

Research on Industrial Development in the City of Jilin in Th Background of Taking Chang-Ji-Tu as the Pilot Zone

【作者】 张宝辉

【导师】 于国政;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2009年11月16日,国务院正式批复《中国图们江区域合作开发规划纲要——以长吉图为开发开放先导区》,长吉城际铁路2011年元月正式开通,长吉一体化战略开始全面实施,作为长吉图区域的重要中心城市、节点区域和长吉一体化的一极,吉林市的产业发展面临着新的机遇和挑战,需要从更高的区域层次进行深入研究探讨。本篇论文运用区域经济学和产业演进理论对吉林市产业发展问题进行了研究。论文主要从四个方面进行阐述。第一部分:先说明论文的研究背景、选题意义以及相关文献,之后阐述产业、产业结构、区域经济等相关概念,以及关于产业结构演进、区域分工与协作等相关理论。第二部分:定性与定量相结合地叙述吉林市的自然地理特征以及经济发展状况,采用区位熵这一指标选取吉林市的核心产业,分析吉林市产业结构的特征以及产业发展存在的问题。第三部分:分析长吉图先导区的成立给吉林市带来的机遇和挑战,并指出未来吉林市产业发展的战略思路和调整方向。第四部分:根据产业发展思路和方向,提出吉林市产业发展和结构调整的具体路径措施。结语:阐述了本篇论文的结论和特色。

【Abstract】 As the State Council gaves its official approval to“Outline on Chinese Tumen River regional cooperation and development plan-setting Changjitu as the pilot zone”, the inter-city railway opening and the State Council formulated and published a number of views for further implementing the strategy of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases and so on, those provide many opportunities for the second largest city of Jilin province. The paper figure out the development strategy for industrial structure ,some measures and proposals in the background of that.PartⅠ: At first ,the writer introduces the background and meaning of the paper. After that he elaborates the conception of industry and industrial structure, and expound the theory of industrial structure, regional division of labor and cooperation.PartⅡ: Describing the natural environment and economic development in the city of Jilin with qualitative and quantitative measures, making use of the Quotient of the Location to select the industries which have comparative advantages. Analyzing the characteristic of the industrial structure and the trouble in the development of the industries.PartⅢ: Located in the center of the Northeast Asia, the city of Jilin not only receives a lot of opportunities but also has to confront the challenges with the pilot zone of Changjitu has developed. Then the writer proposes the orientation of the industrial structure should be regulated.PartⅣ: The author puts forward some constructive ideas about the city of Jilin how to develop the economic further including to build useful environment for developing the economic, to promote the development of producer services such as financial industry, logistics industry, tourism industry and so on. To strengthen economic cooperation and technology exchange with the countries of the Northeast Asia.Conclusion:summary the content , advantageous and disadvantageous of this paper.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】204

