

Research on Automatic Field Calibration of Precision Thermometer for Process Industry

【作者】 刘定强

【导师】 刘桂雄; 陈明华;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 工业过程的测量数据是流程工业关于过程状态的重要信息源,这些重要信息源需要通过现场计量装置测量。工业过程计量装置的实际测量数据不可避免产生误差甚至出现偏离允许的范围。因此,对工业现场计量装置校准进行研究并保证装置的计量性能处于受控范围就成为流程工业过程优化的关键技术之一。对流程工业现场装置计量性能的研究,就是要通过参考标准对现场装置计量性能检测和获取数据,并对这些获取的原始数据进行科学的处理。通过这些数据来优化装置的计量性能、评估装置测量数据的可靠性、尽力消除系统误差、降低随机误差对测量结果的影响,以此来提高工业装置的测量性能。本研究作为广东省科技厅项目“面向中小流程企业的工业计量问题研究及应用”(粤科函财字[2007]519号)的一个子项目,主要从计量角度进行了以下几个方面的研究,着力解决如下几方面的内容:⑴研究流程工业现场先进、复杂装置的计量性能问题;⑵研究工业现场精密温度测量装置常用自校准方法及其自校准参数的准确快速求取方法;⑶研究工业现场温度传感器分散但集中控制的综合计量装置高效率校准方法;⑷研究具有通讯接口的现场温度测量装置自动校准,并通过实例开发一套工业现场具有通讯接口的智能仪表的自动校准系统。本文从硬件开发到软件设计,完成了一整套现场温度校准系统。该系统下位机硬件是基于AVR内核的Atmegal128单片机为核心制作的嵌入式控制电路;分析了我国温度计量基准状况,并采用电阻比进行热电阻温度计的电阻测量;设计了自动换向恒流源;分析和设计了硬件设计中的抗干扰措施;集成了LCD模块,在开发和调试中显示部分都有效地给人们提供直观信息。系统软件设计分为两部分:上位机程序和下位机程序。上位机程序基于Visual Studio.NET软件平台进行设计。校准过程产生的大量数据靠人工手动去记,显然费时费力,而且容易造成人为错误。鉴于此,本文开发了一个全自动校准系统。在Excel中,其中一个文档主要完成对标准器的温度采集,另一个文档主要针对不同的被校准设备编制数据采集表和原始数据表;下位机程序使用了C语言。AVR单片机编译器支持C编译器,下位机系统软件全部采用C语言编写。整个温度测量系统在主程序控制下工作;对设计和制作完成的系统进行了工业现场精密温度计自动校准系统的试验,获得了试验数据,并对数据进行了分析。结果表明,试验过程和结果基本符合系统预期的设计要求和使用目的。

【Abstract】 Measurement data of industrial process is important information of the process of state sources. The important information comes from field measuring device measurements. Industrial process measurement devices inevitably produce actual measurement data error or even deviate from the allowable range. Therefore, calibration of measurement devices for industrial field studies and performance of measurement devices in a controlled range of industrial process optimization process have become one of the key technologies. To study the measurement performance of industrial field devices is to test the devices by reference standard and obtain data, and then process the raw data scientifically. These measurement data to optimize plant performance evaluate the reliability of measurement devices. Try to eliminate systematic errors and reduce the random error of measurement results, so as to improve the measurement performance of plant.This is a sub-project of the project "Research and application of industrial measurement process for small and medium enterprises" owned by The Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province. The paper focuses on the following aspects: (1) The study about advanced, complex performance problems of measurement devices on industrial-site; (2) The study on industrial-site precision temperature measuring devices commonly used self-calibration method and its self-calibration method parameters quickly and accurately strike; (3) The methods of high-efficiency calibration of integrated measurement device; (4) Design a temperature measured device with communication interface and automatic calibration.This article shows the design of an field temperature calibration system. The lower computer hardware is based on core Atmegal128 AVR microcontroller. Analyze the baseline of our temperature measurement and use resistance ratio to measurement the value of resistance. Design a constant current source which can automatically change. Analyze and design of the hardware design of the anti-interference measures. This system integrate LCD module, show visual information for user during the development and debugging. Systematic software design is divided into two parts, the PC program and lower machine program. The PC program is based on Visual Studio.NET design. This article develops a fully automatic calibration system. In Excel, one of the main document to complete the standard temperature acquisition device and another document is used to collect data from equipment which is calibrated, and the original data. As the AVR compiler support C compiler, lower computer system software use C language. The entire temperature measurement system is under the control of the main program. The design and production of system for industrial field precision thermometer automatic calibration system is tested. Also we get some test data, and these data are analyzed.The results showed that the trial process and outcome of experiment are consistent with systematic design and use-goal.

  • 【分类号】TH811
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】66

