

Artistic Characteristics of the Songs from Mao Zedong’s Poetic Works

【作者】 刘洋

【导师】 陈旸;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 毛泽东,中国革命家、战略家、理论家,中国共产党、中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领袖。此外,他还是一位伟大的诗人,毛泽东所创作的诗词有百余首,且流传甚远深远。他的诗词佳作大气磅礴,指点江山,激昂文字,集高度的文学性、艺术性、哲学性于一身,可谓旧体诗的光辉典范。毛泽东是一位伟大的思想者,他的诗作充满革命乐观主义精神,共产主义伟大信仰是他积极的向往。他的诗词热情地讴歌人生理想、赞美壮丽的革命斗争,他在诗作中体现的大气磅礴正是他高尚人格的映射,博大胸襟的写意。自抗日战争起,大量作曲家开始为毛泽东诗词谱曲,一首首经典之作涌现而出,激昂的文字配以大气又富有民族性格的旋律,思想性与艺术性高度统一。直至今日,历经半个多世纪的洗礼,仍有大量毛泽东诗词歌曲被广泛传唱。进而,层出不穷的曲作家被大家所熟知,其中,最具代表性的有劫夫、郑律成、田丰等,他们的创作具有民族性旋律,韵律化节奏,英雄性风格等特点,并且在格律、行腔方面极为讲究,与诗词完美结合。本文由四个章节组成,笔者通过查阅大量书籍资料,结合演唱毛泽东诗词歌曲的切身感受,对毛泽东诗词歌曲的艺术特征进行分析、总结。第一章,对毛泽东诗词的文学特征进行阐述,首先对毛泽东不同时期的诗词创作进行划分,其次对毛泽东诗词的总体特征进行分析。第二章,对毛泽东诗词歌曲的创作进行分期的阶段性阐述。第三章,是本文重点阐述的章节,分别从创作特征、审美特征、演唱特征三方面针对毛泽东诗词歌曲的艺术特征进行详尽阐述。末章,例举毛泽东诗词歌曲中较有代表性的三首作品《忆秦娥·娄山关》、《沁园春·雪》、《七律·人民解放军占领南京》进行分析。本文的重点在于第三章,也是本文的核心章节,分别从创作特征、审美特征和演唱特征三个方面对毛泽东诗词歌曲进行高度的的艺术概括。

【Abstract】 Mao Zedong is a Chinese revolutionist, strategist, theorist, leader of Chinese Communist Party, and one of the main founders of People’s Liberation Army and People’s Republic of China. In addition, he is a great poet, composing more than hundred of worldwide-spreading poems. His poetry is a blend of literariness, artistry, and philosophy. It is full of the spirit of revolutionary optimism and the great belief in communism. It sings the praises of worldly ideal and the gloriously revolutionary struggle, which is a mapping of his noble character.Since the Anti-Japanese War, a large number of composers began to compose the poems of Mao Zedong. The composed poems are full of national personality. They are the integrate of ideological content and artistry. Even today, after more than half a century, there are still a lot of Mao Zedong’s poems widely sung. Furthermore, the endless song writers are well-known. The most representative writers are Jie Fu, Zheng Lucheng, Tian Feng, etc. Their creations have features such as the national melody, rhythmic rhythm, heroical style, and so on.This paper consists four chapters. By consulting a large number of books and singing many Mao Zedong’s poems, I state the artistic features of the songs of Mao Zedong’s poetry. The first chapter explains the literary characteristics of Mao Zedong’s poetry. It divides the different periods of Mao Zedong’s writing and analyzes the general characteristics of Mao Zedong’s poetry. Chapter Two elaborates every creation stage of Mao Zedong’s poetry song’s writing. The third chapter is the focus of this article. It states the artistic features of Mao Zedong’s poetry, from the writing features, the aesthetic characteristics, and the performing characteristics. Chapter Four analyzes the two representatives of Mao Zedong’s poetry.The third chapter is the focus of this article. It states the artistic features of Mao Zedong’s poetry, from the writing features, the aesthetic characteristics, and the performing characteristics.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【下载频次】272

