

Research of Measures to Make Public Participate in Administrative Acountability Better in China

【作者】 邓宏波

【导师】 杜宝贵;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 公众参与行政问责能使我国的行政问责制度更加有效,行政问责制是一个国家政治监督制度的有机组成部分,我国一直提倡建设责任政府,作为责任政府主要形式的行政问责制度,是民主政治不断发展的必然要求,责任政府的最终目标就是要建设一个为人民服务的,在人民面前负责任的政府,既然是为人民负责任的,就应该多听取人民的意见,建立一些有效的机制让人民参与到行政问责中来。目前,我国公众对参与行政问责已经表现出了一定的积极性,我国政府也相应地采取了一些措施。本文通过五部分展开论述。第一章为绪论,简要阐述了本文的研究背景及其意义、国内外研究现状以及本文研究的基本内容和研究方法;第二章简要阐述了公众参与行政问责的内涵,公众参与行政问责的理论基础以及公众参与行政问责的价值。第三章从理论与实际相结合的角度分析了我国公众参与行政问责存在的问题和原因,包括行政问责文化滞后,对公众问责的应答机制不健全等诸多困难。第四章分析了国外公众参与行政问责的一些具体做法以及对我国公众参与行政问责的启示。提出了完善我国公众参与行政问责的一些对策,比如说建立完善的公众参与行政问责应答机制,公民应该培养自身的参与行政问责的专业素质等。本文认为,一方面,我们要加强公民参与行政问责的文化培养,改变公民的薄弱的参政意识,改变政府官员的“官本位”思想;另一方面,政府应该为公众参与行政问责搭建良好的平台,良好的制度安排以及有效的行政问责应答机制。第五章为结论。

【Abstract】 Public participating administrative accountability can make administrative accountability system more effective. Administrative accountability system is a part of the national political supervision system. China has always advocated the building of responsible government. Administrative accountability system shows our government is responsible and is also requirement of developing democratic politics. The ultimate goal of responsible government is to serve people and to be responsible in front of people.Since our government is responsible for the people, they should listen to the views of people and establish effective mechanism to allow people to participate in administrative accountability. At present, some people have positively participated administrative accountability, and my government has also taken corresponding measures.This article includes five-parts. The first chapter briefly explains the background and significance of writing this article, and introduces main views at home and abroad. The second chapter introduces definition of public participating in administrative accountability and theories of administrative accountability of public participation and analyses values that public participate in administrative accountability. ChapterⅢanalyses existing problems and reasons theoretically and practically that public participate in administrative accountability in china, including culture falling behind and bad mechanism responsing to public and so on. ChapterⅣgives a number of measures to make public participate in administrative accountability better in China. Including establishing better mechanism responsing to public and training professional qualities that public participate in administrative accountability and so on. The chapterⅤis conclusion. This paper have a few points:on the one hand, we have to strengthen cultural training that public participate in administrative accountability and change concepts that citizens don’t want to and can’t participate in administrative accountability; on the other hand, the Government should have good platform that make public participate in administrative accountability easily and effective mechanism responsing to public.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】95

