

Investigation Research on the Situation of Sports Consumption of Urban Residents in East of Hebei Province

【作者】 刘荣华

【导师】 马剑;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育赛事组织与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 体育消费是社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物。随着我国经济的持续发展和2008年奥运会的成功举办,我国体育产业发展势头迅猛。而最能代表和反映体育市场活力的指标莫过于“体育消费”。培育发展体育市场首先就要做到了解体育消费现状,而不同地域体育消费现状的研究成果对于冀东县域体育产业的发展只可能是借鉴,并无针对性,冀东县域有其特有的经济水平、人民素质、城市文化、地域环境。县域城镇居民是处于城市居民与农民之间的特殊群体,所以冀东县域城镇居民体育生活方式怎样?体育消费场所如何?体育消费动机、意识、消费内容、消费水平、未来体育消费意愿如何?直接影响冀东县域体育消费市场,本研采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对冀东县域城镇居民体育生活方式、体育消费场所、体育消费动机、体育消费水平、体育消费内容以及未来体育消费意愿进行研究,找出存在问题,提出发展对策,该研究成果对冀东县域搞好市场预测,促进体育消费,有着重要的意义。研究结果表明:(1)冀东县域城镇居民体育生活基本情况良好。参加过运动健身活动的居民人数占被调查总人数的37.38%,并呈现年龄特点。(2)冀东县域城镇居民体育消费环境展现良好势头。民族运动品牌在县级城市格外有竞争力;经营性健身场所随着2008年北京奥运的成功举办也如雨后春笋般涌向县级城市的体育消费市场;户外体育、体育旅游、观赏体育比赛、体育培训等一些较为现代的潮流体育消费也在县级体育消费额市场初现矛头。(3)冀东县域城镇居民体育消费意识总体形势较好,其54岁以下居民其体育消费意识较强,但中老年居民体育消费行为较弱。不同社会阶层城镇居民体育消费意识也呈现不同趋势。总体来看,冀东县域城镇居民的体育消费意识随着国民生活水平的日益增长及国内体育人文环境的不断改善呈快速增强态势。(4)冀东县域城镇居民总体的主要体育消费动机排序与前期农村与城市的研究成果大体一致,前十位排序为:身体健康、缓解压力、丰富业余生活、运动服饰舒适而休闲、追求时尚与赶潮流、受他人影响、审美与自我完善、社会交际与工作需要、兴趣爱好、运动服饰最实惠等。研究发现冀东县域城镇居民体育消费动机具有年龄、社会阶层特点。(5)冀东县域城镇居民体育消费内容丰富多样,运动服饰、体育彩票是冀东县域城镇居民体育消费的主要内容,其中运动服饰占61.31%、体育彩票占37.17%,部分体育消费内容呈现年龄与社会阶层特色。(6)目前虽然冀东县域城镇居民体育消费水平呈整体提高趋势,但冀东县域城镇居民体育消费整体水平并不高,依据大众城市的体育消费水平,其冀东县域城镇居民体育消费水平的提升空间还很有潜力。冀东县域城镇居民的体育消费水平呈现年龄特点,各年龄段体育消费水平存在一定的不同之处。发展对策:加强冀东县域城镇居民健身意识的引导,促进健康体育消费行为;将冀东县域中层以上镇居民体育消费的发展作为重点;改善冀东县域体育消费环境,加强服务质量,提高体育消费品质;培养冀东县域城镇居民的体育消费热点;细分体育市场,整合体育资源。

【Abstract】 Sports consumption is the development of social productive forces to a certain stage of the product. With China’s sustained economic development and success of the 2008 Olympic Games, China’s sports industry developed rapidly. The most representative and reflect the vitality of the sports market indicator than the "sports consumption". Nurture and develop the sports market must first be understood Sports Consumption, and different geographical research of sports consumption of the sports industry for the development of east of Hebei Province could only draw, there is no specific, east of Hebei Province have their own economic level , the quality of people, urban culture, geographical environment. County of urban residents and farmers are among the city residents in a special group, so sports lifestyle of urban residents in east of Hebei Province what? How sports consumer sites? Sports consumption motivation, awareness, consumer content, consumer level, how will future sports consumption? east of Hebei Province sports a direct impact on the consumer market, this research used questionnaires, expert interviews, statistics and other research methods, urban residents of east of Hebei Province sports lifestyle, sports consumer sites, sports consumption motive, sports consumption level, sports consumption of sports content, and consumer willingness to study the future, identify problems, propose development strategies, the results of the study do a good job market forecast of east of Hebei Province, and promote sports consumption, has an important significance.The results show that: (1) Sports east of Hebei Province basic living of urban residents in good condition. Participated in sports and fitness activities, total number of residents is 37.38% the total number of investigations, and present characteristics of the age. (2) east of Hebei Province sports consumption environment of urban residents to show good momentum. National sports brand in the county-level cities is particularly competitive; operating Fitness Centers in the 2008 Beijing Olympics success has mushroomed flock to the sports consumer market, county-level cities; outdoor sports, sports tourism, sports watch, sports training, the trend of some of the more modern sports consumer spending is also at the county level sports spearhead the early market. (3) east of Hebei Province sports consumption of urban residents is better awareness of the overall situation, and its residents under the age of 54, a strong sense of their sports consumption, but the middle-aged sports consumption is weak. Physical different social strata of urban residents also showed different trends in consumer awareness. Overall, east of Hebei Province Town Residents With consumer awareness of the increasing living standards and domestic human environment of continuous improvement of sport was rapidly increasing trend. (4) urban residents in east of Hebei Province overall ranking of major sporting and pre-consumer motivation research in rural and urban broadly consistent, top ten ranking are: good health, relieve stress, a rich amateur, sports dress comfortable and casual, fashion and catch the trend, influenced by others, aesthetic and self-improvement, social communication and operational needs, hobbies, sports apparel most affordable and so on. east of Hebei Province found motivation for sports consumption of urban residents age, social class characteristics. (5) east of Hebei Province urban residents consume content rich and varied sports, sports apparel, sports lottery is east of Hebei Province towns the main content of sports consumption, which accounted for 61.31% sports apparel, sports lottery accounts for 37.17%, some sports present age of consumer content and social class characteristics. (6) Although the east of Hebei Province sports consumption level of urban residents has shown an overall increasing trend, but the east of Hebei Province overall level of sports consumption of urban residents is not high, according to the level of public consumption of the city’s sports, the east of Hebei Province sports consumption level of urban residents enhance the space is still a lot of potential. east of Hebei Province sports consumption level of urban residents showed age characteristics, of all ages there is a certain level of sports consumption differences.Development proposals: strengthening the sense of east of Hebei Province fitness boot of urban residents and promote healthy physical consumption concept; be above the middle of east of Hebei Province town of the development of sports consumption as a priority; improve the consumption environment east of Hebei Province sports, enhance service quality, improve sports consumption quality; develop east of Hebei Province hot sports consumption of urban residents; segment sports market, integration of sports resources.


