

The Study on the Relationship between the COD Removal of Guangzhou Paper Mill’s Wastewater and the Coagulant Properties

【作者】 杜孝丽

【导师】 游革新; 李英伟;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 环境监控力度的加大导致废水的排放指标越来越严格,尤其是2009年5月1号以后,实施的新标准(GB3544-2008)中增加了氮、磷、色度等指标,变化最大的是CODcr,由原来旧标准的250mg/L降到120mg/L,由于现在大部分造纸厂都采用二级处理工艺,新标准实施以后就很难达到国家排放标准,因此寻找一种可行、经济的深度处理工艺已经迫在眉睫。本文结合广州某造纸厂污水处理系统技术改造项目,通过分析各种制浆造纸废水深度处理工艺,为该造纸厂设计了一条经济、有效的处理工艺。并且以该造纸厂的SBR段后的终端废水为研究对象,探讨了:(1)废水pH值对无机絮凝剂聚合氯化铝、氯化铝、硫酸铝、硫酸亚铁在处理废水时对COD及色度去除率的影响;(2)无机絮凝剂聚合氯化铝、氯化铝、硫酸铝、硫酸亚铁的投加量对废水COD及色度去除率的影响;(3)不同离子度的阳离子聚丙烯酰胺与无机絮凝剂聚合氯化铝、氯化铝、硫酸铝、硫酸亚铁复配使用对废水COD及色度去除率的影响;(4)阴离子聚丙烯酰胺与无机絮凝剂聚合氯化铝、氯化铝、硫酸铝、硫酸亚铁复配使用对废水COD及色度去除率的影响。实验结果表明:①使用无机絮凝剂处理废水时,每一种无机絮凝剂都有其最佳的pH,在这个最佳的pH值下COD的去除率达到最大,并且对于制浆造纸废水而言,无机絮凝剂合适的pH在中性到碱性之间。②使用无机絮凝剂处理废水时,无机絮凝剂的投加量对废水COD去除率有较大的影响,当投加量达到一定值时去除率达到最好值,当超出这一值后去除率反而下降。③无机絮凝剂与有机絮凝剂复配使用处理废水时,对废水中COD去除率有较大的提高,并且与不同离子度的阳离子聚丙烯稀酰胺复配使用或与阴离子聚丙烯酰胺复配使用时废水效果不同。④对于广州某造纸厂的废水而言,氯化铝对其处理效果最好,COD去除率可以达到80%以上,硫酸亚铁效果最差,且在使用硫酸亚铁时因为Fe2+的原因,在废水中带入大量颜色,不适合处理该制浆废水。

【Abstract】 Government have paid more attention to environment, so the discharge of wastewater are becoming more and more strict, especially after May.1.2009, the new standard includes new quality, such as Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Color; and so on. COD have wide change, It changed from 250mg/L to 120mg/L, because most paper mill are always using secondary treatment process, their wastewater indexes cannot meet the new standard any more. Searching a new feasible and economical advanced treatment process is very important.In this paper, an economical and effective process was designed based on combining a paper mill’s wastewater treatment system in Guangzhou and analyzing all kinds of paper wastewater advanced treatment process. study wastewater of the middle process of this paper mill to explore⑴the relationship between pH of wastewater and the removal rate of COD when use inorganic flocculants, such as PAC; aluminum chloride; aluminum sulfate; ferrous sulfate, to treat wastewater⑵the relationship between dosage of PAC; aluminum chloride; aluminum sulfate; ferrous sulfate and the removal rate of COD⑶the relationship between using different degrees of ionic polyacrylamide mixed with PAC; aluminum chloride; aluminum sulfate; ferrous sulfate to treat wastewater and the removal rate of COD⑷the relationship between using anionic polyacrylamide mixed with PAC; aluminum chloride; aluminum sulfate; ferrous sulfate to treat wastewater and the removal rate of COD .The experimental results show that:①Each inorganic coagulant has its own best pH, the removal rate of COD will reach maximum under this pH, and the proper pH of inorganic coagulant is between neutral and alkaline.②The dosage of inorganic coagulant plays important role in removal rate of COD , the removal rate can reach the best when dosage is right the figure, but if it surpass the figure, the removal rate will decline.③The use of inorganic coagulant mixed with organic coagulant will greatly improved the removal rate of COD, and combination with different degrees of cation ionic polyacrylamide or anionic polyacrylamide will produce different results.④For wastewater of the paper mill in Guangzhou. the aluminum chloride is the best, with removal rate of COD can reach 80%, and ferrous sulfate is the worst, which ferrous sulfate may produce plenty of color, it is the reason of Fe2+, so it is unsuitable for the paper mill.

【关键词】 造纸厂COD混凝剂性能混凝方法
【Key words】 paper millCODcoagulant propertiescoagulant method
  • 【分类号】X793
  • 【下载频次】225

