

Jinan City Community Issues Party

【作者】 葛敏

【导师】 崔桂田;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济的不断发展以及城市化进程的加快和城市管理体制改革的不断深化,城市社会结构和利益格局发生了深刻的变化,城市社区党组织建设面临着许多新的情况和问题,如党员的数量不断增加、流动性日益增强、管理难度加大等。在此情况下,如何加强城市社区党建工作,成为党在基层组织建设中的重大课题和重要组成部分。为此,本文结合自己的工作实际,对济南市城市社区党建问题进行系统研究,总结其经验教训,探寻新形势下推进城市社区党建工作的思路和对策。本文的主要内容有如下四部分:第一章导论。本章主要对城市社区党建的内涵、研究城市社区党建的意义和目前学界的研究现状等进行了研究。认为加强城市社区党建,既是进一步巩固中国共产党的执政地位的需要,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。第二章济南市城市社区党建的主要措施及进展。本章主要分析了济南市城市社区的四种类型与社区党建呈现出的新变化和新特点,对近几年济南市加强社区党建的主要措施和社区党建的进展及成就进行了全面的考察、梳理和研究。第三章济南市城市社区党建存在的主要问题及原因。本章主要从职责任务的多样化与实际工作职权的矛盾、社区党务管理者职责任务的多样化与实际工作职权的矛盾、辖区内流动党员的增多与党组织不够健全的矛盾、抓基层党建的力量较弱,党组织管理水平还比较低以及社区党建缺乏财力、物力保障等五个方面来探讨了济南市社区党建存在的主要问题及其原因。第四章推进城市社区党建工作的思路及对策。本章在结合济南市城市社区党建经验的基础上,提出了推进城市社区党建的思路和对策,即要从战略高度重视城市社区党建工作;要提高社区党组织干部队伍的整体素质;要构筑城市社区党建工作新的管理模式;要扩大党的基层组织和基层工作的覆盖面;要妥善处理社区党组织与居民自治的关系等。

【Abstract】 Alongside with the ongoing development of Reforming & Openness and socialist marketing economy, the acceleration of urbanization, and the continuous progress of urban management system, there are profound changes in city social constructions and profit distribution patterns, leading to numerous fresh situations and problems confronted by urban community Party organizations, such as the ever-rising numbers of communist members, the increasing of personal mobility, both contributing to the elevated difficulty of management. With such a background, how to improve the constitution of the urban community Party organizations becomes a major issue and essential component of reinforcing the Party’s primary-level organizations. Based on personal practice, systemic studies are carried out on Jinan community Party constructions, experience and lessons are summerized for exploring the direction and strategies of promoting community Party construction under the new situations.Chapter One Introduction. The focus of this chapter is on the content of community Party construction, the importance and the recent academic progress of studies in this field. It is emphasized that the reinforcement of community Party construction is not only the necessary step of solidifying the political power of CCP, but also the essential demands of building a harmonious socialist society.Chapter Two The Major Practice and Progress of Jinan Community Party Constructions. In this chapter analysis is made on four major types of Jinan urban communities and the corresponding new changes and characteristics of community Party constructions. Comprehensive investigation and research are carried out on the major measures, progress and achievements on Jinan community Party constructions.Chapter Three The Major Problems and Reasons of Community Party Constructions in Jinan. Five aspects of problems and reasons of community Party constructions in Jinan are discussed in details:the contradiction of diversification of responsibility and tasks with actual functional authority; the further analysis of upper contradiction in community Party affairs and management; the contradiction of the great increased number of mobile Party members inside communities with the insufficient structure of community Party organization; the inadequate input and emphasis on fundamental Party construction and the consequence of insufficient organization and management level; the inadequate financial and material support for community Party organizations.Chapter Four The Direction and Strategies of Improving Community Party Constructions. Based on the practice and experience of community Party constructions in Jinan, the potential direction and strategies are suggested to promote the community Party constructions. The emphasis on community Party constructions should be highlighted on the level of National Strategy; the overall cadre quality of community Party organizations should be improved; new management patterns of community Party constructions should be carefully devised and evaluated; the fundamental organization and coverage of our Party should be reasonably enlarged; the relationship of community Party leadership and the autonomy of citizens should be cautiously balanced; et al.

【关键词】 济南市城市社区党的建设问题研究
【Key words】 Jinanurban communityParty constructionproblemstudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D267
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】196

