

The Analysis of the Reason for Attacking Policemen and the Prevention of it

【作者】 叶春根

【导师】 徐松林;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 警察担负着打击犯罪、保护人民的职责,面对日趋复杂的执法形势和执法环境,执法风险和工作压力不断加大。社会上侵害民警合法权益、妨碍民警依法执行公务的事件时有发生,造成了“时时有流血,天天有牺牲”的局面。由于袭警事件的侵害对象(警察)身份的特殊性,故其较侵害其他一般公民事件会产生更为强烈的社会负面效应,严重损害政府权威和法律尊严,影响公安机关的整体形象和队伍稳定,进而影响社会的和谐稳定,损害广大人民群众的根本利益。文章主要分为四部分:第一部分为导论。本部分首先从袭警所面临的形势出发,指出应切实加强有效措施应对袭警问题,然后归纳总结了目前学界对袭警问题研究的现状,指出了研究袭警问题的重要意义。第二部分为袭警的基础理论。本部分主要对袭警的概念进行了界定,并分析了袭警的新特征及类型。第三部分为袭警的成因分析。本部分主要对袭警的成因进行了分析,指出袭警行为产生的原因;第四部分为结合上述对袭警产生原因的分析提出相应的针对性的措施和解决方案,提出应增设袭警罪。

【Abstract】 The police charged with the crime, protect people’s duties, facing the complex situation and the law environment of law enforcement, law enforcement risk and increasing work pressure. The social assault on police legitimate rights and interests, obstructing police law enforcement official events have occurred, resulting in a " always have bleeding, every sacrifice". As a result of assaulting incident against the object ( police ) unique identity, which is harm to other citizens in general events will have a stronger negative social effect, serious damage to the government authority and the dignity of the law, the public security organ effects the overall image and team stability, thereby affecting social harmony and stability, harm the fundamental interests of the masses.The paper is mainly divided into four parts: the first part is introduction. The first part from the police faced the situation, points out that we should strengthen the effective measures to deal with the police, and then summarizes the current studies about police question research present situation, pointed out the significance of the issue of assaulting a police officer. The second part is the basic theory of assaulting a police officer. This part mainly defines the concept of assaulting a police officer, and analyzes the new characteristics of assaulting a police officer, types and social harmfulness. The third part is the analysis of the causes of the police. This part mainly analyzes the causes for assaulting a police officer, pointed out that the police behavior causes; fourth part is the combination of the above for assaulting a police officer of the analysis of the causes and puts forward the corresponding measures and solutions.

【关键词】 袭警危害原因对策
【Key words】 policeharmcausecountermeasure
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】467

