

【作者】 王千里

【导师】 李媛;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对翠屏区——宜宾市党委、政府所在地,在职能不健全(部分行政权由市政府行使)的情况下,如何既保障大型国有企业发展要素,又保障“工业强区”战略发展要素进行研究。文章分析了区属经济发展中要素保障不充分的原因——市区体制不顺,辖区内国企地方扶持意识不强;并基于此提出假设——应该从四个方面突破,保障“工业强区”战略六大要素;然后通过相关经济数据来验证假设,以期望通过采取这些措施实现下一个5年工作目标——到2015年,走新型工业化道路,提高企业自主创新能力,不断延伸产业链条,加快推进产业集聚,做强做大优势产业,改造提升传统产业,积极引进高新技术产业,培育一批规模大、效益好、竞争力强的企业集团、优势产业基地和特色产业集群,推动工业产品结构由初级为主向中高端和高附加值为主转变,产业结构由原材料为主向高加工度为主转变,工业发展由资源主导型向创新主导型转变,增长方式由粗放型向集约型转变,在翠屏区建设川、滇、黔重要的装备制造业、农产品加工业、纺织业基地。

【Abstract】 This article have investigated how to service Large-scale State-owned enterprises with protecting the elements of industrial strength area strategic in Cuiping district-a municipal area. The analysis of the elements belonged to the economic development of the reasons for inadequate security-The urban system that is not and Within the jurisdiction of state-owned enterprises is not strong sense of local support; and make assumptions that It should be a breakthrough from the six areas, to protect "industrial strength zone" six elements of strategic; then through the relevant economic data to test hypotheses, thus strive for a five-year targets-To take a new road to industrialization, improving the ability of independent innovation, continue to extend the industrial chain, to accelerate industrial agglomeration, strong and big industries, transform and upgrade traditional industries, and actively introduce high-tech industry, foster a number of large-scale, effective, competitive strong enterprise group, advantages and characteristics of industrial clusters industrial base, the promotion of industrial product structure dominated by the primary high-end and high value-added to the main changes in industrial structure from the raw materials are the main changes to the high degree of processing, industrial development by the resource-based to innovation-led change in growth mode from extensive to intensive, in Cuiping construction Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and important equipment manufacturing, agricultural product processing industry, textile industry base.

  • 【分类号】F427
  • 【下载频次】77

