

A Survey of Pronunciation Learning Strategies of Higher Vocational English Majors

【作者】 石艳

【导师】 唐丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国教育机构的改革中,高等职业教育正在蓬勃发展。但伴随着高职院校招生规模的不断扩大,英语专业学生入学的英语水平有所下降,在英语语音方面存在诸多问题。本研究以Oxford对学习策略的分类理论为基础,重点调查高职高专英语专业学生在语音学习过程中策略的使用情况,以及语音水平不同的学生在学习策略使用过程中的异同。通过借助调查问卷,访谈以及课堂观察等实证手段调查高职英语专业学生的语音学习策略的使用情况,并且从而分析造成这些问题的原因和对教学的启示。本研究采取的研究工具是以Oxford(1990)的SILL和文秋芳的调查问卷为依据,根据语音学习的特点进行改编的调查问卷。问卷首先分发给河北农业大学中兽医学院和海洋学院的英语专业的137名学生。回收数据通过SPSS统计软件进行分析,结合访谈与课堂观察进行讨论,调查结果表明:1)大部分学生对自己的英语语音并不满意,期待更多这方面的训练;高专英语专业学生能够在一定程度上在语音学习中运用元认知策略、认知策略、社交策略、补偿策略和情感策略,使用频率属于中等水平;其中元认知策略运用最频繁,而对记忆策略的运用却处于较低水平;2)通过对成绩优秀的学生与成绩较差学生之间的对比,发现学习优秀者在语音策略的使用上频率较高,其使用频率都处于中等水平,然而成绩较差的同学除了补偿策略与认知策略,其它策略的运用频率水平较低。最后,本文分析总结分析了问题产生的原因,并且根据调查结果和产生原因,就高职语音教学提出若干建议。

【Abstract】 In the reform of educational structure in china recently, vocational education is being focused and higher vocational education is developing rapidly. With the increase of student enrollment in higher vocational technical college (HVTC), the proficiency in English language is declining. It was found that HVTC English majors generally encounter many difficulties and generate lots of transfer errors in English pronunciation.Based on the Oxford’s classification of language learning strategies, this paper focuses on commonly-adopted pronunciation-learning strategies by the college English majors and the differences and similarities of strategy-adopting among students of different pronunciation levels. We perform an empirical investigation on English major’s students from vocational colleges, and try to present the reasons to the found problems and some indications for language teaching by employing the valid questionnaire investigation, interview and classroom observation.The questionnaire was designed according to Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and Wen Qiufang’s (1996) questionnaire. The designed questionnaire was administered to 137 first grade students from the English majors in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine College, and Ocean College of Hebei Agriculture University. The quantitative data were analyzed with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 13.0). The result of the analysis combined with the interview and classroom observation reveal the major findings as follow:1) Most of the students of English major in vocational colleges are unsatisfied with their English pronunciation and hope to have more pronunciation training.The college students are able to use the cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and social strategies with the medium use frequency, in which metacognitive strategies are used the most. They neglect the effect of memory strategies to a certain extent, whose application frequency is low.2) The good learners and weak learners both use learning strategies in pronunciation learning, but the good learners employ the learning strategies more effectively and frequently with medium level of application frequency; while the weak learners use the learner strategies with low frequency except for the compensation and cognitive strategies.Finally, causes of the problems in pronunciation language learning were summarized. Based on the major findings and the causes above, some implications for fostering the abilities of learning strategies application are provided.


