

G.C. Vehicle Wheelsets Process Optimization of Maintenance

【作者】 吴国文

【导师】 曹洲涛; 邓景山;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了国内轨道车辆轮对检修基地的检修流程和优化,目前普遍是针对低速、高速列车的检修,各种车辆轮对检修流程的优化研究比较单一,对城市轨道交通领域研究尤其缺乏。现在国内轮对检修的基地建设远远不能满足轨道交通发展的需要,成本高、周期长、轮对周转不及时,这种落后的检修流程已经严重影响轨道交通的安全运营。如何对车辆轮对检修合理规划和设计,达到有效降低成本,提高检修能力,以适应车辆检修发展的需要,保障轨道交通的安全运营是当务之急。城市轨道交通具有自身的特殊性,需要更多考虑轮对种类的差异,同时还需要解决轮对生产总量不大,但批次较多,检修周期要短,检修成本要低的难题。本文以G公司为研究对象,主要运用人因工程学的理论知识,重新对生产线场地设备和作业区域进行布局,使设备适应于人;以A公司一号线车辆轮对检修流程为例,分析现有检修流程中存在的问题优化流程,减少了非必要的非增值活动;针对采购、生产、库存、销售及流通等每一过程,从综合性系统的立场上去确立库存控制模式;建立ERP生产管理系统,实现生产现场的全过程管理,掌握生产过程,及时调整生产计划,提高生产过程反馈的时效性和准确性。本文通过探讨研究城市轨道车辆轮对检修流程的优化,以G公司为模型,重新对轮对检修流程进行完善,使其更适用于城市轨道车辆轮对的检修,解决城市地域和轮对类型差异带来的问题,同时从多角度考虑轮对检修基地和流程的设计,给其他城市轨道车辆检修基地提供指引,可以满足国内其他缺乏车辆轮对检修基地的企业轮对检修的需求,降低运营列车轮对的安全风险,避免因轮对出现故障影响运营,具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 This article describes the national rail vehicle wheel base for maintenance and optimization of maintenance processes, generally for low-speed, high-speed train maintenance now, maintenance of the vehicle wheel on the optimization of single process, and is the lack of research in the field of urban rail transit. Urban rail transport has its own particularity, need more consideration of species differences in wheel. Also need to address the wheel of the total production of small, but lots more, shorter maintenance cycle, lower maintenance cost problems.This article is the study of G Company, this article use the oretical knowledge of human factors engineering.Re-distribution the site of Production line equipment and operations areas,let People to adapt to the equipment. for example, One line to Company A vehicle wheel on the maintenance process. Analysis of existing problems in maintenance optimization of the process flow,reducing non-essential non-value added activities; for procurement, production, inventory, sales and distribution of each and every process,Position from an integrated system to establish inventory control mode up; establish ERP production management system, achieve the whole process of managing the production site,master the production process, adjust production plans, Improve the timeliness of the production process and accuracy of the feedback.This article study explored the city by rail vehicle wheel repair process optimization, as a model of G Company, Re-perfect round of maintenance processes, make it more suitable for urban rail vehicle wheelset overhaul, Solve urban geography and the type of wheel problems caused by differences, to other urban rail vehicle maintenance base to provide guidance, to meet the domestic urban rail transit vehicle maintenance needs on the wheel. This is a fact of great importance.


