

The Simulation Perfermence and Analysis for Election Control Hydraulic Litmitedslip Differential of Loader Based on Fuzzy Control

【作者】 谢佩

【导师】 吴跃成;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 轮式装载机工作环境恶劣,作业工况复杂,经常由于车轮高速打滑引起牵引力急剧下降,致使装载机无法正常工作,严重影响其工作效率。国内装载机多通过采用普通开式和自锁式限滑差速器来减小由车轮打滑引起的装载机铲掘能力的降低。电控限滑差速器,结合先进的控制技术,可根据路面状况实时调整输出扭矩,从而合理分配驱动转矩,有效抑制车轮打滑。若将其应用在轮式装载机中,装载机作业时的牵引性和通过性将得到较大的改善。本文分析了传统机械式限滑差速器的缺点,根据装载机驱动桥形式,在摩擦片式限滑差速器的结构基础上进行改进,得到适用于装载机驱动桥结构的电液限滑差速器。作者针对ZL50装载机,完成了装载机传动系统的动力学分析、整车仿真系统的搭建、电液限滑差速器参数自整定模糊控制器的设计,并通过仿真分析验证了控制器的合理性和适用性。针对ZL50装载机的动力传动系统,分析了相关传动件的传动特性,并根据厂家提供的数据,依次建立了装载机发动机数学模型、变矩器数学模型、变速器数学模型、驱动桥数学模型和轮胎数学模型,结合ZL50装载机的相关参数,根据上述数学模型在MATLAB/SIMULINK中搭建并调试装载机直线行驶仿真系统模型。将电液差速系统作为控制模型,选用参数自整定的模糊控制算法,设计了控制器的隶属度函数和控制规则。结合ZL50装载机的整车仿真系统,对在分离路面和棋盘路面直线行驶时电液差速系统的限滑性能进行了仿真实验,对比分析了普通开式差速器和电液限滑差速器的限滑性能。研究结果表明:基于参数自整定模糊控制的电液限滑差速器,克服了普通开式差速器的缺点,对附着系数多变的路面状况具有良好的适应性,可根据路面条件自适应的调节输出的限滑扭矩,实现两侧车轮驱动扭矩的合理分配,有效抑制车轮打滑,提高了装载机的牵引性能;设计的控制器可迅速将滑转率控制在目标值附近,具有响应时间短,控制精度高的特点。控制系统与电液差速系统的匹配性良好,参数自整定模糊控制的控制方法合理。

【Abstract】 As the poor and complex working conditions of wheel loader, the traction often declines sharply by high-speed spinning of the wheels so that the loader does not work, seriously affecting the work efficiency. In our country, the Loaders generally use the common open and self-locking limited slip differential to decrease the shovel capacity reducing caused by the wheels skid. With the advanced control technology, electronically controlled limited slip differential can adjust the output torque based on real-time road conditions, and reasonably distribute the drive torque, then inhibit the wheels slip. As if its application in the wheel loader, the traction and the passing ability when the loader operating will be greatly improved.This paper analyzed the disadvantages of the traditional mechanical limited slip differential, according to the forms of loader drive axle, and improved the friction plate limited slip differential, then obtained the electro-hydraulic limited slip differential using for loader. For the ZL50 loader, the paper completed the dynamics analysis of the loader transmission and the building of a vehicle simulation system, and designed the fuzzy controller of with parameter self-tuning of the electro-hydraulic limited slip differential, moreover verified its rationality and applicability by the simulation analysis.For the driving transmission system of the ZL50 loader, the paper analyzed the transmission characteristics of the relevant parts, according to the experiment data, and in turn established mathematical model for the loader engine, the torque converter, the transmission, the drive axle and the wheel. Then combining the relevant parameters of the loader, the paper built and debugged a straight line driving simulation system by these mathematical models in MATLAB / SIMULINK.The electro-hydraulic differential system as a control model, this paper used this fuzzy control algorithm to design membership functions of the controller -Control Rules. With the vehicle simulation system, the capability of the electro-hydraulic limited-slip differential system in the butt on the road, separating the road and the chessboard road straight driving had been simulation analyzed. This paper compared the common open differential with the electro-hydraulic limited slip.The results showed that the electro-hydraulic limited slip differential with the fuzzy control conquers the disadvantages of the open, and has good adaptability to the road conditions with adhesion coefficient changing, and adaptively adjusts the limited slip torque output by the road conditions, so that the drive torque of the two sides wheel can be distributed in reason. These can suppress the wheel slip and improve traction performance. The designed controller can quickly control the slip rate in the vicinity of target; its response time was significantly less than the ordinary open differential; the control of high precision. The paper proved that the matching between the control system and the electro-hydraulic system, the rationality of the control method.


