

Preparation of Emulsion-based Additives and Their Effects on the Precipitation Ratio of Seed Precipitation from the Sodium Aluminate Liquor

【作者】 孙艳杰

【导师】 陈锋;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 有机化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 使用添加剂来提高铝酸钠溶液的种分分解率是氧化铝生产企业增加效益的最有效方式之一。本文探索合成了一种新型碳硅阴离子表面活剂,且将有机硅表面活性剂应用于乳液型添加剂的复配中,与另两类不同的乳液型添加剂就提高铝酸钠溶液种分分解率的性能上进行比较分析。首先,以对溴甲苯为原料探索合成出一种疏水基主链含Si-C键的阴离子表面活性剂,讨论了溶剂量、反应时间和温度等因素对产率的影响,并对相关产物做了表征。其次,通过复配技术,配置得到DL-A型、DL-B型、DL-C型三类共9种乳液型添加剂。第三,以山东信发华宇氧化铝公司的铝酸钠溶液为试验原料,在该公司技术研究室对配置的添加剂进行初步筛选。初步结果显示:DL-A1型添加剂与DL-B2型添加剂均表现出较优性能。第四,确定出DL-A1型添加剂和DL-B2型添加剂的最佳添加时间和添加量,并对2种添加剂的性能进行深一步比较,结果表明:两种添加剂的最佳添加时间均为分解开始后30 h,最佳添加量为25 mg·L-1,在最适宜的添加条件下,添加剂DL-A1可稳定提高铝酸钠溶液种分分解率1.5%以上,同时对氢氧化铝和氧化铝的质量也都有一定的巩固和提高。第五,调整小试验条件,考察生产工艺的改变是否对添加剂的性能造成影响。最后,通过山东信发华宇氧化铝厂的一期生产线对优选出来的添加剂DL-A1进行工业化大试验。结果表明:DL-A1添加剂在工业化大试验中能提高铝酸钠溶液种分分解率2%以上,考虑工业生产的不稳定性,至少也能达到小试中1.5%的目标。同时对产品的粒度有所巩固和提高,且具有一定的消泡功能。

【Abstract】 Using additives to improve the precipitation ratio of sodium aluminate liquor is one of the most effective way to increase profits for alumina production enterprise.This article explores the synthesis of a silicon-carbon anionic surfactant, and uses silicone surfactant and other auxiliaries drugs to make a new type of emulsion-based additives, and compares the additives’ effection on improving the precipitation ratio of sodium aluminate liquor with two other new types of emulsion-based additives.First of all, Using p-Bromotoluene as raw materials to synthesize an anion surfactant which contains Si-C bond in the chain backbone. During this process, the influence of solvent dose, time and temperature on the yield were reviewed, then the compound was test by IR and HNMR.Secondly, we confect nine emulsion-based additives of three types DL-A, DL-B and DL-C using anion surfactant and other materials.Thirdly, using the sodium aluminate liquor of Shandong Xinfa Huayu alumina production enterprise as material, we pick out the excellent additives, in the whole experiment, the additive DL-A1 and additive DL-B2 both show good performance.Fourthy, Finding out the best conditions on add time and add quantity for additive DL-A1 and additive DL-B2, and comparing their performance once more. The results show that the best add time is 30 hours after the start time, the best add quantity is 25 mg·L-1, and the additive DL-A1 is better than additive DL-B2. Under the best coditions, additive DL-A1 can increase the precipitation ratio above 1.5% steadily, and it also take good effect to the quality of aluminum hydroxide and alumina..Fifth, Changing the experimental conditions to investigate the relations between production conditions and the effect of additive DL-A1. Finally we do industry experiment with the additive DL-A1 in the first product line in Shandong Xinfa Huayu alumina production enterprise. The results show that the additive DL-A1 can increase the precipitation ratio above 2%, removing the uncertainty of industrial production, it could at least improve 1.5%. At the same time, the additive DL-A1 could improve the granularity of aluminum hydroxide and alumina, and it also has some effect on elimination of the bubble.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】TF821
  • 【下载频次】38

