

The Entire Running Speed Level Distribution Characteristics Research of Chinese High Level Man’s 1500m Ran Athletes

【作者】 刘宪刚

【导师】 赵旭明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中跑也称“中距离跑”,它是中长跑(middle and long distance race)的分属。中跑属于800米以上距离的田径运动项目。中距离跑项目有男、女800米和1500米,是历史悠久且开展普遍的运动项目。1836年以前在英国就开始了这个项目的比赛。1896年,在雅典举行的第一届奥运会上,男子800米和1500米跑被列入正式比赛项目。后来中长跑这项运动在世界各国相继开展起来。中长跑运动于1840年鸦片战争以后传入我国。1910年旧中国第一届全国运动会设立了880码跑。到1948年旧中国第七届全国运动会中长跑项目仅有男子800米、1500米和10000米。新中国成立后,中跑的运动水平提高得比较快,但由于起点低,因此和世界先进水产仍有较大差距。我国在20世纪五六十年代吸收了其他国家的训练经验,并结合我国运动员的实际,进行了有计划的系统训练,长跑运动水于有较大幅度的提高。90年代辽宁“马家军”开始崛起,从1993年曲云霞和王军霞打破1500米、3000米和10000米三项世界纪录开始,我国运动员在中长跑项目上取得了辉煌成就,尤其女选手的运动成绩尤为突出。我国的中跑训练,在70、80年代,已形成自己的训练体系。中长跑运动水平的持续提高与不断采用科学训练方法有直接关系。这些科学训练方法是以运动生理、运动生化、运动医学等诸多学科理论为基础的,因而能最大限度地挖掘人体机能潜力,创造出优异的运动成绩和纪录。中跑的发展大体可分为三个阶段。第一阶段,30年代中期(1936年)以前:随着英国出现中跑的竞赛,许多国家也相继开展起来。这个阶段的主要训练手段是长时间的匀速跑和节奏跑。第二阶段,30年代中期到70年代初(1936-1971年):在这三十多年里,出现了许多训练体系和方法,中跑的运动水平得到了大幅度的提高,这个阶段主要的训练手段是“法特莱克跑”(fartlek)以及间歇跑和重复跑。第三阶段,70年代初至90年代初(1972-1993):这个阶段,虽然没出现新的训练方法及训练体系,但许多国家的教练员结合本国运动员的特点,发展自己的训练方法,使之更加科学化。本文通过对相关文献资料的查询,对国内男子优秀中跑运动员和教练员的访谈,以及对当今世界先进竞赛水平的观察,总结出目前我国中距离跑比赛全程速度分配安排和赛前训练主要存在以下几方面的问题:首先,中距离跑运动员比赛全程速度分配战术的运用,要根据个人特点而制定。因为无论是从全程速度分配模式特点、专项能力与速度能力、参赛理念和战术的运用,国内运动员与世界优秀中跑运动员相比都存在较大的差距。其次,中距离跑比赛全程速度分配极其难以控制,赛前专项训练中如果不受外界不影响情况下,按照自定节奏(领跑者)能跑出理想成绩,但比赛中往往都无法表现出来,不能发挥出最好的运动水平,许多运动员由于比赛中全程速度分配不当,导致比赛失利的例子很多。最后,在赛前准备阶段的负荷量与强度的训练,和赛前强化阶段的负荷强度训练,国内运动员与世界优秀运动员相比也存在较大的差距。因此研究世界男子优秀中距离跑运动员全程速度分配的特点,同时分析我国优秀男子中距离跑选手比赛中全程各段落速度分配变化的特点,找出他们存在的不足,从而研究对策,进一步完善训练方法,是当前我们面临的一个严峻的问题。

【Abstract】 Middle distance also known as“middle distance race”, it belongs to“middle distance race”. Middle Distance is an item of above the 800 meters’ track and field. Middle Distance project has the male and the female 800m and 1500m. With a long history and middle distance is universally sport. Before the year 1836 it has began the project match in England. Held in Athens in 1896, the first Olympic Games, man 800m and 1500m was listed in the official event. Later in the campaign middle distance worldly successively carried out. Middle distance movement came to China after the opium war in 1840. In 1910 old China the first national games established 880 codes to run. To 1948, the seventh national games old middle-long-distance 800 meters, only man project 1500 meters and 10,000 meters. After the founding of new China, the sports level run more quickly, but because of the low starting point, therefore and world advanced aquatic still have a large gap. Our country in 1950s and 1960s absorb the other countries of training experience and combining the actual our athletes, the planned system training, running water in motion is much improved. The 1990s MaJiajun "began to rise of liaoning" from 1993, QuYunxia and WangJunxia broke 1500 meters, 3,000 meters and 10000m three world records began, our athletes at middle-long-distance made brilliant achievement project, especially female athletes sporting success particularly outstanding. Our training, run in the 1970s and 1980s, has formed own training system.Middle distance race movement level’s continue to improve and continuously adopts scientific training method has a direct relation. These scientific training method is for athletic physiology、Exercise biochemistry、Sports Medicine and based on the theory of many disciplines etc. So we can maximize the mining the function of the body, creating excellent potential sports achievements and record. Middle distance roughly the development can be divided into three stages. The first stage, medium-term before in the 1936s:As the race run appeared in Britain, many countries have also successively carried out. the main training means of this phase is long uniform ran and rhythm run. The second stage:In the mid 30yeas to the early of 70year(s1936-1971):In the thirty years, appeared a lot of training system and method, (sports standards have been greatly improved,This phase is training means“fartlek”、Interval running and repeat run.The third stage:Early 1970s to the early 1990s(1936-1971):This stage, although no new training method and training system, but many national coach in light of their own characteristics of athletes training methods, development of its own, and make it more scientific.This article through to the relevant documents and materials to domestic man good enquiries, run the interview, athletes and coaches to today’s world and the advanced level of competition observations,Summarizes at present our country mid-range entire speed assignment running tournaments pre-season training arrangements and the main existing problems in the following aspects:First, a middle distance runner match the entire speed distribution according to the use of tactical, personal characteristics and formulation. Because no matter from the The entire speed distribution pattern characteristics, special ability and speed capability, the use of competing ideas and tactics, Chinese athletes run compared with world excellent athletes are substantial gap.Secondly, mid-range ran the race is extremely difficult to control speed distribution in special training game without external does not affect cases, according to a home-grown rhythm (leading) can run an ideal result, But the games are not expression comes out, can’t play the best sports level, many athletes due to match the entire speed, leading to defeat improper distribution of example a lot.Finally, in the pre-match preparation stage with strength training load of the game, and strengthening phase load strength training, domestic athletes and the world excellent athletes there exist great gap compared. So the world men’s excellent entire speed distribution middle distance runner, and analyzes the characteristics of outstanding man mid-range runners game each paragraph speed assignment whole characteristic, and finding their change of the deficiencies, to further improve the research strategies and training methods, is the current we face a serious problem

  • 【分类号】G822.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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