

Research on the 3G University Campus Marketing of Yantai Unicom

【作者】 吕静

【导师】 胡正明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 3G是指第三代移动通信技术。电信业重组后,国内形成了中国移动、中国联通、中国电信三国鼎立的竞争格局,而随着3G牌照的发放,中国联通取得了全球应用最广泛、最成熟、最完善的WCDMA 3G牌照,一改过去中国移动一家独大的局势,三大运营商进入全业务竞争时代,谁能先行一步,谁就能率先抢占市场,为今后激烈的市场竞争打下坚实的基础并建立一定的优势。三大运营商已打出了各自的3G营销牌,3G市场竞争已经初现端倪,如何争取3G市场已然成为了竞争的焦点。由于3G刚起步,敢于尝试新鲜事物的用户才会使用,而大学生就属于这种用户,因此如何抓住大学生用户、控制高校市场更是成为三大运营商争夺的重中之重。本文正基于这样的背景,为烟台联通3G高校市场的开拓设计方案并实施,这对烟台联通今后的经营政策制定以及高校市场开拓都有借鉴意义。本文的研究方法是通过对烟台高校通过进行现场调查和调查问卷两种方式的市场调查,运用定量分析方法对回收的数据进行分析,从烟台联通3G高校市场营销中的实际问题出发,创新的提出了烟台联通应该依据STP市场选择战略进行市场定位,确定高校市场的目标人群,并根据高校市场的调查研究结果和各种方法的分析结论设计了专门针对烟台高校市场比较详细的3G产品开拓营销策略方案。在上述背景和研究意义、方法的前提下,本文对营销理论进行了阐述与分析,并以此为基础,首先介绍了烟台联通公司的现状,分析了烟台联通的营销环境;再以烟台高校市场作为研究对象,通过市场调查研究得到相关数据;然后在市场调查研究的基础之上,分析得出烟台联通3G高校市场需求,并利用SWOT分析方法分别对烟台联通在高校市场的优势、劣势、机会、威胁四个方面情况进行剖析,结合市场调查研究的结果,设计了烟台联通3G业务在高校市场的开拓策略方案;最后根据设计的市场开拓方案制定了方案的实施过程,并对实施过程的效果进行评价,评价的结果显示该开拓策略可行,达到了比较好的市场开拓目的。

【Abstract】 3G is the short form of Third generation of mobile communication technology. After the restructuring China telecom, there exists a situation in China that the China mobile, China unicom, and China telecom compete with each other. And with the appearance of 3G license, the China Unicom achieved WCDMA 3G license which is the most popular, the most mature and the most perfect in the world, which changed the situation that China mobile was the only major telecom operator and then three major telecom operators enter the age of business competition. In 3G age, whoever can be first to grab the market if he can step firstly, which will lay a solid foundation for future intense market competition and establish certain advantage, and also can lead to have more users, occupying a larger market share and gaining a wide space for development. Three operators have launched respective 3G marketing without previous arrangement, and 3G market competition is now just beginning to appear, and how to grab the 3G market share has become the focus of the competition. Because 3G business just starts, the new users are only people who dare to learn something new, and as new forces, the university students are an example of these users. With the expansion of enrollment in college entrance examination in recent years, the number of university students multiplies daily, so how to get college students users and how to control the university market is becoming the focus of the competition between three big operators. The paper focuses on exploiting the university markets.This study is carried out by Yantai University through surveys and questionnaires on-site market research in two ways, using quantitative analysis method to analyze the data collected from Yantai Unicom 3G marketing in colleges and universities starting the actual problem, the proposed innovation Yantai Unicom STP market selection should be based on strategic market positioning, to determine the education market is the target population, and according to the results of education market research and analysis of the conclusions of various methods designed specifically for the Yantai education market to develop 3G products in more detail marketing strategy program.This paper firstly proposes the researching significance, and then states and analyzes the marketing theory. Based on above, the paper introduces the current situation of Yantai Unicom, and analyzes Yantai unicom marketing environment and it’s 3G marketing conditions, from which the current problems in exploiting market of Yantai Unicom will be concluded.And then, the university markets were used as research subject and the data was collected through the market research. And based on market research, the paper analyzed and got the 3G demand in universities, and the SWOT method was used to analyze the superiority, inferior strength, opportunities and threats of Yantai Unicom in university markets. With the market research results, the paper proposed some exploiting strategies of 3G in universities. Finally, according to the development strategies, the implementation process was formulated which was then evaluated, the results of which showed that the development strategies were available and achieved better market development purposes.

【关键词】 联通3G高校市场市场开拓
【Key words】 China Unicom3Guniversity marketmarket development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】191

