

The Study on Sudden Mass Incidents and the Government Crisis Management in Ethnic Regions

【作者】 曹文波

【导师】 廖小东;

【作者基本信息】 贵州财经学院 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,突发性群体事件成为社会普遍关注的重大理论问题和现实问题。尤其是对于发生在民族地区的突发性群体事件而言,其频发度及其危害的严重性均呈上升趋势,它不但严重影响了民族地区的经济发展、社会和谐与稳定,更影响着民族的团结和国家的统一,影响着民族地区政府的公信力的和合法性。因此,加强对民族地区突发性群体事件的研究,化民族地区突发性群体事件所带来的“危”为“机”,对于促进民族地区的和谐快速发展,实现全面的小康社会具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。本文分为六个部分:第一部分为导论部分。在这一部分里,主要讨论本论文的研究缘起、研究意义、研究思路、方法、创新之处与不足之处以及本文中所涉及一些重要概念的辨析。第二部分为基础理论与文献综述。在这一部分里,主要论述与本研究相关的一系列理论,同时对国内外的相关研究现状进行述评。相关理论主要有:1、群体事件理论,主要包括社会聚众理论、相对剥夺感理论(“J型曲线理论”)、现代化理论和社会冲突理论;2、危机管理理论,主要包括危机管理过程理论、危机的生命周期理论和公权与私权理论。第三部分开始是正文部分,即对民族地区突发性群体事件的分析。在这一部分里,主要分析:1、民族地区不同类型的群体性事件;2、民族地区突发性群体事件的特点。它包括民族地区突发性群体事件与一般地区突发性群体事件的共性和特殊性两个方面;3、民族地区突发性群体事件的深层原因。第四部分对民族地区政府在应对群体性危机事件过程中存在的问题进行分析。在这一部分里,主要对近年来发生在民族地区的因民族性或非民族性因素而引发的群体性事件进行比较研究,从而找出民族地区政府在征兆期、爆发期和痊愈期应对群体事件中存在的问题并进行仔细地分析。第五部分提出民族地区政府应对群体性危机事件的有效对策。在这一部分里,将基于民族地区群体性事件发生的深层原因、民族地区政府在进行此类危机管理中所面临的困难、存在的问题和矛盾,全面、系统地探索相关的政策措施,力图构建一套民族地区政府应对突发性群体事件的有效机制或危机管理体系。第六部分为结语部分。在本研究中,主要有以下三个方面的创新。第一,在理论视角方面。本文从政府危机管理的视角来分析民族地区的突发性群体事件,可以填补相关研究领域的空白;第二,在管理实践方面。本文区分了两种不同类型的突发性群体事件,并据此提出有针对性的预防和处置民族地区突发性群体事件的建议;第三,在研究内容方面。本文提出了民族地区政府危机管理的预警指标体系、危机评估指标体系、危机预防的网络图以及制度化、动态化的危机管理措施。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the sudden mass events have been becoming a universal concern of the significant theoretical and practical problems. Particularly to the mass events in the region of ethnic in China,which the frequency degree and serious harm has a upward trend.It not only affects economic development,social harmony and stability of the ethnic regions,but affects national solidarity,national unity,even the government’s public credibility and legality.Therefore,strengthening the research of sudden mass events of the ethnic regions, transforming the dangeres which brought about by sudden mass events of the ethnic regions into chances, which has important practical and theory significances to promote harmony and rapid development and achieve a well-off society in an all-round way of the ethnic regions .This article is divided into six parts:The first part is introduction. It mainly discusses the origin,significances, thinking and methods, innovation and disadvantages,even the discrimination of some important concepts of the study.The second part is basic theory and article review. It mainly discusses a series of related theory of this research and my comments to present situation of study at home and aboard. The related theories include the theory of mass event and crisis management theory. The theory of mass event is mainly divided into the theory of social gather a crowd, the theory of relative deprivation(J type of the theory), modernization theory and social conflicts theory; while the crisis management theory is mainly divided into the theory of crisis management processes, the theory of life cycle and the theory of public rights and private rights.The third part is body text. It analyzes the sudden mass events of the ethnic regions.In this part, there are three aspects to be analyzed.Firstly,different types of mass events of ethnic regions. Secondly, features of the sudden mass events of ethnic regions. The features can divide into similarity and uniqueness between the sudden mass events of ethnic regions and other regions.Thirdly,the profound reasons in sudden mass events of ethnic regions.The fourth part is analyzed the problems which existed in resolving mass crisis events for government of ethnic regions.In this part are comparatively study mass events which are brought about by ethnic factors or non-ethnic factors.In order to find out and carefully analyze the problems of the government in ethnic regions response to mass events during the period of prodromal, breakout and recovery. The fifth part brings forward some effective countermeasures to resolve mass danger events. In this part, basis on the deep reasons of mass events, the difficulties, problems and contradiction in this kind of crisis management by the government in ethnic regions.This article will comprehensively and systematically explore relevant countermeasures.This article tries to build an effective mechanism or system to deal with sudden mass events.The sixth part is conclusion.There are three main innovations in this article.Firstly,in terms of theoretical perspective. From the perspective of government crisis management to analyse sudden mass events in the ethnic regions,which can fill the gaps of relevant research.Secondly,in the respect of management practice.The article differentiates two different types of sudden mass events,and bring out some pointed proposals of preventing and disposaling sudden mass events in the ethnic regions.Thirdly,in the respect of research.The article proposals not only warning indicator system and crisis assessment indicator system of government crisis management but also institutionalized and dynamic crisis management measures.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】378

