

【作者】 夏薇

【导师】 陈朝龙;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 家族企业作为一种古老的企业模式,有其特有优势和必然的存在原因。2010年《福布斯》中文版的报告显示:与欧美地区的情况一致,中国上市企业中,家族企业的整体表现优于其他非家族企业。但国内大多数家族企业仿佛都难以实现长期的传承经营,因传承失败导致企业分崩离析的例子屡见不鲜。企业如何获得持久的成功?创始人的衣钵该交给谁?富二代们能否顺利接棒?企业如何培养结班人,建立起合理的经营权传承模式?这一系列的问题正日益引起企业和社会的重视,也吸引了众多学者来深入探讨研究。XD公司正是极具中国特色的家族企业中的一员,在公司逐渐拓展业务的过程中面临了企业管理层断代的危机,希望能寻求合理的方式解决企业内部管理和继承问题,以实现家族企业的可持续发展。论文对企业如何选择合理的经营权继承模式进行研究。在查阅了大量有关家族企业和家族企业继承相关资料的前提下,根据企业需求,采取领导访谈和发放企业内部调查问卷的方式,深入研究企业实际。并运用SWOT分析方法,对企业进行传承的条件进行了系统的分析,提炼出经营权的过渡性传承模式方案,并就方案的具体设计、方案触发条件和方案特点等方面进行具体阐述,供企业进行切合实际的选择,解决企业继承问题。创新点在于:第一、从某一家族企业特定需求着眼,探讨过渡性继承模式。家族企业的传承方式阻碍企业发展的问题日益突出,直系继承人无法按时接掌家族企业时,许多企业都已经开始采用职业经理人或者旁系亲属暂时托管的企业管理模式,但对于如何选择合适的企业接管模式不曾有充分的理论研究,创新点之一就是实际的需求和理论的缺乏。第二、在研究中,采用访谈和调研问卷的方式提炼企业需求,并以SWOT分析方法对企业现状进行深入分析,为指导XD公司选择适合的继承模式指明方向。

【Abstract】 As an old business model, the family business has its necessary existence reason and the unique advantages. According to the report of Chinese edition“Forbes”in 2010, similarly to the western country’s circumstances, among China-listed companies, the family business performed better than the non-family business as a whole trend. However, most of the domestic family companies were difficult to inherit. There are many examples of business failure because of the Rich 2G fail to inherit their companies, so how could the companies build lasting success? Should the company founder hand over business to their“insider”or“outsider”? Whether the Rich 2G can take over smoothly or not? How can companies train their successors and build up a reasonable inheritance model? These series of problems had caused the attention of the company and society more and more, and also attracted many scholars to take further research.The XD Company, one of the typical Chinese family businesses, faced the problem of lacking the potential successors in the process of expanding their business gradually, hoped to seek a rational way to solve the internal management and the inheritance problem in order to realize their family business’sustainable development.The paper was mainly researched how the XD Company can reasonably choose its inheritance model; the research was based on plenty of family businesses and inheritance literatures, spontaneously designed the XD Company’s internal survey, and provided intensive investigation. Based on the investigation data and survey analysis, adopted SWOT analysis to evaluate its Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats; extracted the key points to solve inheritance problem on basis of company’s actual performance and identified the model should directed to the transitional inheritance. The paper preliminary proposed two transitional inheritance models for XD Company, then specifically elaborated on the models on the aspects of model designing, model’s trigger conditions and model’s features in order to provide the companies suitable transitional inheritance model and work out the inheritance problem in terms of their own needed.Main innovation points of this paper as follows: Firstly, it explored transitional inheritance model based on one family-owned company’s specific needs, the inheritance of family business obstructing the development of company- has become an increasingly important issue. In practice, during the period of the immediate successor cannot take over the business on time, many companies have already begun to adopt the professional managers or let the relatives take over temporarily, however, they still do not have sufficient theoretical research to help to choose the suitable business take over model, so the actual needs and lack of theories is one of the innovation point of this paper.Secondly, in the study, we adopt the interview and survey to extract the company’s needs, and based on the SWOT analysis, In-depth analysis of the family business’status and guided the right direction for XD Company’s inheritance model.

【关键词】 家族企业继承过渡性
【Key words】 Family BusinessInheritanceTransitional
  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【下载频次】124

