

Study on Locally-granted Student Loan

【作者】 侯晓倩

【导师】 王凤荣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生助学贷款是我国政府对于经济困难家庭学生完成学业的资助政策,是我国改革开放以来高等教育事业重要的进步之一。在国家助学贷款的帮助下,每年都有数以万计的大学生实现自己的梦想,进入高等学府求学。自1999年推行国家助学贷款政策以来,助学贷款的实施已经有12年了,经历了从国家助学贷款到生源地助学贷款的重大飞跃,解决了过去老方法的滞后性和冗杂性,同时新的助学贷款措施也对银行面临的贷款风险进行了充分的考证,试图从根本上解决银行放贷的后顾之忧,为更多大学生提供资助。但由于生源地助学贷款从试行到推广至今,只有短短的四年时间,还存在一定得不足之处,本研究旨在通过对两种不同时期的助学贷款政策的对比以及目前实施情况的研究,分析出现行的生源地助学贷款政策中存在的问题和不足,并借此提出相应的建议,以使贷款政策得到进一步的完善。本研究主要采用的研究方法是调查研究法和比较研究法。本研究共分为以下四章:第一章为引言,主要介绍了研究的背景、研究的目的与意义、文献综述、理论基础。第二章为我国大学生资助体系简介及对比。这一章主要是通过介绍我国大学生资助体系,比较国家助学贷款和生源地助学贷款的不同,从而归纳出后者的优势。第三章为生源地助学贷款的现状分析,首先介绍了我国生源地助学贷款实施的背景,其次对我国生源地助学贷款的现状加以分析,最后总结出现行贷款制度存在的问题和不足。第四章为生源地助学贷款信用风险的控制建议,在这一章里,针对我国生源地助学贷款存在的问题,从政府和高校等多个层面提出了建议,以求能够对建立适合我国国情的生源地助学贷款体系起到帮助作用。

【Abstract】 The college student loan is the funding policy of our country to help those students whose families have economic difficulties to finish their academics; it is one of the important progresses in higher education since reform and opening up in our country.With the help of the national student loan, there are tens of thousands of students realize their dreams in accessing to higher learning education. Since the implementation of the policy of national student loans in 1999,there have been 12 years.Experienced national student loans to locally-granted student loan, resolved the old method of lag and many and diverse, At the same time the new student loan measures on banks loan risks were fully textual research, trying to fundamentally solve the problem of bank lending any menace from the "rear", funding for more students.But because the locally-granted student loan to promotion from try out up to now, only a short period of four years, there are certain deficiencies. This study aims at two different periods of student loan policy and the implementation of the contrast research, analysis the student loans policy problems and deficiencies, and to put forward the corresponding suggestion, in order to make the loan policy to be further improved.The research methods adopted by this article are investigation study method and comparative study method.This research is composed of four chapters:The first chapter is preface part. This part introduced the research background, research purpose and significance, literature review, theoretical basis.The second chapter is the introduction of our student aid system and the comparison of them. This chapter is mainly through the introduction of the funding system for college students in China, comparison of different between the national student loan and the locally-granted student loan, thus summed up the advantages of the latter.The third chapter is the analysis of the current situation of locally-granted student loan. Firstly, introduced the locally-granted student loan in the background. Secondly, analyzed of the present situation of the locally-granted student loan.Finally, summarized the existing problems and shortcomings of the loan system.The fourth chapter is the suggestions of the credit risk control in the locally-granted student loan. In this chapter, aiming at our country loan problems, from the government and universities levels put forward several countermeasures and suggestions, in order to establish suitable for China’s national conditions of the loan system to help.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】370

