

The Design and Implementation of an Emergency System

【作者】 潘星

【导师】 吴一民; 张志强;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 无处不在的形形色色的突发事件严重的威胁着人民的生命财产安全,破坏着社会的稳定和谐。随着科学技术的高速发展和人民生活水平的大幅提高,人们越来越认识到危机管理的重要性。于是各种基于突发事件的危机管理手段纷纷出台,应急管理系统正是在这种社会整体需要下,政府所采取的应急措施中的一个环节。目前,各种应急系统百花齐放,就应急系统所采用的技术而言,应急系统分为基于GIS的应急系统、基于智能决策支持的应急系统和融合了各种技术的基于综合方法的应急系统。就应用方面而言有城市应系统、地震应急系统、卫生应急系统、道路交通灾害应急系统等,整个社会的应急能力得到了大幅提升。在这种大浪潮下,本文根据单位的需求,设计和实现了一个应急管理系统,本系统使用ASP.NET、Spring.NET、NHibernate、Ajax等框架和技术,针对突发事件应急指挥调度这一需求,设计了一个以事件为中心,包含四个子系统(分别是指挥调度子系统、事件管理子系统、信息管理子系统、用户管理子系统)和人机交互界面的应急系统。系统借助使用GIS(地理信息系统)、知识库、案例库、预案库等方法,与其他应对机制、必要措施以及人力和硬件设施一起,避免或减少突发事件产生的灾害,保障公众生命财产安全,力求把损失降到最低,维护社会稳定和谐。论文详细介绍了本系统的需求分析、功能设计、数据库设计、实现以及测试和运行效果。

【Abstract】 All kinds of emergencies seriously threaten people’s lives and property, destruction of social stability and harmony. With the rapid development of science and technology, significantly improvement of people’s living standard there is increasing recognition the importance of crisis management. So all kinds of emergencies based on crisis management have been proposed. Emergency systems are also gradually developed, as a part of the emergency measures that taken by the government.Currently, various emergency systems have developed rapidly. According to the technology used, the emergency system can be divided into GIS-based emergency response system, emergency systems based on intelligent decision support systems and emergency systems based on the integration of various technologies integrated approach. In terms of the application of emergency systems, it can be divided into city emergency system, earthquake emergency system, health emergency system, road traffic disaster response system and so on. With the common effect of variety of emergency measures, the community’s emergency response capacity has been increased dramatically.In this big wave and the department’s command, we design and implement an emergency management system using ASP.NET, Spring.NET, NHibernate, Ajax and so on. Responding to the needs of emergency command and dispatch, this system is designed to event-centric, with four subsystems (namely, command and control subsystem, event management subsystem, information management subsystem, user management subsystem) and human-machine interface. Through the use of GIS (geographic information system), knowledge library, case library, plans library and other methods, combined other coping mechanisms, the necessary measures, human and hardware together, the system can avoid or reduce disasters resulting from emergencies, protect public life and property , strive to minimize the loss, maintain social stability and harmony.This paper describes the system requirements analysis, functional design, database design, implementation, testing and running effect in detail.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】162

