

Community Corrections Research Based on the Criminal Judicial Policies of Combining Leniency with Severity

【作者】 王庆

【导师】 陈金钊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 社区矫正是与监狱矫正相对应的一种行刑方式,代表了当今世界刑罚制度发展的主流和趋势。在重刑主义传统浓厚的我国,社区矫正制度的构建才刚刚起步,而临着诸多的难题和困境,迫切需要进行理论的深入研究和实践的积极探索。社区矫正之所以能够在我国得到重视和发展,很大程度上是与宽严相济刊事政策的形成和确立分不开的,探寻社区矫正制度在我国的发展,应当注重对我国国情的把握,站在宽严相济刑事政策的宏观视角来进行,为社区矫正制度在我国的确立找到一条清晰的路径,这也是本文研究的主要背景和目的。作为一项探索性的研究,本文以法学、逻辑学、社会学等多种学科知识为指导,对社区矫正和宽严相济刑事政策的关系进行了必要阐述,重点关注了以宽严相济刑事政策为背景开展社区矫正研究的意义,在借鉴国外社区矫正理论和实践、分析各地试点主要做法的基础上,提出了构建符合我国国情的社区矫正模式的设想。本文主要从以下四个方面进行阐述:第一部分:导论。在这一部分中,对社区矫正和宽严相济刑事政策的背景、内涵、价值等方面进行了简要介绍,二者具有理论上的一致性和实践中的关联性。作为贯彻宽严相济刑事政策在行刑阶段的一次重大司法改革尝试,社区矫正制度的发展必然应以宽严相济的刑事政策为背景,并具体指出了以此开展研究,对于社区矫正制度发展所具有的定位、导向和动力作用。第二部分:国外社区矫正的现状。该部分采取整体分析的方法,对西方国家社区矫正制度在立法体系、执行主体、刑罚种类、执行内容、公共参与状况和危险性评估六大方面进行分析,加深了西方国家社区矫正制度优点和缺点的系统认识。第三部分:我国社区矫正的发展现状。首先,通过分析社区矫正制度自身的优越性和我国现行刑事执行体制的缺陷,中明了社区矫正制度在减少行刑成本、促进司法改革、维护社会和谐、促进文明进步方面的积极意义;随后,对我国社区矫正制度试点工作的做法和几种具有代表性的试点模式进行了介绍,并着重对我国社区矫正制度在社会环境层面和法律体系层面存在的问题和不足进行了分析。第四部分:我国社区矫正制度的构建。在这一部分中,综合上而几章的分析研究结论,得出了在宽严相济刑事政策引领的司法改革大潮中,我国社区矫正制度的构建应着力解决合法性、合理性和合情性三方面问题的结论,最后,笔者从法律层面、制度层面和社会层面的宏观视角,针对制约社区矫正制度发展的难题提出了具体的构想。

【Abstract】 Community correction is an execution style relative to prison correction, which represents the trend and tendency among the development of penalty in the universe. However, legislatively, the criminal policies lean to adopt the doctrine of severe penalty for a long time in our country. As a newly sprouted thing, there also exist a lot of problems and predicament needed grappling with urgently. Therefore, it is necessary to make an intensive research of relative theory and practical application. It should be pointed out that community correction has attracted quite attention depend to a great extent on establishment and formation of the criminal judicial policies of combining leniency with severity in china. The work detailed in this thesis focuses on finding a clear solution from the perspective of combining leniency with severity, with the full consideration of Chinese circumstance. As a pilot study, we has introduced the relation of community correction and the criminal judicial policies of combining leniency with severity, and paid special attention to the importance of studying community correction from the perspective of combining leniency with severity from a variety of angles of Law, Logic. Sociology, and so on. In combination with theoretical research and practical application at home and abroad, the author tries to put forward a settlement of community corrections in China.This paper is mainly divided into four chapters.Chapter 1:An overview. This chapter is mainly about the introduction to the backgrounds, concept and the significance of the studies on the community corrections system and the criminal judicial policies of combining leniency with severity, which are in accordance both theoretically and practically. As the implementation of the criminal judicial policies of combining leniency with severity in the stage of punishment of execution, the development of community correction should be put in the frame of the criminal judicial policies of combining leniency with severity, which also provides a guide and a motive.Chapter 2:Practices and experience in foreign countries. By applying an integral analysis method, this chapter deals with the legislation, the implementing subjects, the types and content of the implementation, public participation mode and risk assessment of community corrections overseas, which enhances understanding the advantage and disadvantage of community corrections system in foreign countries.Chapter 3:The community correction system in China. Firstly, this chapter analyzes the advantage of community correction and the drawback of our current executing penalty system, and demonstrates the positive significance of community correction on reducing the cost of executing penalty, promoting judicial reform, maintaining social harmony and stability, and building social progress and civilization. The following part is the exploration of the experimental work of the community corrections system and several representative pilot programs in china. With the aid of vast amount of data and documents, the author tries to make an intense study on the problems and drawback of the community correction system in China, from a view of both social environment and legal system.Chapter 4:Constructing the community correction system in China. This chapter sums up the results and discussion of the whole paper, it attempts to set up the community corrections system in our country from the perspective of legitimacy, rationality and justifiability in the wave of the judicial reform leading by the criminal judicial policies of combining leniency with severity. Finally, the author tries to put forward some practical proposals for structural problems limiting the development of the community corrections system on the legal level, institutional level and social level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D926.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】224

