

The Investigation of Gas Hydrate Exploration Base on Neural Network

【作者】 梁建

【导师】 文贵华; 陈宏文;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国在南海进行了多学科多手段综合海洋地质调查研究,揭示了天然气水合物存在的证据,并于2007年5月实施深海钻探并首次获取了天然气水合物实物样品,研究显示我国南海天然气水合物储量达194亿立方米之多。随着天然气水合物勘探程度的不断深入,获得的天然气水合物储层资料、岩心样品与测井数据的丰富,如何有效利用已取得的数据对天然气水合物的赋存前景进行预测,是广大海洋科技工作者急需解决的难题。海洋天然气水合物勘探方法主要有地球化学与地球物理两大类。但无论那类方法,所涉及的水合物评价的方法、模型与公式都非常复杂,相关的参数也存在不确定性,并存在误差传递导致结果不可信等问题。而人工神经网络在模式分类、数据预测、函数拟合等方面都有强大的优势,并在石油勘探领域应用已有了许多成功运用的案例。本论文尝试运用人工神经网络技术,在天然气水合物勘探领域选取相关的应用切入点,通过训练建立神经网络模型,利用其强大的非线性映射能力,揭示天然气水合物勘探评价中涉及的多个属性之间的非线性关系,为寻找、评价天然气水合物提供一定的方法与技术支持。

【Abstract】 Comprehensive research of the marine geology of South China Sea has been carried out in recent years. The past studies confirmed the existence of Natural Gas Hydrate in this area. Especial in 2007 5th, scientists had conducted dedicated deep drilling expeditions and got the samples of the Natural Gas Hydrate for the fist time. Also some literates show that the reserves maybe up to 19.4 billion m3.As the exploration of Natural Gas Hydrate gets deeper and deeper, we got so much data and files as well as the samples of Gas Hydrate. How to use these data to valuate the reserves of the natural gas hydrate becomes an urgent problem that all scientists met.The exploration of natural gas hydrate contains two main methods including geochemistry and geophysics. However both of them have some limits such as 1) the complication of the evaluation method, model and formula, 2) the uncertainty of the parameters, 3) the lack of credibility in the result due to the transfer error etc. Nevertheless artificial neural network can figure out all these problems. It also has some special advantages such as pattern classification, data forecast, fitting function and so on.This study took the application of artificial neural network technology as a breakthrough point, and established a neural network model. Through that we can find the nonlinear relationship in various attributes concern about the valuation of the natural gas hydrate. This paper is aiming at providing some method and technology supports in searching and evaluating the natural gas hydrate.

  • 【分类号】P744.4
  • 【下载频次】127

