

Comparative Study on Yan Family Introduction and Zeng Guofan’s Family Education Ethics

【作者】 李洁琼

【导师】 陈碧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南工业大学 , 伦理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 颜之推所著《颜氏家训》被誉为“中国家训之祖”。曾国藩修家书、日记数以千计,将中国传统的仕宦家训推向了巅峰。二者的家训中都蕴含着深刻的家庭伦理教育思想。从颜之推到曾国藩,历史相隔一千多年,比较《颜氏家训》与曾国藩家教伦理思想的异同,研究家训的发展及其变革,对于了解我国封建社会的家庭教育,并为今天的家庭教育和道德建设服务,是很有意义的。本文分五个部分。绪论部分说明了选题缘由、研究方法,概述了研究现状,并对家庭伦理教育进行了界定,分析其重要性。第二部分分析了《颜氏家训》的历史背景和成因,并从家庭教育、兄弟关系、夫妇关系以及治家规范四个方面对《颜氏家训》中的家教伦理思想进行简要阐述。第三部分探讨曾国藩家教伦理思想。首先探讨曾国藩家训伦理思想产生的历史渊源,再从孝悌、勤俭、教化、立志有恒四个方面对曾国藩的家教伦理思想进行阐述。第四部分是比较《颜氏家训》和曾国藩家教伦理思想的相通性和区别之处。《颜氏家训》和曾国藩家教伦理思想总的来说是以儒学为核心的,是传统的社会伦理道德的延续和发展。他们都代表了封建地主阶级利益,家教的出发点都是为了发展自己的家世以扬名传业。在家教中都注重家庭关系的培养,要求兄弟子侄孝悌、勤俭。但是由于两人的历史背景不同和个人差异,在读书、成才与功名上有着不同的家训理念。相对于颜之推,曾国藩从多视角扩充了孝悌的内涵。第五部分分析了《颜氏家训》和曾国藩家教伦理思想对当今家庭伦理建设的启示意义和对当今社会消费伦理的启示意义以及它们的现代价值。我们应采取批判的继承的态度,取其精华,去其糟粕,构建和谐的现代家庭伦理。

【Abstract】 Yan Zhitui’s representative works,Yan Family Instructions was honored as“ancestor of the Chinese family introductions”. Zeng Guofan wrote thousands of letters and diaries, pushing the traditional Chinese officialdom family introductions into a peak. Both of them contain deep family education ethics. From Yan Zhitui to Zeng Guofan, the history stretches for more than one thousand years, caparisoning their family introductions’similarities and differences, researching the development and changes, it is meaningful to understand China’s feudal society’s family education,service for today’s family education and moral construction .This thesis consists of five parts. The preface includes the main objects research of the thesis,research methods and present researches. Then define the family education ethics and analyze its importance.The second part analyzes the historical background and causes of Yan Family Instructions, from four aspects to briefly elaborate Yan’s family education ethics,such as family education,brotherhood,and couple relationship and family regulate.The third part explores Zeng Guofan’s family education ethics. First,it explores production history of origin, again from filial and fraternal ethics, diligence and thrift ethics, enlightenment ethics, aspire to persistence ethics to elaborate Zeng Guofang’s family education ethics.The fourth part is to compare the connectivity and differences of Yan Family Instructions and Zeng Guofang’s family education ethics. In generally,Yan Family Instructions and Zeng Guofang’s family education ethics are both with Confucianism as the core,and the continuation and development of traditional social ethics. They represented the feudal landlord class interests. Their starting point is to tutor to develop their own family heritage mark preach,pay all the attention to family relations’tutoring the training, require their brothers and sons to be filial and fraternal friendly, hardworking and thrifty. But because of their different history backgrounds and individual differences, they have different family education ethics in reading,success and fame. Relative to Yan zhitui, Zeng Guofan expanded the connotation of filial and fraternal ethics from more angles.The fifth part analyzes Yan Family Instructions and Zeng Guofan’s family education ethics on today’s family ethics construction,the present social consumer ethics and their modern value. we should adopt critical inheritance attitude,taking the essence to the dregs, constructing the harmonious modern family ethics.


