

A Category Research of Life Type TV Program in China

【作者】 郭欣

【导师】 王建辉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪后,各行业都在迅猛发展,电视业也空前繁荣。随着人们收入的增加,生活水平的提高,人们不再只是埋头赶路,而是开始关注生活,关心怎样才能使自己的生活更有品质,更加的舒适健康。这些都促成了生活类电视节目的繁荣。当下,生活类电视节目已经成为了继新闻、娱乐、综艺之后,最受观众欢迎的节目之一。我们都知道,上世纪三四十年代是好莱坞类型片的辉煌期。类型片对于观众来说,就像具有着天生的魔力,只要类型片一出就是票房的保证。那么,笔者在想,是否也可以归纳出生活类电视节目的有效类型,也可以成为收视率的保证。谈到类型,不得不谈及题材和形式。现在,几乎各台都有生活类节目,但是题材却总是围绕着那几个方面,保健、美食、旅游、汽车、美容、家居等。生活包罗万象,生活类节目的题材本该应有尽有,为何只围绕着几个方面打不开。究竟电视观众迫切地想要看到哪些方面的题材,这些方面又为何很少被提及。另外,随着电视业的发展,各种节目形式已经非常成熟,比如脱口秀型、真人秀型、竞技型、杂志型等,这些新的节目形式与生活类节目相结合会产生哪些新的特点,是不是每一种节目形式都可以植入到任一种题材中,这些都是本文要深入探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, the industries are in rapid development of the television industryhas also been an unprecedented development. As people’s income increases,and improvementof living standards,people no longer just buried their way, but began to care about life,concerned about how he will make a better quality of life, more comfortable and health. Haveall contributed to the prosperity and lifestyle TV programs. The moment, TV program of thetype of life has become one of the most populer program following the news, entertainment,and variety.We all know, Three to four decades of last century is a brilliant piece of Hollywoodtypes. Type of film for the audience, like has some magic, as long as the genre is a box officeguarantee.So I was thinking, whether we can summarize the effective life of type of TVprogram, ratings can also be guaranteed. Speaking type, Have to talk about content andforms.Now, almost all of the channels have TV program of the type of life, but the contentwas always around the TV drama aspects, such as health care, food, travel, automotive,beauty, home and so on. Life is very wide, The content of everything in this life, why onlyaround a few areas. What television viewers want to see what pressing subjects, and whythese areas are rarely mentioned. In addition, with the development of the television industry,the form of various programs has been very mature, such as talk show type, reality show type,athletic type, magazine type and so on. These new forms of life type of program shows thecombination of what would be new features, whether every program can be implanted in theform of a theme in the arrival, these are discussed in this article the problem.

【关键词】 生活类电视节目题材形式类型
【Key words】 Life Type TV ProgramContentFormType
  • 【分类号】G222
  • 【下载频次】208

