

Research on Production Dykes of the Yellow River Floodplain in Shandong Province

【作者】 王静

【导师】 于翠松; 李希宁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水利工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 山东黄河生产堤是滩区群众为了减少洪水淹没损失而自发修建的,生产堤的建成在一定程度上起到了降低中小洪水淹没几率、稳定人们生产生活的作用,但同时在这个过程中,也积聚了不容忽视的风险。生产堤的存在,减少了洪水漫滩次数,限制了滩槽水沙交换、加重了主槽淤积,导致河道排洪能力降低,洪水威胁增大。生产堤也经历了修—破—修—破的演变过程,至今仍然没有很好地解决。本文研究的主要内容为:对黄河下游滩区自然地理及社会经济情况进行分析;对滩区生产堤的演变过程及发展趋势进行分析;研究生产堤的存在对河道泥沙淤积分布及防洪的影响;分析生产堤对洪水位、洪峰削减、传播时间的影响;利用数学模型研究生产堤对河道行洪的影响,模拟不同方案下的洪水过程;对典型滩区“长平滩区”进行专题分析计算,在以上研究的基础上提出对山东河段滩区生产堤的意见和建议。生产堤既关系到治河防洪,又关系到滩区群众的生产生活,既有自然属性又有社会属性。在分析研究工作中,坚持科学发展观,紧密结合山东黄河滩区的实际情况,从确保黄河下游防洪安全和保证滩区群众生命财产安全出发,坚持全面分析、科学论证、远近期结合、可操作性强的思路,对黄河下游的生产堤的治理问题提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Production dykes of the Yellow River floodplain in Shandong province are built spontaneously to reduce the loss caused by floods. Production dykes, to a certain extent, lessen the possibility of small and medium-sized floods and play an important role in protecting people’s property and security. But at the same time, it also accumulated the great risk that cannot be ignored. Production dykes lower the chances of flood overflow, restrict the exchange of discharge and sedimentation between floodplain and main channel, increase the main channel deposition, lessen the main channel reduce power, and then flood threats increase. Production dykes experienced the process of building-breaking-building-breaking, which is still not solved properly.This paper mainly analyzes the natural geography and social economy of the Yellow River floodplain in Shandong province; analyzes the evolution process and tendency of production dykes; researches the production dyke influence on the distribution of sediment deposition and flood controlling; analyzes the flood routine changing and its traveling time. Using mathematical model research, simulating the flood flowing in different schemes, analyzing and calculating the typical "ChangPing Floodplain", this paper puts forward the comments and suggestions on production dykes of the Yellow River floodplain in Shandong province.Production dykes are related to river management and flood control, but also to people’s work and daily life. They have both natural and social attributes. In the process of research, from the viewpoint of guaranteeing the safety of the lower Yellow River and people’s life and property, this paper sticks to the scientific view of development and closely combines the actual situation of the Yellow River floodplain. With comprehensive analysis, scientific reasoning and far with recent goals, this paper puts forward reasonable suggestions on the management of production dykes in the Yellow River floodplain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】TV882.1
  • 【下载频次】51

