

Research on Technical Staff Sharing in Chemical Industrial Enterprise of Dalian

【作者】 王秀萍

【导师】 房国忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,对人力资源的有效管理已经成为企业利润增长点的这一观点已经被人们普遍接受。企业的发展离不开员工,而员工的流动必须做到和企业的战略决策相匹配。如果员工的流动得到了正确的引导和管理,那么当企业需要人力资源的时候,就能通过人力资源的流入或人力资源的内部流动来满足需求,从而支持企业的战略决策的实施;而当企业的发展不需要富余的人力资源的时候,也能够通过人力资源的有序流出来消除富余人员,从而降低人力资源成本,人员流动是企业发展的现实问题。随着我国经济的深入发展,对人的管理也经历了从单纯的人事管理到人力资源管理的时代,其中发生最大变化的莫过于用工制度、分配制度和干部制度的改革。特别是企业与个人实行了双向选择,企业可以选择员工,员工也可炒组织企业“鱿鱼”。这种员工向企业外的流动对员工、企业、社会所产生的影响越来越大,成为人力资源管理研究的一个重点。本文针对化工产业聚集区这样一个在特定的地理区域内的产业体系的员工流动现象,为化工企业管理者提供了一套有效的建立技术人才共享的模式,可以帮助企业管理者降低企业员工流动风险,并提出了以联合招聘、联合培训和人才共享的联盟状态,来减少员工流动,降低企业管理成本。大连地区的化工企业经过近十几年的发展,在日趋激烈的竞争环境中,已经走出了雏形并走向了成熟稳定的发展阶段,企业经历了从最初的工艺设备落后的简单加工生产方式,到现在的机械化流水线作业,不论是其工艺水平、生产规模和经营机制都发生了重大的变化,同时伴随着外部经营环境上发生的深刻变化,人才流动也发生着深刻的变化,特别是由于大连地区这样一个中小城市地域的限制,使一些人才不愿意来到这样一个小城市发展,但对企业发展的而言,人才才是生命源泉,是核心竞争力的根本所在,即技术人才决定了企业的创新能力,那么各企业对现有技术人才的渴求,导致了技术人才在企业间相互流动的现象非常严重,不仅给企业带来了众多负面影响,也给各企业人力资源管理带来了较大的压力。如何解决企业间人才恶性竞争,是各企业面临的重大问题,也是本文要研究的主旨。全文分为五部分,首先论述了选题意义及研究背景,对国内外员工流动现状做了简单介绍。第二,阐明了企业员工流动的基本理论和企业技术人才共享理论,介绍了企业技术人才共享的概念和模式以及员工流动存在的理论依据。第三,通过抽样调查大连地区八家化工企业六年间技术人才的流动情况,分析其流动特点,并指出了此种情况给企业带来的诸多负面影响。第四,通过参阅国内外相关数据资料,并结合前一部分化工企业技术人才流动的特点,从个人因素、企业发展的需要和社会因素三个方面对引起员工流动的具体原因进行分析。第五,从以上原因分析入手,明确了建立技术人才共享机制的基本原则,并为大连地区的化工企业提出了一套切实可行的基本制度,对企业具有一定的实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, it is generally accepted that the effective management of human resource (short as HR) has become the growth point of enterprise profits. Employees are indispensable to enterprise development, while the employee mobility must be matching with the enterprise strategic decision. If the employee mobility can be well managed, the enterprise HR requirements can be fulfilled through HR inflow or HR internal fluxion, thus supporting the implementation of enterprise strategic decisions. In case the enterprise does not require surplus manpower, the surplus can be regulated through the HR outflow, thus reducing the manpower cost. In conclusion, the employee mobility is an actual issue to the enterprise development.With the deepening development of national economy, the staff management has developed from personnel management to human resource development, in which, the biggest change is no more than the reform of recruitment system, allocation system and leader system. Especially after the two-way selection is adopted between the enterprises and individuals, the enterprise can choose employees and the employees also can dismiss the enterprises. Such manpower outflow has more and more impacted on employees, enterprises and the society, becoming one stress of HR management study.This study, subject to the phenomenon of employee flow in the chemical industrial cluster in a certain geographic area, is to provide a technical staff sharing mode to effectively prevent the risk of employee flow. Such measure can help the enterprise administrator to reduce the risks of employee flow and lower the management cost through joint recruitment, joint training and human resource sharing.After years of development of chemical industrial enterprises in Dalian, they have experienced from the initial stage to the mature stage under the increasingly competitive environment. The enterprises have experienced the simple production mode due to undeveloped process and equipments to today’s mechanized work flow with significant progress in processing level, production scale and operation mechanism. Meanwhile, with the significant changes in outer operating environment, a great change of employee flow also takes place, especially in the mid-sized city like Dalian. For the enterprise development, talents are the fountain of life and the root of the core competency, that is, the enterprise creativity depends on the technical staff of an enterprise. The strong requirement of technical staff severely causes the employee flow among enterprises, which produces lots of negative impacts onto the enterprises and brings heaver pressure to enterprise HR management. How to deal with the vice competitions among enterprises is a significant issue that the enterprises are facing and also the purpose of this study.The study consists of five parts. Part I is to address the subject significance and the study background, with a brief introduction of employee flow situation at home and abroad. Part II is to clarify the theoretical basis of the enterprise employ flow and technical staff sharing, introducing the concept and type of the employee flow to deepen the understanding. Part III is to analyze the negative impacts onto the enterprises through referring to a survey conducted among technical staff during the past six years among eight chemical industrial enterprises in Dalian. Part IV is to analyze the causes of employee flow from the aspect of individual factor, enterprise development requirement and social factor, by referring to national and foreign relevant information and with the combination of the actual situation of chemical industrial enterprises. Part V is to clarify the fundamental rule to build the technical staff sharing mode and to provide a set of prevention measure based on the above cause analyses. The research done in this thesis has a great theoretical and practical significance for management of enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F425
  • 【下载频次】63

