,不仅有助于投资者及时发现并把握市场热点问题,增强交易的盈利性;而且有利于降低因板块整体下跌而带来的个股风险以及某一板块整体的下跌带来其他相关板块股票价格下跌的风险。许多研究表明金融业和房地产业紧密联系在一起,但是定性分析还不足以说明问题,也就不能准确度量二者的相互关系。因此为了更准确的研究二者之间的关系,本文采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法来研究金融业和房地产业之间的相互关系。我国股票市场的金融板块和地产板块之间是否存在联动效应?存在什么样的联动效应?针对上述问题,本文首先进行了理论分析和国内外文献综述;然后进行了实证方法介绍;为了消除单纯使用指数的日收盘价异常值对实证结果的影响,实证部分选取了2001年7月2日到2010年9月30日的我国股票市场的金融指数和地产指数的每日开盘价、收盘价、最低价、最高价四者的算术平均值作为研究对象,通过Granger因果检验,发现金融指数和地产指数存在单向的Granger因果关系,更具体的说,地产指数影响金融指数;通过STR模型分析,得出金融指数和地产指数存在非线性的联动效应,地产指数对金融指数的影响相对较大而且不对称,在不同的条件下存在从一种线性关系到另一种线性关系的转化,即整体上呈非线性关系;最后根据实证分析结果和目前我国金融市场和房地产市场的现状,提出了一些能够促进我国股市发展及投资者投资策略的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Financial and real estate market have been two important markets to promote our country’s economy, and they influence each other. The real estate market is capital intensive industry, has a high degree of dependence on financial market. Especially in recent years, with the rapid development of real estate industry in our country and the changes of supply and demand of China’s real estate market and the financial market. The relationship structure between the financial market and the real estate prices have gradually changed. So it is practical significance for the development of the macroeconomics, the formulation of economic policy and the construction of the socialism with Chinese characteristics to study the relationship between the financial and real estate market.With the acceleration of the process of global economic integration, the dependence and influence among financial market even sectors increase day by day, and have shown a certain degree of the same volatility trend, namely Co-movement Effect. The stock market "Co-movement Effect" of the sectors refers to a phenomenon that in a period or a particular time, which belongs to the same stock market of the price or the index rise or fall together. Master the skills of co-movement that is helpful to discover and grasp the markets’hot things in time, and to strengthen the profit. At the same time, to avoid falling for co-movement of sectors which brings stocks’and other corresponding sectors’risk. Many studies have showed that the financial and real estate industry are closely together, but for qualitative analysis it is not enough to show problem and can’t be accurately measure the relationship between them. So in order to study the relationship between them accurately, the paper make use of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis together to study the relationship between the finance and real estate industry.Whether there exists the co-movement effect between the financial sectors and the real estate sectors or not? What kind of the co-movement effect? In response to those problems, firstly, the paper analyzes the theory and the domestic and foreign literature review, then introduces the empirical methods; In order to eliminate the influence of the abnormal values if use the index of the day closing price only, on the empirical part, the paper chooses our stock markets’ financial index and real estate index of the day opening price, closing price, the lowest price and the highest price from July 2,2001 to September 30,2010, and takes the arithmetic mean of the four as research subject. Through the Granger causality test, it shows that financial index and real estate index have one-way Granger causality, namely real estate index influences financial,index; Through the STR model analysis, it shows that there exists nonlinearity co-movement effect between the financial index and the real estate index, and the real estate index has a large and asymmetric influence on the financial index. In different conditions, there exists transformation between a linear relationship and another.Namely, on the whole, the two indexes have a nonlinear relationship. At last, according to the result and the present situation of our country’s financial market and real estate market, the paper proposes some policy suggestions which can promote the development of our country’s stock market, as well as investors’investment strategy.

【关键词】 金融房地产联动效应非线性STR模型
【Key words】 FinancialReal EstateCo-movement EffectNonlinearSTR Model
  • 【分类号】F224;F832.51;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】328

