

Translation of Metaphor from the Perspective of Context

【作者】 袁胡飞

【导师】 彭利元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南工业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 隐喻在日常生活中无处不在,它不仅是一种修辞手段,还是人类认识世界的一种思维方式。自20世纪七十年代起,学者从认知心理学、哲学、语用学、符号学等角度对隐喻进行多层次的系统研究,而隐喻翻译的研究却未引起足够的重视。通过相关文献阅读,笔者发现国外对隐喻翻译的研究主要集中在隐喻的可译性和翻译技巧,而国内学者主要从语义、意象、文化、认知四个方面对隐喻翻译进行研究。然而隐喻的识别与理解必须在特定的语境中才能实现,任何翻译都离不开语境。本文试图从语境的视角对隐喻翻译进行研究。作者首先阐述了语境与隐喻的关系。语境即语言的使用环境,包括言内语境和言外语境。言外语境又细分为情景语境和文化语境。而新“语义三角”与语境关系密切。新“语义三角”包括三个要素:所指、能指和语言符号。所指世界与能指世界属于言外语境,而语言符号世界属于言内语境。因此,从某种意义上说,新“语义三角”便是语境。而隐喻是在人类认识世界并与其相互作用以及创造语言过程中产生的;其本质是从一个概念域(源语域)向另一概念域(目标域)映射的结果;其功能主要表现在认知功能和语言学功能;它对人类认识世界和创造新的词汇和概念产生了重要的作用,并间接地促进了人类思维的发展。因人类生活在同一地球上,人们往往对同一事物有相似的体验,于是产生了相似的隐喻表达;而因不同的语系和文化,人类则常会用不同的源语去映射同一目标域。同一隐喻在不同的语境下会表现出不同的意义。在隐喻翻译前正确理解源语隐喻意义至关重要。隐喻翻译涉及三个概念:本体、喻体和喻意。根据隐喻在两种语言中的语境异同提出了五种翻译方法:移植法、补偿法、替代法、转化法和省略法。当源语隐喻在目的语读者中能引起相同或相似联想时,采用移植法;当出现文化空缺而又需保留原喻体时,可先直译再进行加注或解释补偿其损失的意义;当目的语中可找到对等喻体来表达同一意义时,则可采用替代法;当目的语读者能理解源语喻体和喻意,但直译会使表达晦涩时,可把隐喻转换成明喻;当以上四种都行不通时,省略隐喻,直接翻译意义。笔者最后对全文做了总结,并提出隐喻翻译需要进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Metaphor is pervasive in our daily life, and it is not only a figure of speech, but also a mode of thinking for human beings to know the world. Scholars have made a multi-level and systematic study of metaphor from cognitive psychological, philosophical, pragmatic and semiotic aspects since 1970s, but the translation of metaphor does not gain the equal attention. After reading the relative literatures, the author finds that the western scholars mainly study the translatability of metaphor and translation techniques and Chinese scholars study metaphor translation from four aspects: semantic, imagery, cultural and cognitive aspects. Anyhow, the identification and understanding of metaphors can be only realized in specific context, and any translation cannot be separated from context, so this paper studies the translation of metaphor from the perspective of context. The author firstly analyzes the relationship between context and metaphor.Context is the environment in which language is used, which embraces linguistic context and non-linguistic context. Non-linguistic context is subdivided into situational context and cultural context. And new semantic triangle has a close relationship with context. New semantic triangle covers three elements: referent, reference (thought) and linguistic sign. Referent world and reference (thought) world belong to non-linguistic context, and linguistic sign world belongs to linguistic context. In this sense, new semantic triangle is context. Metaphor is produced when people know the world and create the language; its essence is to understand one conceptual domain in terms of another conceptual domain; its functions are mainly reflected in cognitive and linguistic aspects; and it plays an important role in the process of understanding the world and creating new vocabulary and new sense, and also promotes the development of human thought indirectly.As people live on the same planet, people always have similar experiences for one thing and similar metaphorical expressions are produced. At the same time, due to different language families and cultures, people in different places will use different source domains to map the same target domain. The same metaphor may represent different meanings in different contexts. Getting a correct understanding of the original metaphor before translating is very critical. And there are three terms concerned with metaphor translation: object, image and sense. According to the contextual similarities and differences in two languages, five translation methods are put forward: transplant, compensation, replacement, conversion and omission. When the original image can evoke the same or similar association for the target language readers, transplant can be adopted. When cultural vacancy occurs and the original image must be retained, notes and explanation can be added to compensate the sense. When a standard image in the target language can be found, replacement is feasible. When there is no difficulty for the target language readers to understand the original image, but the literal translation can make the text unnatural, the metaphor can be converted into simile. If the above methods are not feasible, the translator can adopt omission, that is, omit the metaphor and just translate the sense.Lastly, the paper draws the conclusion based on the above research, and comes up with the subjects for further studies concerning the translation of metaphor.

【关键词】 隐喻语境新“语义三角”翻译
【Key words】 metaphorcontextnew semantic triangletranslation

