

Low Grades of Primary School Music Teaching Action Research

【作者】 曾涤

【导师】 刘欣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 音乐教学在学校教育中的功能是陶冶情操,培养集体主义精神,进行德育教育的辅助手段,另外还有提高学生的审美能力的功能。传统的音乐教育通常将学生的学习范围限制在一首歌曲、一支舞蹈之内,因为内容的死板和教学手段的单一,使得音乐失去了本身的美感,也失去了对学生愉悦精神、陶冶情操的作用。为了增强音乐课堂教学效果,我采取了“行动研究”的方法,通过实际的课堂研究总结出了最有效的方法“律动教学”。并简单分析了“行动研究”的研究方法和律动教学的优势。本文以东北师范大学附属小学为个案,研究律动教学在小学低年级音乐课堂教学的有效性和意义。以律动教学作为一种教学手段,在小学低年级音乐课堂上进行具体应用的探索。本文分三章:第一章绪论,其中包括研究问题的研究背景、研究现状、研究价值和研究方法。分析了低年级学生的特点和所采用的“行动研究”方法的特点,说明针对思维模式较简单、活泼好动的低年级学生来说,将“律动教学”运用到小学低年级教学中的可行性。第二章本论,本论是论文的主要部分,通过分析实际课堂案例,从普通教学的课堂中发现问题,再观察实施“律动教学”之后课堂效果的改观,反思总结出律动教学对音乐课堂三维目标实现的影响:运用律动教学能够增加学生的课堂参与度和学习热情、提高学生的知识吸收量和肢体表现能力、增强学生对于音乐的感知和领悟程度。当然,在实施律动教学的过程中会遇到一些困难和问题,所以,在第三章中,总结出了应用律动教学时可以由个人创编动作转为小组创编动作,同时也应注意律动教学在音乐课堂中所占的时间比例。第三章结论和建议中,我首先总结出了通过之前的论述所说明的应用律动教学的优势的积极影响,说明律动教学在小学低年级音乐课堂上有可被推广的意义。之后又通过对具体教学过程的分析,总结出对实施律动教学的教师提出的四点要求:音乐教师应该加强自身的音乐修养、应该以良好的情绪投入到教学中去、要有一定的舞蹈技能和音乐表现力、要将学生摆在“主体”位置。

【Abstract】 Music teaching in school education is the function of edify sentiment cultivate the spirit of collectivism moral education auxiliary methods. In addition to improve students’ aesthetic ability. The traditional music education was that the students learn only from a song or a saltation. Because of the content and the teaching methods of the single inflexible. music lost the aesthetic feeling of itself and also lost on students’ cheerful spirit, edify sentiment role. In order to enhance the effect of teaching, I take the "action research methods. Through the practical classroom study summarized the most effective method of "teaching rhythm". And simplely analysis of the "action research methods and" rhythm "teaching advantages. This article to the Primary School attanched Northeast University as a case. The rhythm in the school suits for lower grade teaching, validity of teaching and meaningful. With rhythm teaching as a teaching means. In the elementary school lower grade music teaching for the exploration of the specific application.This thesis paper is seprated by three chapters, The first chapter Includes the research of problem of background the research present situation, the research value and research methods. Analyses the characteristics of the younger students And the use of the "action research method of characteristics. According to thinking mode is simple student. The elementary school lower grades teaching use "the rhythm of the teaching of feasibility.The second chapter is the main part of the thesis paper. Through the analysis of actual case, And then observe the implementation of "the rhythm teaching" after class effect change Sums up the rhythm of music classroom teaching of realizing the goal of the effect: Use the rhythm to increase students’ participation and learning passion, Improve the students’ knowledge and the body can absorb performance ability, to enhance the understanding of the primary school music degree and understanding. Of course, In the process of implementing the rhythm will meet with some difficulties and problems. So, in the third chapter summarizes the application rhythm teaching by creating individual action can be converted into creating action group. At the same time we also should pay attention to the "rhythm" teaching in the class of music in the proportion of time.In the third chapter conclusions and recommendations. I first summarized through the paper before it in application "rhythm teaching" of the advantages of the positive impact. Explain the rhythm in the elementary school lower grade teaching music class have can be the meaning of promotion. Then through the analysis of the process of teaching Summarizes the implementation of "the rhythm of the teaching of the proposed four notes :Music teachers should strengthen their own music culture, with a good mood to teach, it is certain to have dance skills and music expression, also put the students in the main part.

  • 【分类号】G623.71
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】451

