

Research on Dance Education at Primary and Secondary School and Inheritance of National Folk Dance

【作者】 朱璐

【导师】 周宏;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 舞蹈学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个拥有56个民族的大国,民族文化丰富多彩,民族文化历史博大精深、源远流长。各民族在特定的自然环境中,经过长期的生活劳动逐步的实现各民族本身特有的文化。他们以勤劳质朴的本质、勇敢的精神创造了丰富多彩的赋有深厚内涵的民族文化,为中华民族这个大家庭注入了新的活力。随着历史的脚步,各民族在物质与精神上不断创造,不断充实自己的文化内涵,形成许多优秀的传统美德。培养学生民族荣誉感有利于学生的价值追求,可产生对自身国家利益和国家尊严维护意识。特别是在经济时代,各国文化相融通,使学生接触了不同文化,不同的感官刺激,使学生对本民族的文化了解极少,大大削弱了学生的民族认同感。如何将这些民族文化传承下去一直是研究的重点。如今中小学教育正向着综合性发展,教育更加注重了学生的全面发展。中小学期间是学生形成人生观、价值观的关键时期,在这个阶段是培养学生民族荣誉感的最佳时期。同时中小学也是一个普及教育最广的空间,中小学是每一个人都要经历的过程,我们可以将其看成传承民族文化最广阔的场所。孔子认为乐舞是人表现情感的最佳方式,舞蹈会影响人的心情和道德,孔子将乐舞看作完善人格的自修教育。如今在不同的环境影响下,学生对民族民间舞了解的越来越少,对本民族舞蹈文化也是知之甚少,与民族舞蹈相比较更喜欢流行舞蹈,这种情况占了学生中的一大部分。中小学舞蹈教育与民族民间舞传承研究,是一种将民族民间舞蹈教育渗透在普通教育之中的新课题,首先阐述了目前中外基础教育中舞蹈教育所面临的现象;其次,对民族民间舞传承的意义与民族民间舞与中小学教育的关系作了论述;最后就开发具有本土特色的校本课程提出了一系列的见解。将中小学开发成一个传承民族文化的大环境,让民族民间舞一辈辈的传承下去是非常值得研究的。

【Abstract】 A great country of 56 nationalities, China boasts rich and various ethnic cultures with a distant and profound history.Each national group developed its own unique culture during their long process of labor work in their unique natural environment.Characterized as diligent and simple,they created exquisite and profound national culture and injected new vigor to the great Chinese nationality.With time passing,each national group made more and more material and spiritual achievements to enrich their culture,and formed many traditional virtues.To foster a sense of national honor among students can help them form their valuable pursuits and the sense of safeguarding national interest and dignity. Especially in current economic times,cultural communications between all countries have kept students in contact with different culture and sensory stimulation while in less understanding in their own national culture and weakened their sense of national identity.This research is focused on how national cultures can be inherited. Currently,primary and secondary education is developing towards a comprehensive direction with an emphasis on all-round development of students. The stage of primary and secondary education is the time of fostering philosophy on life and values for students and also the best time to foster their sense of national honor.As an unavoidable stage, primary and secondary education is also the golden opportunity for popularizing universal education,which makes us believe it is the best place for inheritance of national culture.Confucius holds music and dance is the best way for people to express their feelings.As dance can affect people’s mood and morals, Confucius regards music and dance as self-education for perfecting personality.In current environment,students understand less and less about national folk dance and even about their own national dance culture. Compared with folk dance,they favor more pop dance,which is true among most of them. Research on dance education at primary and secondary school and inheritance of national folk dance is a new subject on how we can penetrate national folk dance education into universal education:firstly,what is faced by dance education in elementary education at home and abroad is described;secondly,the relation between inheritance of national folk dance,national folk dance and primary and secondary education is expounded;lastly,views and visions on localized school-based curriculum development are provided. It is worth of good research on how we can develop primary and secondary schools into a place for inheritance of national culture and national fold dance from generation to generation.


