

【作者】 陈嘉翊

【导师】 张德瑞;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公务员抵抗权思想的萌发和起源历经漫长的历史岁月,从抵抗权的发展过程来看,在中国古代,孔子和孟子的反暴政理念为重要的理论渊源,而在西方,卢梭、洛克、霍布斯等人将抵抗权理论同社会契约论紧密结合,继续推进了抵抗权理论的深入发展。二十世纪,人们对两次世界大战的反思促使抵抗权在法律层面上得到充分的体现,抵抗权开始在维护人权方面发挥实际作用。德国近代公务员制度的发展以“特别权力关系”学说为理论依据,“特别权力关系”理论要求公务员对上级命令奉行绝对服从的态度,限制了公务员的部分权利。“特别权力关系”理论对各国公务员制度产生过巨大影响,有着重大的历史贡献,但是随着现代公务员制度的不断发展与进步,各国对“特别权力关系”理论也展开了深刻的反思,对部分理论的扬弃也促使更为人性化的公务员制度的建立,公务员合法权利也逐步得到充分的保证。从另一方面也限制和防范了国家公权力的恣意与扩张,促使公权力在合法与理性的框架中平稳地的行使与运行。近现代民主制度的发展为公务员制度的产生奠定了充分的理论基础,传统封建官僚制度中,下级与上级之间是严格的服从关系,上级对下级具有绝对的控制力,下级对上级具有完全的人身依附关系,没有独立的人格与行为能力。随着西方资本主义国家民主制度的生成与发展,现代文官制度的建立为公务员服从义务带来巨大的转变,最为根本之处在于实现了从身份服从到职务服从的转变。公务员是根据宪法和法律的服从,如果他自己违反法律,就没有要求别人服从的权利。公务员担任公职的目的只能是服务公共利益,而不是服务于他的上司,对于上司的违法命令,他有义务去抵抗这一违法命令。公务员制度在中国确立与发展对中国传统官僚政治产生了具体而深远的影响,促进了公务员管理体制的革新与政府人事制度的良性发展。肇始于隋唐时期的科举制度给中国古代社会留下了浓重的痕迹,西方学术界亦有大量的关于公务员制度起源于中国古代科举制度的论述。然而两千多年封建专制统治下的中国并没有摆脱传统官僚制度的束缚,满朝文武官员只是皇权的附属品,没有独立的人格和尊严,更莫要奢谈官员的权利保障。现代意义上的公务员制度诞生于英国,是民主政治和社会文明发展到一定阶段的产物。公务员的权利与义务也随着公务员制度的不断完善而逐步的清晰和明确。以封建专制统治下官员无任何权利可言到如今公务员权利体系的不断健全,体现了行政法发展的趋势和人权保障理念的进步。本文从公务员抵抗权的理论渊源入手,首先回顾了公务员抵抗权制度的发展历史和现状,探讨该制度存在的理论价值及实践意义,其次深入分析公务员抵抗权的行使过程。最后思考我国公务员抵抗权制度存在的缺陷与不足,将上述理论结合我国实际情况加以运用并提出针对性建议,以期促进该制度在我国的发展与完善。

【Abstract】 The development of the civil servant’right of resistance goes through a long history. In ancient china, Confucius and Mencius firstly had the point of view of anti-tyranny, which was the important theoretical origin, while in the West, Rousseau, Locke and Hobbes integrated with the social contract theory, continue to promote the civil servant’right of resistance. In twentieth century, people reflect on the two world wars led to the civil servant’right of resistance is fully on the legal aspects of the embodiment, the civil servant’right of resistance began to play a practical role in protecting human rights.The development of modern civil service system in Germany is on the basis of "special power relations" theory. "Special power relations" theory requires civil servants to obey superior’s orders absolutely, while the civil servants’partial right is limited. "Special power relations" theory have had a tremendous impact and significant historical contribution, but with the continuous development and progress of the modern civil service system, some countries also launched a deep reflection on the part of abandon the theory, which also contributed to a more humane civil service’s establishment, the legitimate rights of civil servants have gradually been fully guaranteed. On the other hand, it also limited and prevented the expansion of the public power, to promote public authority running smoothly in the framework of legal and rational exercise. The development of modern democratic system have laid the full theoretical basis for the civil service system, in the traditional feudal bureaucratic system, the relationship between the civil servant and superior is strict obedience, superior has absolute control to subordinate, the subordinates do not have personal dependence, independent personality and capacity. With development of democratic institutions in the western capitalist countries, the establishment of the modern civil service system brings a great change to the civil servants’obligations, the most fundamental change is that realized from identity to obey to post obey transformation. Civil servants are to obey the Constitution and laws, and if he violated the law, there is no right to ask others to obey. The purpose of the civil service in public office can only serve the public interest, rather than serve his boss; for the illegal order, he was obliged to resist this illegal order.Establishment and development of civil service system in China had a profound influence to Chinese traditional bureaucracy, promoted the civil service management system innovation and government personnel system development. The imperial examination system began in Sui and Tang dynasty of ancient Chinese society, which has left strong traces to China. Western scholars also have described a lot about the civil service system originated in ancient Chinese imperial examination system. However, under the rule of more than two thousand years of feudal autocracy, China is not free from the shackles of the traditional bureaucratic system, the supreme imperial power and the hierarchical bureaucracy makes a seriously personal attachment phenomenon. There is no independent personality and dignities to officials, the rights of the officials are not protected. Civil service system in the modern sense was born in Britain, the product of democratic politics and social civilization. Rights and obligations of civil servants gradually become clear and definite with the continuous improvement of the civil service system. Under the rule of the feudal autocratic,officials have no rights to speak. The present system of civil rights continues to improve, reflecting the trend of administrative law and the concept of progress in human rights protection.In this paper, it starts from theoretical origin of the civil servant’right of resistance, firstly it reviews the history and current status of the civil servant’right of resistance, discusses the theory value and practical significance of this system, followed by in-depth analysis of the process of the civil servant’right of resistance. Finally, thinking of the defects and shortcomings of the civil servant’right of resistance system, combined the above theory with the actual situation in our country ,put forward specific proposals to promote the development and improvement of the system in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.11
  • 【下载频次】167

