

Research on Problems of Family Enterprise Governance

【作者】 金进

【导师】 贾红雨;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 家族企业是人类社会发展进程中最早出现的企业形式,也是当今广泛存在、内部关系复杂的一种企业形态。改革开放以来,我国私营企业取得了长足发展,据全国工商联的调查显示,我国99%的企业都是中小企业,而中小企业中将近80%属于家族企业或者泛家族企业。我国经济发展中所取得的伟大成就,在很大程度上得益于私营企业的发展,这其中家族企业在促进社会和经济发展、提供就业岗位以及社会影响等方面都我国国民经济的发展和进步贡献了相当大的力量。伴随着该群体的不断发展壮大,家族管理模式越来越引起人们的广泛关注。从某种程度上看,研究家族企业治理问题,就是研究我国本土成长起来的企业代表,在某种意义上可以为其他企业的发展和进步提供借鉴。论文在对家族企业及其治理模式的概念、特征及分类等进行分析的基础上借鉴企业生命周期理论、利益相关者理论、委托代理理论和制度规范理论等重要观点为指导,主要以HD集团为例,对其股权控制、资本结构、权力结构、治理模式、人力资源及企业文化等进行了多维度的调查和深入的剖析。调查结果显示,目前家族企业治理过程中中尚存在着经营者选拔方式落后、传统家长制弊端日益凸显、两权合一治理模式的成本劣势严重和人力资源管理制度不健全等问题。可以说,只有从建立折中型的企业治理模式、以以人为本的观念指导规章制度的建立、完善人力资源管理制度、优化企业文化和建立健全约束激励机制等方面加强努力,才能实现家族企业的健康长远发展。论文主要针对目前我国家族企业的运行现状,尝试综合运用管理学、经济学等相关学科的理论和研究方法,通过实地调查研究,力求在掌握第一手资料的基础上,对家族企业的治理模式进行文本分析,深入剖析其运行现状和存在的问题,从而探讨并提出完善的若干思考。

【Abstract】 Family enterprise is the enterprise which earliest appeared in the development of human society, and also it is widespread today and has complex internal relations. Since reform and open, Chinese private enterprise develops fast and now 99% of enterprises are medium-sized and small enterprises during which 80% are family enterprises or pan-family enterprises. The great achievements of our country’s economy development profit from the private enterprises’development largely and during which the family enterprises contributes largely to the development and progress of our national economy in the aspects of promoting economy and social development and offering jobs. With is constant development, its management mode arouses people’s close attention more and more. To some extent, the study of family enterprise management can offer lessons and experiences for the development of other enterprise.This article takes HD Company as example and survey and analysis its stock right controlling, capital structure, power structure, governance mode, human resource management and enterprise culture on the basis of anglicizing the concept, feature and classify of family enterprise and its governance mode and using life-cycle approach, stakeholder theory, agency theory and system standard theory for reference. According to the survey result, there are problems such as behindhand selecting way of operator, increasing abuse of traditional patriarchy, the serious cost disadvantage of "two authority synergetic" governance mode and the imperfect human resource management. It can be said that only establishing eclectic enterprise governance mode, guiding the building of institution with the concept of people first, perfecting the human resource management system, optimizing the enterprise culture and perfecting incentive and restraint mechanism can the family enterprise develop healthily and long.This article aims at the present operation situation of our country’s family enterprise, analyzes its governance mode, operation situation and existing problems and points out its perfecting ways by the comprehensively using of relevant theories and study ways such as management and economics on the basis of investigation which can master first-hand information.

  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【下载频次】257

