

On the Dark Repression and Resistance in Doris Lessing’s the Grass Is Singing

【作者】 尹海燕

【导师】 马丽莉;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《野草在歌唱》是英国当代著名作家多丽丝·莱莘的处女作。这部小说以二十世纪三四十年代殖民主义下的非洲为背景,描述了一位白人女性玛丽被其黑奴摩西杀害的故事。小说描绘了在种族隔离背景下非洲殖民地的真实生活。《野草在歌唱》融合了莱莘后来大部分作品中探讨的主题和元素,这本出版于50年代的小说涉及到了现代与后现代理论中众多重要的主题与思想。本篇论文旨在从种族,阶级,心理等角度来探讨小说中隐藏的主题--压抑和抗争。本论文主要分三个章节来探讨这本小说是如何呈现在种族、阶级与心理方面的黑色压抑与抗争。而黑色在文中具有多重意义,它不仅指代了那些可以看得见的黑色,也暗含了那些看不见的。第一章运用后殖民理论来探讨殖民地黑人与白人的冲突,以小说中的例子来解释黑人如何遭受白人的歧视与不平等对待,用小说中的示例来阐述黑人遭受白人的种族歧视与不平等对待后产生的种种压抑以及他们的抗争。第二章从阶级的角度,用马克思主义的观点抨击白人对南非黑人劳工及其土地的剥削;正文最后一章主要是引用弗洛伊德的心理理论对玛丽心理变化进行分析,探讨了她的性压抑及其潜在的欲望。结论分析了殖民主义的分崩瓦解。当黑人被殖民者的抗争意识被唤醒,冲破禁锢这片土地的压抑,白人的殖民主义梦想终将破灭。同时作者在最后指出,莱莘在《野草在歌唱》中所要表达的远非只有压抑和抗争。她对于种族主义的必然灭亡给予了暗示。在非洲这片饱受煎熬土地上,种族主义在各种虚伪的幌子之下已经到了不可调和的地步,最终,黑人会起来反抗,拿回他们作为人的人权和国家的权益。从这一点上说,多丽丝·莱莘有着超前的洞察能力,白人的暴政统治就像玛丽的悲剧一样是不可避免的。

【Abstract】 The Grass Is Singing published in 1950 is the first novel of Doris Lessing, who is one of the most famous writers in Britain and round the world. The Grass Is Singing tells a tragedy about a white woman who killed by her black servant on a south African farm in 1930s. Although not read or examined as widely as Lessing’s most famous one The Golden Notebook, it still attracts sustained attention for its various themes that are recurrent in her later novels and its profound relations with some important concepts of modern time. This thesis aims to discuss“repression”and“resistance”in terms of race, class and psychology in The Grass Is Singing.The thesis consists of Introduction, 3 main Chapters and Conclusion, dealing with the similar topics: dark repression and the inevitable resistance or reemergence of the repressed. They can also be regarded separately as dealing with different issues. Chapter One mainly discusses racial violence in the colony and the subversive potentials of the black. Chapter Two is dedicated to criticize the ruinous effects of white capitalist exploitation upon native laborers and the existed land. It also discusses how the specters of anti-capitalism or communism haunt and disturb the authority of the white. Chapter Three mainly deals with Mary’s psychological process,focusing on her sexual repression and the resistance of her unconscious desires. In Conclusion part, author discusses the collapse of the doomed colonialism.Meanwhile, the author points out in the end that Lessing is not only to describe the repression and resistance but to hint the doomed collapse of racialism. Under the fake covers, it comes to the irreconcilable circumstance. Eventually, the darkness will resist to gain back their own rights and national interests. From this point, Doris Lessing has indeed the capability of insight. Just like Mary’s tragedy, the collapse of the White riot rules is on the way.

【关键词】 莱莘《野草在歌唱》压抑抗争
【Key words】 LessingThe Grass Is SingingRepressionResistance
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【下载频次】124

