

Environmental Pressure of Mineral Resources Development

【作者】 王忠鑫

【导师】 王青;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 现代大规模的矿产资源开发对人类社会的影响是以往任何时代所不能比拟的,同时,矿产资源由于不能合理开发或不能尽其用所产生的负面效应现象普遍存在。深入研究矿产资源开发所产生的环境问题,尤其是定量化揭示区域矿产资源开发的环境压力,使可持续发展的理念变为现实的管理模式,已经成为实现矿产资源可持续开发利用的核心所在,也是其亟待解决的关键技术问题。本文以当前逐渐受到人们广泛关注的可持续评价方法——生态足迹和物质流核算理论为基础,在对矿山环境压力量化基础理论和内涵进行详细分析的基础之上,构建了矿山环境压力量化指标的计算模型。在此基础之上,以南芬露天矿作为研究对象,采用定性分析和定量分析相结合、动态分析和静态分析相结合的方法对1995~2007年矿山的生态可持续性进行了详细的评价。生态足迹需求指标度量了人类消费对生态资源的占用和对生态环境的冲击,1995~2007年,南芬露天矿的人均生态足迹需求呈现上升趋势,增加了50.85%。生态包袱指标测度了矿产资源开发过程中物质的投入强度和消耗强度,研究期内,南芬露天矿的生态包袱在2006年达到了6.26t的最大值,是1995年的2.1倍,矿山剥离岩石量占整个生态包袱的主要部分,采矿过程中最终境界的圈定、剥采比的确定对铁矿石的生态包袱大小起到了决定性作用。从矿山生态可持续性评价指标来看,生态足迹指数表征了区域为今后保留的可持续发展能力的大小,1995~2007年,南芬露天矿的生态足迹指数均小于-100%,矿山为今后保留的可持续发展能力较小。生态效率表征了矿山资源的利用效率。从南芬露天矿生态效率的历年变化趋势上可以看出,南芬露天矿的生态效率整体上呈现上升趋势,矿山开采中对资源的利用效率是在不断提高的。单位矿石产量生态赤字反映了矿山开采的生态经济整合效应,1995~2007年,南芬露天矿的单位矿石产量生态赤字呈现波动性变化,波动幅度为0.001 hm2·t-1,矿山在今后的生产中要加强矿山的节能减排工作,力求减小矿山的生态赤字,从而降低单位矿石产量的生态赤字以提高矿山的资源利用效率,降低矿产资源开发的生态消耗强度。生态足迹多样性指数反映了矿产资源开发对生态空间占用和分配公平性,1995~2007年,南芬露天矿的生态足迹多样性指数在0.5782~0.7207之间变化,期间各种生态资源的消耗更趋于均衡性,矿山生态可持续性有所改善。

【Abstract】 The influence of the large-scale development of mineral resources to human is unparalleled in the past times. Negative effects arising from unreasonable usage of mineral resources is regarded as the common phenomena in all over the wold. Research on the serious environmental issues of the mineral resources development has become the principal problem of sustainable development and utilization of mineral resources. Quantization analysis the regional environmental pressure has also become a key technical question.Therefor, this paper constructs the indicator systems of quantization analysis the regional environmental pressure based on the theory of ecological foorprint and analyzed in very great detail the theory of measuring the regional environmental pressure. Eeological footprint being a tool of sustainable development decision-making is one of populized methods to assement sustainability in the recent. On this basis, the Nanfen open-pit was investigated and studied the natural ecological and economic system situation. The yearly situation of 1995-2007 were studied using its practice production data based on the theories of econmies, systamaties and ecological economic in quantitive and qualitive, dynamic and static. The results showed that:The indicator of the ecological footprint demand is a tool of measurement to human consumption on the ecological resources and the impact on the ecological environment. The per capita ecological footprint is the ascendant trend that over the years from 1995 to 2007 in Nanfen open-pit.The ecological deficit of Nanfen open-pit increases almost 50.85%. Ecological rucksacks indicator measures the material consumption intensity and intensity during the process of developing the mineral resources. Ecological rucksacks indicator of Nanfen open-pit reached a maximum value of 6.26t in 2006 which is is 2.1 times of 1995 during the study period. It is shows that the final mining area and the striping ratio as a decisive role determine the ecological rucksacks of open-pit that the largest component of ecological rucksacks is stripping rock. Judging from the eco-economic system indicator of Nanfen openpit from 1995 to 2007, the ecological footprint index represents the remained capacity for the future sustainable development. The ecological footprint index is less than-100%. The ecological deficit per ore production reflects the economic integration effect of human social economic activities. The ecological deficit per ore production shows property of fluctuations changes, the fluctuation range is 0.01 hm·t-1, the ecological footprint diversity index varied between 0.57~0.82. The Results indicated that the variety of resource consumption was becoming more balanced, and the ecological sustainability of mine has been improved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

