

The Path of College Communist Youth League Work in New Era

【作者】 王春华

【导师】 孙世明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共青团是中国共产党的助手和后备军,承担着为党做好青年工作的光荣使命。新时期,高校共青团工作具有重要作用和政治使命,加强和改进高校团的建设,是保证党的事业后继有人的需要,是服务大学生成长成才的需要,是团的事业适应新形势、实现新发展的需要。社会主义现代化建设新时期下,随着我国市场经济高速发展,国际国内环境发生重大变化,高等教育管理体制迅速变革,高校共青团工作出现了许多新情况、新问题,既面临良好机遇又面临很大挑战,研究和探索新时期高校共青团工作已是现实所需,是时代所需。本文的研究以新时期高校共青团工作面临的机遇和挑战为基础,全方位、多层次、多视角地阐述了新时期高校共青团工作面临的问题,并紧密结合当前高校共青团工作实际,联系多年来高校共青团改革发展的实践,有针对性地提出在新时期如何全面、系统地做好高校共青团工作的思路和实现途径问题。本文分为四部分,第一部分在阐述高校共青团工作的重要意义和作用以及新时期国内外环境给高校共青团带来深刻影响的基础上,得出研究新时期高校共青团工作是现实需要和时代需要,具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。第二部分阐述了新时期高校共青团工作面临的良好机遇,包括四方面:党和国家充分肯定高校共青团的工作,加强和改进新时期高校共青团工作意义重大,新时期高校共青团工作的条件更加优化,新媒介的广泛应用使高校共青团工作的手段、方法更加优化。第三部分阐述了新时期高校共青团工作面临的严峻挑战,包括三方面:经济全球化所带来的政治、文化的挑战,高等教育改革与发展对新时期高校共青团工作提出了更高的要求,新媒介环境带来的挑战。第四部分在综合探讨新时期高校共青团工作面临的机遇和挑战基础上,提出了新时期高校共青团工作的实现路径,包括四方面:明确新时期高校共青团工作的指导思想和基本原则,新时期高校共青团要坚持党建带团建的优良传统,完善新时期高校共青团工作的机制建设,创建学习型高校共青团组织。本文的创新之处在全面搜集、阅读有关新时期高校共青团工作论文、著作基础上,研讨、梳理新时期高校共青团工作所面临的良好机遇和巨大挑战,并用前瞻性的眼光,指出当前高校共青团实现路径问题,以便更好的开展工作,完成时代赋予高校共青团的任务。

【Abstract】 As the asistant and reserve of the Chinese Communist Party, the Communist Youth League assumes the glorious mission of youthwork.In the new era,it is important to get the most out of the work of the Communist Youth League in college because it strengthens and improves the development of the Communist Youth League, it assures the successors of the Chinese Communist Party, it helps the students in college become useful persons,it adapts the new situation and achieves the new development.During the period of social modernization construction,the market economy developed quickly,the national and international environment changed a lot,the management system of higher education changed rapidly. There were many new situations and problems on the Commmunist Youth League work,we had to face the opportunity and challenge at the same time.Researching and exploring the Commmunist Youth League work in college is a necessary task.On the basis of opportunities and challenges which the college Communist Youth League confront,the thesis elaborates the problems which the college Communist Youth League may confront in the new era.Combining the reality of the youthwork in the college and the revolution and development of the college Communist Youth League, the thesis puts forward pertinently the ideas and approaches on how to complete the college Communist Youth League work completely and systematically.There are four parts. The first part explains the significance of College Communist Youth League work in new period anf function as well as the domestic environment for the Communist Youth League in College brings. The research of College Youth League work in new period is the need of reality and era, it has great theoretical interest and practical value. The second part elaborates the good opportunity that College Communist Youth League work in new period is facing, including four aspects:the party and the country fully affirm the work of the Communist Youth League in College, strengthens and improves the College Youth League work in new period, the condition of the College Youth League work in new period is optimized, extensive application of new media makes the College Youth League work optimized. The third part elaborates the challenges that the College Youth League work in new period faces, including three aspects:political and cultural challenges that economy globalization brings, higher requirement that education reform and development of the Communist Youth League in the new period raises, challenge that the the new media environment brings. In the fourth part, the thesis puts forward the approaches of new period college youth league work, includes four aspects:clearing about the guiding ideology and basic principles of the new period, holding the good tradition of the party, perfection the mechanism construction, creating the learning type organization of college the youth league.The innovation in this comprehensive collection, read about the new era Communist Youth League work papers, books, based on the discussion, sort out the work of the Communist Youth League Colleges and Universities are facing good opportunities and great challenges, and with the forward-looking, that the current realization of the Communist Youth League path problem, in order to better work, given time to complete the task of the Communist Youth League.

【关键词】 新时期高校共青团机遇挑战路径
【Key words】 new erathe college Communist Youth Leagueopportunitychallengepath
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

