

【作者】 韩宛兵

【导师】 林竟路;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年我国的旅游业发展迅速,已经逐步成为世界上很多国家旅游者心目中最为理想的旅游目的地之一。旅游业成为一个朝阳产业,在国内得到蓬勃发展,其在国民经济中的地位也越来越重要。旅游纪念品作为旅游业重要的一部分也得到了快速发展,但是我国大部分旅游景区的旅游纪念品设计水平滞后,已经不能满足旅游者的需求。本课题针对旅游纪念品中的一类——染织旅游纪念品的设计和开发进行理论及实践研究,对染织旅游纪念品的地域文化主题进行深入分析,同时对影响染织旅游纪念品发展的各种因素进行了深入探讨和研究,并将其应用于大唐西市染织旅游纪念品的开发与设计中来。着重从地域性、纪念性、便携性等方面探讨了染织旅游纪念品与大唐西市地域文化之间的共融性问题;从主题、图案、色彩、造型、材质等方面具体探讨了大唐西市染织旅游纪念品开发设计上所面临的问题,以达到对现有问题的探讨与解决。首先,本文通过对地域文化、大唐西市地域文化、染织旅游纪念品等方面理论知识的研究,明确了地域文化和染织旅游纪念品的相关概念,以及两者之间的根本关系,并依据实地调查、网络调查和资料调查获取信息情况,分析了大唐西市地域文化的详细情况。其次,依据前面调查与分析的结论和对染织旅游纪念品自身特点的分析,总结出大唐西市染织旅游纪念品的开发策略、原则与方法,并探讨了适合大唐西市染织旅游纪念品设计的开发策略。最后,在进行了市场调研与定位的前提下,运用本文研究的染织旅游纪念品的设计方法展开针对大唐西市染织旅游纪念品的设计开发及实践。

【Abstract】 Tourism in our country had developed rapidly for the recent years, and China had already become one of the most favorable destinations for tourist. As a sunrise industry, tourism had explosive development, and become more and more important in national economy. Being a great part, souvenir had also developed rapidly, however, the design level of souvenir of most tourist attraction was far behind, and could not meet the command of the tourists. In this research, dyeing tourist souvenirs was researched on its design and development, the regional culture of souvenirs was deeply analyzed, factors that influenced the development of souvenirs were discussed, and were used for the souvenirs design and development. Azeotropie melting between the souvenirs and the regional culture of the West Market was discussed on regional, commemorative and portability; problem during design was discussed on theme, pattern, color, model and material.Firstly, by research on regional culture, regional culture of the West Market and the dyeing souvenirs, the concept of regional culture and dyeing souvenirs and the relationship between them were clarified. By field survey, internet survey and materials, details of regional culture of the West Market was analyzed. Secondly, by the result of survey and analysis of the souvenirs, the design strategy, principle and methods of souvenirs of the West Market were determined. And at last, after market investigation and study, dyeing souvenirs for the West Market were designed and put into practice with the methods determined above.

  • 【分类号】J523.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】190

