

The Study of Management Model of Medical Scientific Research Projects in TCM Hospitals

【作者】 顾翠峰

【导师】 应晓华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 公共卫生, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 背景科研工作已成为医院工作不可或缺的组成部分,医院科研实力的强弱直接影响着其在医疗市场的竞争力。医院科研水平的高低主要通过科研课题研究中的论文、著作和成果等具体形式来体现,因此,加强对科研课题研究进行有效的监督和管理,营造出良好的科研氛围,带动广大医护人员的科研热情,对有效提高医院的科研水平、增强医院的市场竞争力、促进医院健康及快速发展起着至关重要的作用。医院科研地位的提高,对医院的科研管理工作也提出了更高的要求。一直以来,医院科研课题的运作与管理大多被人们按照项目管理的方式来进行,即从课题前期立项申报、中期在研管理和后期成果管理的角度进行管理。这种传统的科研课题管理方式逐渐暴露出一些无法回避的问题。中医及其中医科研与现代科技研究及医学研究等存在巨大差异。作为中医科研的主要研究机构之一,中医医院是一类特殊的医院,与现代综合性西医医院及其管理有所差异。因此,中医医院的科研课题管理存在着一般医院共有的问题以外,还存在着中医医院所特有的弊端。目的本研究以上海曙光医院为例,从科研课题组织框架等入手,调查和分析中医医院科研课题管理中存在的问题与影响因素,借鉴和比较西医医院的方法和经验,提出有效可行的建议,为建立更为规范的中医医院科研课题管理模式提供依据。方法本研究应用的主要研究方法为:1、文献回顾。收集与中医医院科研课题管理有关的统计数据及文献资料,了解目前中医医院科研课题管理的现状。2、问卷调查。采取完全随机抽样的方法,调查曙光医院承担过科研课题的负责人75名,调查内容包括调查对象的基本情况、对科研课题立项、过程管理、结题管理以及管理理念、方式的看法等。3、关键知情人访谈。采访上海市4家三级甲等综合性西医医院(瑞金医院、仁济医院、第九人民医院、长征医院)、5家三级甲等综合性中医医院(曙光医院、龙华医院、岳阳中西医结合医院、北京中医药大学附属东方医院、广州中医药大学第一附院)的科研管理人员,了解在科研课题申报、立项、课题过程管理及成果管理等方面的情况。结果通过文献研究分析及案例研究证实目前中医医院科研课题管理中存在诸多问题,主要表现为:管理模式缺乏中医特色;重申报、轻过程;过分追求论文、专利,忽略研究成果的临床实际应用;过于注重“管理”,服务意识淡薄;科研管理人员缺少管理知识等。中西医理论体系存在着巨大差异,中医科研与西医科研也有区别,因此对应中医医院的科研课题管理与西医院的科研课题管理在理论上推断也存在着一定的区别,但是由于目前中医医院科研课题管理缺乏中医特色导致中西医医院科研课题管理模式雷同。因此,当前影响中医医院科研课题管理的因素有科研课题管理体制机制不健全、管理理念陈旧、管理方式被动单一、管理职能局限于日常工作,无法体现中医特色。本文建议可以通过完善中医医院科研体制机制,完善各类科研课题管理制度;稳定中医医院科研管理队伍,加强培训;扩大中医医院科研管理职能,突出中医特色;改变科研课题管理方式,应用先进管理理论指导科研课题管理;创新科研管理理念,树立以人为本的思想,推进中医转化医学等完善中医医院科研课题管理模式。结论当前中医医院科研课题管理模式缺乏中医特色等存在诸多问题且存在科研管理体制不健全等影响因素,本研究通过科学系统的研究总结分析,针对这些问题及影响因素提出建议,为建立更为完善、规范的中医医院科研课题管理模式提供依据和借鉴。

【Abstract】 BackgroundScientific research has been an indispensible part of hospital jobs. The capabilities of scientific research have a direct influence on its competitiveness in medical market, which mainly are reflected by some specific forms such as papers, works and achievements. Thus, strengthening the supervision and management on research projects, creating a good atmosphere of scientific research and arousing the keenest enthusiasm among the medical staffs are very important for the improvement of research level and abilities of marketing competitiveness and rapid development of hospital.The rising of scientific research’s position brings out the higher demand for research and development management. Scientific research projects in hospitals are used to be operated and managed as projects, that is, projects declaring and establishing in the earlier period, projects under research and result’s management in the later period. This traditional management way of scientific research projects has exposed some unavoidable questions.TCM and scientific researches of TCM are greatly different from modern scientific and medical researches. As one of the main scientific research institutions of TCM, TCM hospitals are a special kind of hospitals whose management method is in difference with modern general western hospitals. Therefore, TCM hospitals have their own disadvantages expect for the problems that general hospitals have in the management of scientific research projects.AimTaking Shuguang hospital for example, the study starts from organizational framework of scientific research projects. It investigates and analyzes the existing problems in the management of scientific research projects and its influencing factors. It compares and benefits from the experiences and methods of western medicine hospitals and makes effective and feasible advice, which can provide basis for establishing a more standardized management mode of scientific research projects in TCM hospitals.Methods Three study methods were used in the research process, which are:1. Literature review. Collecting involved data and statistics on management of scientific research projects.2. Questionnaire survey. Investigating 75 people in charge of scientific research projects in ShuGuang hospital by the way of random-sampling survey about basic information of subjects and opinions on project approval, process management, management of checking, concept of management, method, etc.3. Key informant interview. Interviewing scientific researchers and managers of 4 three-level general western medicine hospitals in Shanghai (RuiJin hospital, RenJi hospital, No.9 People hospital, ChangZheng hospital),5 three-level general TCM hospitals (ShuGuang hospital, LongHua hospital, YueYang hospital, DongFang hospital affiliated with Beijing University of TCM, The first hospital affiliated with TCM university of Guangzhou) to learn the information about projects declaring and establishing in the earlier period, projects under research and result’s management in the later period.ResultsResearch and analysis of literature and case study show that there are lots of problems existing in the management of scientific research projects in TCM hospitals. For an example, westernized management mode and lack of characteristics of TCM, paying more attention on declaration than the process, more papers and patents, neglect of clinical practical application of research results, emphasizing management but with light service consciousness, research managers are short of management knowledge. There is a big difference on the theory systems of western medicine and TCM, so is the scientific research and its management theory. But in actually there is no much difference in research. Therefore, the factors of management of scientific research projects are imperfect systems of management, old concept of management, unitary and passive management method and its confined function to daily works. We can improve the system of TCM scientific researches and projects management to make a stable management team and strengthen training, extend management functions of scientific researches in TCM hospitals to stress distinguishing feature, change the management method of scientific research projects and apply advanced theory to guide it, innovate management concept, establish a thinking of "people-oriented" and promote to change the management mode of scientific research projects in TCM hospitals. ConclusionThere are lots of problems existing in management mode of scientific research projects in TCM hospitals. Through the analysis of research, this paper makes suggestions and promotes better management mode of scientific research projects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】R197.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】321

