

Characteristics of Changchun Edition Chinese Textbook for Junior High School in Test-Selecting and Research in Rural Using

【作者】 宗威

【导师】 宋祥;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着课程改革的深入,语文教材的“一纲多本”已成为主流,长春版语文教材就是其中极具特色的的一套,它从1999年开始试用,自2004年初审通过开始在长春、松原等地区试用,又在2007年通过了国家的正式审查,成为在吉林省及周边一些地区的适用教材,到目前已有几年的时间,已发行60万套,受到使用地区广大师生的欢迎和好评。但是任何一套教材不可能是完美无缺的,在使用中必然会存在着这样那样的问题,尤其是长春版这样年轻的语文教材。语文教材是语文课程与教学的基本凭借,是最为重要的语文课程资源,对于学生的语文学习有着至关重要的制约和决定作用,为此十分有必要对此套教材的使用情况加以考察和分析。然而从现有的研究资料来看,对于长春版初中语文教材的关注和研究还很少,尤其是这套教材在农村地区使用情况的反馈信息少,相关的研究资料更少,为此有必要对这套教材在农村地区的使用情况进行全面深入系统的考察和研究,本文力图从选文特点、使用情况及农村教师使用这套教材的策略三个方面入手进行研究。力求探求出一条能够整合该套教材与教师优劣势的合理途径,更充分地挖掘教材,以推进教材在农村的较好使用及反作用于教材的新发展。本论文分成五个部分。引言部分介绍选题背景及出发点、研究对象、研究方法和步骤。第一章论述长春版初中语文教材的选文特点。第二章,论述长春版初中语文教材内容的编排特点。第三章通过问卷调查法和个案分析法等方法,从实践中分析归纳出这套教材在吉林省农村地区的使用情况及存在的问题。第四章则针对前一章所列弊端提出相应的使用策略及教学建议,以更好地指导实践。

【Abstract】 With the development of education reforming ,the idea of“one criterion, multiple textbook”has become a main currency. Based on excellent chinese traditional culture ,Changchun edition Chinese textbook for junior high school has been widely comprehended and used since it was first published in 2007.According to the statistics, the number of the students who are using the series of teaching materials is over 600 thousand.Owing to little feedback on them from rural area as well as less research into the current situasion of using them in rural area ,I made detailed analysis in three aspects , that is ,the characteristics of text—selecting ,the current situation of using them in rural area as well as the exposed problems and the proposals for rural teachers to refer to .The paper is made up of four parts: the introduction of the paper mainly comments on the background of the topic and starting points.The research objects,the research methods and the purpose .The first chapter of the paper briefly concentrates on the three characteristics of the text—selecting of Changchun edition Chinese teaching materials for junior high school .The second chapter of the paper makes investigations and analysis on the current situation of using the teaching materialsThe last chapter concerns the problems in using them ,such as the lack of teaching resource, the poor quality of teachers as well as the shortage of the basis on the way of teaching and the resolution and proposals on how to make teaching and learning more effective in rural area.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】193

